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Asking Questions
Asking Questions
Most of the time, the person interviewing you will ask if you have any
questions. It is important that you ask intelligent and relevant questions.
Make sure you prepare some questions before you interview so you can learn more
about the company and the position. Here is a small list of questions you can
ask. Feel free to create more of your own.
you have any questions?"
this job usually lead to other positions at the company?"
me some of the skills that you want in a candidate for this position."
are the people I'll be working with like?"
do you like the most about this company and why?"
is this company doing in comparison with competitors?"
know of products x and y, does the company plan to introduce any new products?"
is the company doing to maintain its market strength?"
many employees work for this company?"
has been the company's layoff history in recent years?"
you know of any anticipated cutbacks in any departments in the near future?"
major problems has the company recently faced?"
type of training do you provide here?"
do you like best about this company?"
position title will I be reporting to?"
other departments does this department work closely with?"
kind of training should I expect?"
long is the training program?"
did this position become available?"
a written job description available?"
describe a typical day for this position."
long has this position been available?"
many candidates have you interviewed for this position?"
many total candidates will you be interviewing for this position?"
you interview a large number of people before making an offer to a person, or
do you make an offer to the first person who is qualified?"
type of hardware and software will I be working with?"
will my workstation be like? Will it be an office, a cubicle, or a desk?"
opportunities for advancement are available here?" |