Technical and business english
Learn using these flashcards. Click a card to start.
- Brand, customer, headquarters, innovation, leader, people, profit, shares,
- Workforce brand, customer, headquarters, innovation, leader, people, profit,
- Brand, customer, headquarters, innovation, leader, people, profit, shares,
- Brand, customer, headquarters, innovation, leader, people, profit, shares,
- Brand, customer, headquarters, innovation, leader, people, profit, shares,
- Sourced bereitgestellt bezogen
- Timber bauholz
- Smooth weich glatt eben
- Screws schrauben
- Handles griffe
- Hinges scharniere
- Säge saw
- Shredded geschreddert zerkleinert
- Alloy legierung
- Scarcity knappheit
- Rare selten
- Jar gefäß
- Lead blei
- Derived abgeleitet hergeleitet gebildet aus
- Ironmongery eisenwaren
- Tyres reifen
- Hint hinweis
- Malleable biegbar formbar
- Brass messing
- Deminishing decreasing es verringert sich
- Plain entgraden off
- Crumbs krümel
- Green breakes öko pause
- Brake bremse
- Decelerate entschleunigen bremsen
- Incorporated aufgenommen eingetragen
- Superb hervorragend
- Modulus modul
- Endure aushalten
- Pulp zellstoff
- Inherent teil von
- Toll maut problem entwickelt
- Dedication hingabe
- Drive passion
- Nepotism vetternwirtschaft
- Ruthlessness reckless rücksichtslos
- Pedigree pets statussymbol haustiere
- Partner trophy statussymbol
- Domestic haushaltshilfe help
- Mixing treffen mit with
- Grapevine weinrebe
- Responsive reaktionsfähig
- Hesitatn zögerlich
- Persuasive überzeugend
- Concise kurz und bündig
- Digress abschweifen
- Occasion anlass veranstaltung
- Imposition auferlegung
- Hostile feindlich
- Bid bieten gebot
- Annual jährlich
- Retail einzelhandel
- Outlets auslauf
- Acumen scharfsinn
- Subsidaries sectors branchen
- Shares anteile aktien
- Frugal primitiv einfach
- Sever etwas trennen to
- Jeopardise gefährten
- Foster pflegen fördern
- Endanger gefährden
- Encourage ermutigen
- Promote fördern
- Disrupt stören
- Resume wieder aufnehmen
- Undermine untergraben
- Rambling weitschweifend
- Succint kurz und bündig
- Coherent zusammenhängend
- Inhibited gehemmt
- Engage einschalten
- Proverb sprichwort
- Establish festigen einrichten
- Bestimmte certain
- Invoice rechnung
- Strain belastung
- Ore erz
- Ferrous eisenhaltig
- Compounds verbindungen mischungen
- Toughness zähigkeit
- Abrasion abrieb
- Tyres reifen
- Gasket dichtung
- Durable haltbar langlebig
- Retain beibehalten
- Shockresistance stoßfestigkeit
- Scratchresistance resistenz gegen kratzer
- Corrosion resistance korrosionsbeständigkeit
- Water resistance wasserbeständigkeit
- Pressure resistance druckbeständigkeit
- Tremendously enorm
- Fairly ziemlich
- Insufficiently unzureichend
- Besonders vor allem particularly
- Exceptionally außergewöhnlich
- Brittle spröde brüchig
- Plug stecker
- Aim ziel
- Circular kreisförmig
- Semi-circle halbkreis
- Neutral live earth strom erdung
- Flush flächenbündig mit with
- Recess aussparung
- Set back nach hinten versetzt abgesetzt
- Groove einkerbung rille
- Cross-section querschnitt
- Deciduous tree laubbaum
- Pine tree kiefer baum
- Materials metal non-metallic that are
- Material type iron steel examples ferrous
- Combination materials compounds of
- Mixture metals alloy of
- Plastic materials polymers
- Envelope hülle mantel
- Circumferential umlaufen umfang umfassend
- Charisma ausstrahlung
- Headquarters hauptquartier
- Stop talking moment hold to
- Information subject expand to what
- Idioms summarize put nutshell means
- Idioms straight point means topic
- Call means multi-word verb canceled
- Carry means multi-word verb continue
- Set means multi-word verb arrange
- Means multi-word verb disappoint to
- Turn means multi-word verb appear/arrive
- Putting means multi-word verb delaying/postponing
- Turn round means multi-word verb change successful
- Build means multi-word verb make sth stronger
- Checked means multi-word verb registered
- Means multi-word verb friendly relationship
- Expertise fachwissen know-how
- Nouveau riche neureiche
- Emerging entstehend
- Revolve drehen
- Fortunes vermögen
- Attended
- Perseverance beharrlichkeit ausdauer
- Senior posts hohe ämter leitende angestellte
- Alumni ehemalige
- Cut means multi-word verb disconnect breake sth
- If: the person speaks fast quietly
- Idioms uncover secrets means hear grapevine
- Idioms inform sth means put picture
- Idioms misunderstand situation means wrong end stick
- Idioms find likeable sich gut verstehen means wavelenght
- Idioms connection sth what means make head tail
- Idioms misunderstand means talk cross purposes
- Idioms talk sth means beat bush
- Idioms information source means straight horse's mouth
- Idioms what means talking brick wall
- Idioms informed means loop to
- Idioms stay connected means touch
- Idioms leave consequences means for
- Idioms lie fantasize means making things
- Idioms talk directly means face
- Idioms influencing buy sth what means pitching
- Idioms abuse what means offense
- Clarify klarstellen klären
- Confuse verwirren
- Egage einschalten einsetzen
- Interrupt unterbrechen
- Ramble abschweifen to
- Colleagues kollegen
- Emloyees angestellte
- Customers kunden
- Außerdem moreover
- Convincing überzeugen
- Persuade überreden
- Hesitant zögerlich
- Reserved reserviert vorbehalten
- Awarness wissen bewusstsein
- Fluency fließend
- Flawless tadellos einwandfrei
- Accent akzent
- Extensive umfangreich
- Material question sorting critical key differences clear coloured
- Material question scarcity makes recycling desirable justifies cost
- Metal material question costof melting existing significantly cheaper
- Material question hardwood softwood reused frequent remove ironmongery
- Material question tyres primary source recyclable reused applications
- Material question obstacle recycling sort waste carefully types
- Material question scrap sorted easily magnetism lf metal
- Metal make brass galvanised coatings stee zinc
- Predominant metal steel iron the
- Steel type needing protective coating rust stainless
- Dense poisonous metal lead blei
- Rocks metals extracte ore from
- Alloy made copper tin bronze
- Timber pine(kiefer trees hardwood from
- Timber deciduous(laubbaum trees softwood from
- Minerals transformed heat ceramics by
- Word rare complex exotic other
- Opposite fragility toughness the of
- Resistance damage caused friction abrasion
- Resistance problems caused temperature change thermal stability
- Long-lasting durable
- Opposite heavy lightweight the of
- Sheets insertet parts prevent gas fluid leakage sealing
- Pneumatic envelopes contact road surface tyres
- Flexible bands transmission system drive belts
- Protective barriers capable resistin gun sho bullet-resistant armour
- Pads pressed discs induce deceterat brake
- Resistatn hard marterials scratch resistance
- Resistance chemical decomposition(zersetzung corrosion against
- Water-resistance means water difference waterproof resistance kind splash
- Resistance impacts shock against
- Resistance high surface forces directions pressureresistance
- Describe plug pins arranged triangular configuration rectangular live
- Circular describe plug pins live neutral slot ground
- Plug describe pins live neutral ground contact eliptical
- Plug pins arranged circular describe triangular configuration thre
- Pin ground describe plug arranged triangular configuration rectangular
- Plug describe circular pins linear configuration middle neutral
- Abrasive wich manufacturing technique describes cutting,removing kerf materia
- Wich manufacturing technique describes pressure smooth-edged blades guilloting
- Wich manufacturing technique describes removal material full diameter
- Wich manufacturing technique describes removal surface layers multiple
- Wich manufacturing technique describes oxy fuel oxygen combustible
- Makes holes applying pressure shear material punch
- Makes straight cuts applyig pressure shear material quillotie
- Width cut blade kerf the
- Sharp edges cuttig milling toothed blade
- Hard rough surface cutting grinding abrasive wheel
- Cuts circular piece remove intact core material hole
- Grammatik welche zeitform passt hier und wie wird
- Grammatik welche zeitform passt hier und wie wird
- I to grammatik welche zeitform passt hier und
- Form form 1.verb grammatik welche zeitform passt hier
- Welche year waited grammatik zeitform passt hier und
- Multi-word verbs connect fitting words theire numbers
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