get | Para obtener más almacenamiento, necesita obtener una suscripción mensual. | To get more storage, one needs to get a monthly subscription. |
get | Para obtener las provisiones, debemos atravesar sus escudos. | To get those supplies, we have to take this ship through their shields. |
obtain | Para obtener esas prestaciones es preciso presentar una solicitud. | In order to obtain the above-mentioned benefits a claim had to be submitted. |
obtain | Diversas asociaciones anteriormente proscritas han logrado obtener licencias legales. | Several formerly banned associations have been able to obtain legal licenses. |
obtain | Por tanto esperamos poder obtener buenos resultados en este sentido. | Therefore we hope that we will be able to obtain good results in this regard. |
obtain | Las campesinas pueden obtener préstamos del Gobierno. | Rural women were able to obtain loans from the Government. |
obtain | Espero obtener el respaldo correspondiente de la comunidad internacional. | We hope to obtain the corresponding support of the world community. |
obtain | No llevará mucho obtener su aprobación. | It won't take long to obtain his approval. |
obtain | No fue posible obtener esa información. | It was not possible to obtain this information. |
obtain | Tampoco pudo obtener datos estadísticos sobre los detenidos. | It was also not able to obtain statistical data on prisoners. |
obtain | Los científicos intentarán obtener ADN nuclear de las células óseas. | The scientists will try to obtain Nuclear DNA of the bony cells. |
obtain | Explíquense las condiciones exigidas para obtener la indemnización. | Please explain the conditions that must be met in order to obtain such compensation. |
obtain | Es también posible obtener certificados en forma voluntaria. | It is also possible to obtain certificates on a voluntary basis. |
obtain | Estamos tratando de obtener esa autorización lo antes posible. | We are trying to obtain such authorization as swiftly as possible. |
obtain | No hemos podido obtener datos al respecto. | We were not able to obtain any information on this subject. |
win, get | España obtuvo la medalla de oro en el último campeonato. | Spain won the gold medal in the last championship. |
be made from, be obtained from | El acero se obtiene a partir del hierro. | Steel is made from iron. |