overcome | El Japón trabaja para superar ese trágico suceso. | Japan is now moving forward to overcome that tragic event. |
overcome | Así podrá superar los dos retos principales. | That will allow it to overcome two main challenges. |
overcome | Demuestra que existe la voluntad de superar nuestras diferencias. | It shows that there is a determination to overcome our differences. |
overcome | Nuestra única posibilidad de superar nuestros problemas radica en asumirlos completamente. | The only way in which we can overcome our problems is by accepting them in full. |
overcome | Evidentemente, proseguiré mis esfuerzos para superar estas dificultades. | I shall, of course, continue my efforts to overcome these difficulties. |
overcome | Examinamos las cuestiones controvertidas como obstáculos comunes que debíamos superar. | We considered the issues under dispute as common obstacles to be overcome. |
overcome | Nunca fue capaz de superar esta circunstancia. | There has never been able to overcome this ordeal. |
overcome | Sólo actuando simultáneamente sobre ambos problemas lograremos superar la crisis. | Only by acting simultaneously on both fronts will it be possible to overcome this crisis. |
overcome | Para superar estas dudas... es necesario. | To overcome your doubts in this way. It's not possible. |
overcome | Podemos superar vuestra defensas si queremos. | We can overcome your defences if we choose. |
overcome | Para superar estos obstáculos, se requerían políticas activas. | There was a need for active policies to overcome these barriers. |
overcome | Juntos, podremos superar todos estos obstáculos. | Together, we can overcome all of these hurdles. |
get over | Puede llevarle mucho tiempo superar la traición. | It can take a long time To get over being betrayed. |
get over | Martin, tienes que superar esto ginnie. | Martin, you've got to get over this ginnie thing. |
get over | Tenía mis propias aspiraciones musicales que superar. | I had my own musical aspirations to get over. |
get over | Parece que tendrás que superar eso. | Well, it looks like you might have to get over that. |
get over | Necesitaré un tiempo para superar este divorcio. | I'm going to need some time to get over this divorce. |
get over | Necesitas tiempo para superar la ruptura. | You need time to get over that heartbreak. |
be [+ comparative adjective] | El atleta keniata supera en velocidad al estadounidense. | The Kenyan athlete is faster than the American. |
exceed | La temperatura del agua supera los treinta grados. | The water temperature exceeds thirty degrees. |
get over | ¿Sigues pensando en tu ex? Ya es hora de superarlo. | Are you still thinking about your ex? It's about time you get over him. |
get over | Juan no pudo superar la muerte de su madre. La paciente superó la enfermedad y pudo volver a casa. | Juan could not get over the death of his mother. |
be way over, far exceed | El conductor superaba con creces el límite de alcohol en sangre permitido. | The driver was way over the allowed blood alcohol limit. |
overcome any difficulty, overcome any adversity | Si te lo propones, puedes superar cualquier dificultad. | You can overcome any difficulty (or: adversity) if you put your mind to it. |