literature | Es literatura clásica, y está leyendo. | This is classic literature, and she's reading. |
literature | El asesino es profesor de literatura. | Here you go: The killer's a literature professor. |
literature | Te pareces mucho al profesor de literatura. | You look so much like what the literature teacher looked like. |
literature | Deja esa literatura rusa deprimente y vístete. | Put that depressing Russian literature down and get dressed. |
literature | Estudio literatura Inglesa en la universidad de Illinois. | I'm studying English literature at the university of Illinois. |
literature | Quería estudiar literatura coreana, pero cambió su carrera. | He wanted to study Korean literature, but he even changed his major. |
literature | Soy estudiante de literatura, Bhupati. | I am a student of literature, Bhupati. |
literature | Deja esa deprimente literatura rusa y vístete. | Put that depressing Russian literature down and get dressed. |
literature | Estudio literatura inglesa y estoy preparando mi tesis. | I study English literature, I am preparing my thesis. |
literature | O superchica que tiene excelentes notas en literatura. | Or the supergirl who's got excellent taste in literature. |
literature | Quiero ser maestra de literatura medieval. | I want to be a professor of medieval literature. |
literature | Estoy estudiando literatura en la comunidad universitaria. | I'm studying literature over at the community college. |
literature | Come, sueña y fornica literatura. | He eats, dreams, and fornicates literature. |
literature | Estoy estudiando literatura comparada en Brown. | I'm majoring in comparative literature at Brown. |
literature | Es el primer libro infantil de la literatura ecuatoguineana. | It is considered the first children's book of Equatoguinean literature. |
literature | No existen demonios en la literatura vulcana. | I would point out there are no demons in Vulcan literature. |
writing | Siempre me pregunta cosas sobre literatura. | She's always asking me questions about writing. |
writing | Eso debería condicionarme para saber algo de buena literatura. | That should qualify me to know a little something about good writing. |
literary | Quieres decirme que nadie te contactó para que escribas literatura... | You mean to tell me that other people haven't contacted you for writing literary... |
literature | Una de sus materias favoritas en la escuela era literatura. | One of her favorite subjects in school was literature. |
literature | Estudia literatura en la universidad de su localidad. | She studies literature at her local university. |