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College Partying
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One of the great things about college is the
parties. However, it could be boring and dull for others. I'm not saying it's
fun for everyone. But if you like to drink, have fun with a lot of different
people, it might just be your thing.
First, I'll explain the various parties you can attend. There are fraternity
and sorority parties, parties at a friend's house, parties at clubs or bars,
night clubs, and so on. That is what we will discuss here. We will have other
sessions on different types of parties, but since we are on the college track
right now, I will dedicate this session to partying while in school.
Usually, fraternity or a sorority party has a lot of drinking, a lot of people,
and a lot of music. At the party, you usually mingle and meet a lot of people.
Some people go to the parties to have sex. These can occur at many parties
because there are a lot of rooms in the fraternity and sorority houses. But
don't think this is all fun and games. There are some people who thinks these
types of parties are boring. For the people who do not like to talk to
strangers, it can really be boring. They will end up in a corner by themselves
and have a beer or two and then go home. It basically depends on what type of
atmosphere you like.
If you like this type of partying, the first thing you need to do is find the
is everyone hanging out this weekend?"
there any good fraternity parties this weekend?"
does everyone go to party?"
there any parties to crash this weekend?"
An easier way to find a party is to have a friend who is in the loop.
a party this weekend at the Kappa Sorority house. I think we can sneak in.
Wanna go?"
a bunch of us going to the Last Supper Club in downtown. If you're not doing
anything, you should join us."
friend of mine is having a party at a huge house. It's going to be a blast.
Let's go man."
going to be a kegger at my fraternity. You're welcome to come."
College Partying - Questions
If you are new to these types of partying, you can
ask questions about what takes place at these parties.
do you usually do at the party?"
goes on at the party?"
there a lot of girls?"
there a lot of cute guys?"
types of drinks do they have at the party?"
I need to bring anything to the party?"
many people usually come to the party?"
The most important thing you will need to learn is what to say when you are at
the party.
In order to be liked, it doesn't matter what you look like, or how much money
you have. Although both of these help, the most important thing is if you are a
fun person. Usually, fun people have good things to say and keeps the
conversation going. You can engage in small talk, but it also doesn't matter
what you say, it matters how you say it.
The most important thing to do is to do a lot of laughing. It really doesn't
matter what you say, so no use learning new sentences. I will have several
practice sessions so you can hear what the conversation should sound like.
College Partying - Interactive Practice
Click on Listen
All and follow along. After becoming comfortable with the entire conversation,
become Person A by clicking on the Person A button. You will hear only Person B
through the audio file. There will be a silence for you to repeat the sentences
of Person A. Do the same for Person B. The speed of the conversation is native
speed. Use the pause button if the pause between each sentence is too fast for
you. After practicing several times, you will be able to speak as fast as a
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Person A |
Person B
A: "Hey
man. What's going on?"
B: "Not much. Just having a good time."
A: "That's all good. What year are you?"
B: "I'm a sophomore. How about you?"
A: "This is my third year."
B: "Are you in this fraternity?"
A: "No. I'm over at Beta Psi."
B: "I have a friend over there. Do you know Johnny Parker?"
A: "Yeah. He joined us last year. He a friend of yours?"
B: "Yeah. We went to high school together."
A: "Right on. What's your name?"
B: "Roger Dunkin. How about you?"
A: "Steve Leary. It's nice to meet you."
B: "Yeah."
A: "What have you been drinking?"
B: "Just Heinekens"
A: "Oh man. You have been missing the good stuff. Are you OK with
B: "Hell yeah."
A: "Cool. Follow me. I'll show you the good stuff."
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Person A |
Person B
A: "You
come to a lot of these parties?"
B: "As many as I can find."
A: "Ha ha ha."
B: "Any fine ladies around here?"
A: "I just checked out a group of chicks heading towards the
B: "Were they with any guys?"
A: "No, they were alone."
B: "What are you doing just standing here then? Let's go see if they
want any company."
A: "Sounds like a good plan. Let's go."
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Person A |
Person B
"Do you go to school here?"
B: "No. I go to a different university."
A: "So do you know Johnny?"
B: "I came here with a friend who knows Johnny. I met him a couple of
times. He's a cool guy. So you go to this school?"
A: "Yeah."
B: "What year are you?"
A: "I'm a junior? How about you?"
B: "Me too. But I bet I'll be in school for 4 more years. I still
haven't decided on my major."
A: "I'm in a similar boat. I'm in the English department, but I want to
change majors. If I do that, then I'll have to go to school for another year."
B: "That's life I guess."
A: "I'm going to get another drink. It was nice meeting you."
B: "Yeah. Nice meeting you too." | |