wife | Elpresidenteysu esposa están manejando este comodeberían... | The president and his wife are handling this as they should... |
wife | Mi esposa desea felicitarlo, arquitecto. | My wife wishes to compliment you, architect. |
wife | Ambos se reunirán con mi esposa mañana. | Now, you're both to meet with my wife tomorrow. |
wife | La esposa y los 2 hijos. | "They"? -He had a wife and two kids. |
wife | Su esposa desapareció hace unas semanas. | His wife vanished just a few weeks ago. |
wife | Sergio Vigorelli, y mi esposa. | Sergio Vigorelli, and this is my wife. |
wife | Mi esposa debe estar bastante preocupada. | My wife must be pretty worried by now. |
wife | Su esposa dice que trabajaron juntos anoche. | His wife said you were working together last night. |
wife | Su esposa dijo que estaba arriba. | Your wife said you were up the stairs. |
wife | Deberías gastarlos con tu esposa e hijo. | You should spend them with your wife and kid. |
wife | Debería invitarlo con su esposa a nuestro relanzamiento. | I should invite him and his wife to our relaunch. |
wife | Entendemos que su esposa quería vender la residencia. | We understand your wife wanted you to sell the hall. |
wife | Decía que mi esposa ha cometido un error. | I was just saying please do stay, my wife made a most dreadful mistake. |
wife | Podrás tener un título sin esposa. | Who needs a wife when you can have a title without her. |
wife | Tienes suerte de haber encontrado una esposa. | You are lucky to have found such a wife. |
wife | Accidentalmente encontré algunas fotos de tu esposa. | I accidentally came across some photos of your wife. |
wife | Lamento que su esposa no viniera. | I'm sorry your wife couldn't make it, by the way. |
wife | Si tuviera un esposa sin saberlo. | If I got a wife without my knowledge. |
bride | Marayà será esposa en 10 lunas... | Marayà will be a bride in ten moons... |
bride | No te equivoques al elegir esposa. | Don't make a mistake when you choose a bride. |