climb | Deberías salvar vidas y subir escaleras gigantescas. | You would save people's lives... and climb gigantic ladders. |
go up | Tienes que subir allí y venderte. | You have to go up there and sell it. |
go up | Estamos a punto de subir de categoría. | I think we're about to go up in the world, lad. |
go up | Pensé haberla visto subir la escalera. | I thought I saw her go up the stairs. |
go up | Le dije que teníamos prohibido subir. | I said that he shouldn't go up there. |
go up | No podemos subir allí, Sophia. | We can't just go up there, Sophia. |
go up | Creo que deberíamos subir al techo. | I think we should go up to the roof. |
go up | Debemos subir y marcar nuestro territorio según la tradición lémur. | We must go up there and mark our territory -in the traditional lemur way. |
go up | Mi pulso y temperatura no suelen subir. | My pulse and temperature don't usually go up. |
go up | Solían subir ahí y fumar cigarrillos. | They used to go up there and smoke cigarettes. |
raise | También intentamos subir nuestro propio nivel. | We also endeavour to raise our own standards in the process. |
pull up | Un tirón del lazo significa subir despacio. | One tug on the rope means pull up slowly. |
go up | El cartero subió por las escaleras. | The postman went up the stairs. |
go up | Los gastos de la familia han subido mucho durante el último año. | Family expenditure has gone up a lot in the past year. Go see a doctor if your temperature goes up. |
go up | Mario subió las escaleras corriendo. | Mario went up the stairs running. It's difficult to go up this hill on a bike. |
go through the roof | La fama del cantante ha subido como la espuma. Los precios crecen como la espuma cuando sube la demanda. | Prices go through the roof when demand goes up. |
heat up | La charla subió de tono y terminó mal. | The conversation began to heat up and it didn't end well. |
cheer up | Martín trató de subirle el ánimo a Laura. | Martin tried to cheer Laura up. |
turn up the volume | Juan subió el volumen cuando pasaron su canción preferida. | Juan turned up the volume when his favorite song came on. |