opportunity | Vengo a ofreceros una oportunidad increíble. | I'm coming to all of you with an incredible opportunity. |
opportunity | Sargento, estoy ofreciéndole una oportunidad. | Now, Sergeant, I am offering you an opportunity here. |
opportunity | Aprovecho esta oportunidad para pedir su inmediata liberación. | I take this opportunity to call for their immediate release. |
opportunity | Por separado perderíamos una oportunidad histórica. | Divided, we will lose a historic opportunity. |
opportunity | Muchos solicitantes aprovechan esta oportunidad para evitar un posible dictamen negativo. | This opportunity is often taken by applicants to avoid a possible negative opinion. |
opportunity | Pienso que debemos aprovechar esta oportunidad. | I think we should take advantage of this opportunity. |
opportunity | Es importante que se aproveche esa oportunidad. | It is important that that opportunity should be seized. |
opportunity | Aprovecho esta oportunidad para instarlos a hacerlo. | I take this opportunity to urge them to do so. |
opportunity | Es imprescindible que aprovechemos esa oportunidad. | It is imperative that we seize that opportunity. |
opportunity | Será una oportunidad única para modernizar la Organización. | It will be a unique opportunity to modernize the Organization. |
opportunity | La presidencia noruega espera esta oportunidad para seguir desarrollando estas relaciones. | The Norwegian chairmanship looks forward to this opportunity to further develop these relations. |
opportunity | No quiero estropear una oportunidad como esta para ti. | I don't want to mess up an opportunity for you like that. |
chance | Sería una buena idea darle otra oportunidad. | It would be a good idea if we could give it another chance. |
chance | Ahora tenemos otra oportunidad con Lola. | We got a second chance now with Lola. |
chance | Es una oportunidad magnífica para probar su valentía. | This is an excellent chance for you to prove your bravery and courage. |
chance | Siempre que tengamos esperanzas, habrá una oportunidad. | So long as we got hope, there's always a chance. |
chance | Todavía tenemos una oportunidad de detenerlo. | We've still got a chance to stop him. |
chance | Espero que puedas darme otra oportunidad. | I hope you can give me another chance. |
shot | Podríamos tener una oportunidad de ganar esta carrera. | We might just have a shot at winning this race. |
shot | Aun tengo una oportunidad de salvarla... | I still have one shot to save the store. |
chance, opportunity | Javier aprovechó la oportunidad para hablarle a la chica que le gustaba. | Javier took the opportunity (or: chance) to talk to the girl he liked. |
give an opportunity, give a chance | María le dio una oportunidad al chico. | Maria gave the boy an opportunity. |
let an opportunity pass you by | María dejó escapar la oportunidad de vivir en el exterior. | Maria let the opportunity of living abroad pass her by. |
second chance | Todos merecemos una segunda oportunidad. | We all deserve a second chance. |
have the opportunity to | Tuve la oportunidad de poner en práctica mis estudios. | I had the opportunity to put my learning into practice. |