will | Esto es una combinación de voluntad personal y voluntad divina, cuando su voluntad personal es la voluntad divina, su voluntad personal en realidad no existe. | This is the combination of personal will and divine will, when your personal will is divine will, then personal will actually does not exist. |
will | Como humano posee una voluntad, pero esta voluntad le sirve a la voluntad de Satanás. | As a human he possesses a will, but that will is subservient to the will of Satan. |
will | Se requiere voluntad política, organización y la voluntad de todos. | It is required political will, organization and everybody's willingness. |
will | Un representante que expresa su voluntad. | It has a representative who expresses its will. |
will | Aun existiendo voluntad política para iniciar negociaciones, existirían numerosos problemas técnicos. | Even if there was political will to start with negotiations, there would be many technical problems to solve. |
will | Esto requerirá demostrar mayor voluntad política y comprometer más recursos. | This will require demonstrating greater political will and increasing the commitment of resources. |
will | Castigos para quienes manipulen la voluntad de los votantes. | Punishment for those who tamper with the will of the voters. |
will | Nos hemos enfocado mucho en declaraciones de buena voluntad. | We have given a great deal of thought to the statements of good will that have been made. |
will | Sólo falta la voluntad política de hacerlo. | It lacks only the political will to do so. |
will | No te llevaba contra tu voluntad. | I didn't take you against your will. |
will | Hazlo con voluntad o cogerás su lugar. | Lay on with a will or you'll take his place. |
will | Incluso dudo que tenga la voluntad. | And more important, I doubt if she even has the will. |
will | Desafiaron tu voluntad y trajeron enfermedad a la aldea. | They have challenged your will and brought disease to our village. |
will | Su voluntad salvarnos de las piedras. | His will to save us from the stones. |
will | Antes que nada necesitamos demostrar más voluntad política. | Above all, for now we need an injection of political will. |
willingness | Manifestaron su voluntad de trabajar mancomunadamente para acordar una ubicación. | They expressed a willingness to work together to agree on a location. |
willingness | El vendedor puede comunicar su voluntad de cumplimiento. | The seller may give notice of its willingness to perform. |
willingness | Estoy conmovida por tu voluntad para hacer esto. | I'm... well, I'm just touched by your willingness to do this for me. |
willingness | Sobrestimaste su voluntad de arriesgarse por ti. | You overestimated his willingness to risk himself for you. |
willingness | Se requiere voluntad política, organización y la voluntad de todos. | It is required political will, organization and everybody's willingness. |
choice | Muchas mujeres no tienen hijos por propia voluntad. | Many women don't have children out of choice. |
good will, goodwill | Iniciaremos el trabajo hoy mismo como muestra de buena voluntad. | We will begin work right away as a gesture of good will. |
will, willpower | Su voluntad le permitió alcanzar la cima pese a las adversidades. | Her will (or: willpower) allowed her to reach the summit despite adversity. |
at will | Se sirvieron a voluntad y se dieron un festín. | They served themselves at will and had a party. |
take advantage of [sb]'s good will | Aceptar ese dinero sería aprovecharme de su buena voluntad. | Accepting that money would be taking advantage of their good will. |
free will | Debaten sobre los límites de la autonomía de la voluntad. | They are debating the limits of free will. |
good will | Aceptad este dinero como señal de mi buena voluntad. | Accept this money as a token of good will. |
against [sb]'s will | La hicieron firmar contra su voluntad. | They made her sign against her will. |
will power | Perdió toda su fuerza de voluntad y se volvió holgazán. | He lost all his will power and became a bum. |
ill-will | El maestro me tiene mala voluntad; me regaña todo el tiempo. | The proposal for peace was unsuccessful due to the ill-will of one of the member states. |
have the willingness to, be willing to | Podrán verla cuando ella tenga la voluntad de recibir a sus familiares. | They can see her when she's willing to receive her relatives. |
last will and testament | En su última voluntad, el millonario dejó todo su dinero a los pobres. | In his last will and testament, the millionaire left all of his money to the poor. |
common will | El referendo puso de manifiesto la voluntad común de la nación. | The referendum expressed the common will of the nation. |
God's will | Lo que suceda de ahora en adelante será la voluntad de Dios. | Whatever happens from now on will be God's will. |
willingness to serve, desire to serve | El perfil del puesto estipula que requerimos colaboradores con voluntad de servicio. | The job profile specifies that we require workers with a willingness to serve. |