learn | Podemos aprender cómo San Vladimir solía Espíritu... | We can learn how St. Vladimir used Spirit... |
learn | Quizás debas aprender a usar esto. | [Panting] Maybe you should just learn to use this. |
learn | Están en esta compañía para aprender. | You're in this man's army to learn. |
learn | Tiene que aprender quien manda aquí. | He has to learn who is master here. |
learn | Haré todo en mi poder para aprender conocimiento. | I will do everything in my power to learn knowledge. |
learn | Tú tienes mucho todavía que aprender. | That's why you still have a lot to learn. |
learn | Puedes aprender mucho del reino animal. | You can learn a lot from the animal kingdom. |
learn | Ladrones comunes con mucho que aprender. | (CHILDREN MUTTERING ANGRILY) Common thieves with a lot to learn. |
learn | Podemos aprender a manejar sus naves. | We could learn to operate the vessel ourselves. |
learn | Tengo que aprender cómo capturar una fragancia. | I... I have to learn how to capture a scent. |
learn | Tenéis que aprender a jugar limpio. | You kids have got to learn to play fair. |
learn | Me ilusionaba encontrar a alguien que deseaba aprender. | I was excited to find someone who wanted to learn. |
learn | Estoy acelerada para aprender, hombre. | I am revved up to learn, man. |
learn | Para aprender algo sobre el virus. | The idea was to learn something about Infection. |
learn | No dedica el tiempo necesario a aprender las técnicas. | He does not put in the time it takes to learn the skills. |
learn | Nos bastan unas horas para aprender. | We need just a few hours and we learn. |
learn | Cuéntame, debo aprender esas cosas. | Tell me, I must learn those things. |
learn | Marcela aprendió el arte de la fotografía en un instituto especializado. Estoy aprendiendo alemán. | Marcela learned the art of photography at a specialized college. |
learn by heart | Aprendí todo el poema en un rato. | In English class, we had to learn Hamlet's soliloquy by heart. |
learn to | Tienes que aprender a sumar antes de aprender a multiplicar. | You have to learn to add before you learn to multiply. |
learn [sth] new every day | Siempre se aprende algo nuevo cada día. | You learn something new every day. |
learn from mistakes | Para crecer lo mejor es aprender de los errores. | Learning from mistakes is best way to grow. |
memorize | De niña tuve que aprender de memoria la tabla de multiplicar. | As a child, I had to memorize the multiplication table. |
learn from the past | No a todos les gusta aprender del pasado. | Not everyone likes to learn from the past. |
learn the trade, ply the trade | Juan aprendió el oficio de herrero observando a su abuelo. | Juan learned the trade of blacksmithing by watching his grandfather. |
learn from one another | Eran jóvenes y aprendieron el uno del otro a ser adultos. | The longer they lived together the more they learned from one another. |
learn by playing | Los niños deben aprender jugando. | Children must learn by playing. |
learn your lesson | Espero que hayas aprendido la lección y que la próxima te lo pienses dos veces antes de meterte en un lío. | I hope you have learned your lesson and that next time you think twice before you get yourself into trouble. |
learn by reading | Es importante que los niños aprendan leyendo. | It's important that children learn by reading. |
learn about | Necesito aprender sobre mecánica básica para mi curso de manejo. | I need to learn about basic mechanics for my driving course. |
learn a whole lot | Aprendí un montón en la universidad. | I learnt a whole lot at university. |
learn a lesson | Todo lo que me pasó me hizo aprender una lección. Ya no quiero cometer los mismos errores. | Everything that happened to me made me learn a lesson. Now I don't want to make the same mistakes. |
try to learn | Martín intentó aprender a tocar el piano. | Martin tried to learn to play the piano. |
have much to learn, have a lot to learn | Martín empezó hace poco el trabajo y tiene mucho que aprender. | Martin has only just started the job and has a lot to learn. |