transmit | Esta empresa también puede transmitir informes por correo electrónico. | This particular company is also able to transmit reports via e-mail. |
transmit | Permite transmitir las imágenes de mi visera. | We've been working on a way to transmit what my visor sees. |
transmit | Este simple sonido es muy difícil de transmitir. | Thus, this simple sound is incredibly complex to transmit. |
transmit | Quiere transmitir nuestra pensamientos al Océano. | He wants to transmit our thoughts to Ocean. |
transmit | Muchas cosas podrían transmitir el pulso. | Any number of things could transmit the pulse. |
transmit | Están utilizando nuestro rayo sensor para transmitir información a ordenadores y replicadores. | They're using our sensor beam as a carrier wave to transmit information into our computers and replicators. |
transmit | Van a transmitir una señal y establecer comunicación. | They're going to transmit a signal and establish communication. |
convey | Intentaba transmitir un sentimiento de pérdida. | I was trying to convey a sense of loss. |
convey | Tom quiso transmitir que le gustas mucho. | Tom wanted to convey that he likes you a great deal. |
convey | Para comenzar, deseo transmitir dos mensajes. | At the outset, I should like to convey two messages. |
convey | Permítaseme transmitir una noticia muy triste esta noche. | May I also convey some very sad news this evening. |
convey | Intentaba transmitir un sentido de pérdida. | I was trying to convey a sense of loss. |
convey | Le envié para transmitir malas noticias. | No, I sent you there to convey a piece of bad news. |
convey | Me gustaría transmitir esta garantía al resto del equipo. | I'd like you to convey this guarantee to the rest of the staff. |
convey | Esta expresión pretende transmitir el sentido de arbitrariedad e ilegalidad. | The term seeks to convey a sense of arbitrariness and of illegality. |
convey | Está intentando transmitir un mensaje que solo él entiende. | He's trying to convey a message that only he understands. |
pass | Y ahora trato de transmitir ese conocimiento. | And now I try to pass that knowledge on. |