receive | Habría sido útil recibir una respuesta del Tribunal Supremo. | It would have been useful to receive a reply from the Supreme Court. |
receive | Desearía recibir copias de los acuerdos bilaterales. | He wished to receive copies of the bilateral agreements. |
receive | Será necesario adoptar medidas para recibir esas estadísticas. | It would be necessary to take measures in order to receive such statistics. |
receive | Agradecería recibir su aceptación de esta propuesta. | I would be grateful to receive your concurrence on this proposal. |
receive | No esperaba recibir algo así en este desierto. | I didn't expect to receive anything like that in this desert. |
receive | Pero subsisten problemas graves y Al-qaida sigue logrando recibir dinero. | But serious problems remain, and al-Qa'idah is still able to receive money. |
receive | Somos muy humildes para recibir halagos. | We are far too humble to receive praise. |
receive | Transmitir cosas, dar y recibir sin parar. | To convey things... to give and to receive all the time. |
get | Es raro recibir amor de clientes. | It's rare that we get love from the clients. |
get | Se muere por recibir el cargamento. | He's chomping at the bit to get the cargo. |
take | Puede recibir más información que la fórmula original. | It can take in way more information than the original formula, and is still containable. |
take | Preferiría recibir un disparo que hacer esto. | I'd rather take a bullet than do this. |
receive, accept | El director recibió el Oscar a la mejor película. | The director received (or: accepted) the Oscar for best picture. |
see | El doctor recibe pacientes todos los días, de 4 a 8 de la tarde. | The doctor sees patients every day from 4 to 8 p.m. |
welcome [sth] with one's arms wide open, welcome [sth] with open arms | Recibieron con los brazos abiertos la idea del cristianismo. | They welcomed the idea of Christianity with their arms wide open. |
give [sb] what they deserve | El pequeño travieso recibió su merecido: ese día no comió postre. | When I catch him I will give him what he deserves. |