TOIEC Vocabumary
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- Shore rive miscelleanous
- Shortcut raccourci miscelleanous
- Site saït miscelleanous
- Soccer football miscelleanous
- Spoil gâcher miscelleanous
- Spring printemps miscelleanous
- Stack/(to pile/empiler miscelleanous
- Stand être debout miscelleanous to
- Stand se lever miscelleanous up
- Shop assitant vendeur vendeuse shopping
- Shoplifting vol à l'étalage shopping
- Knife naî-f couteau restaurants
- Main plat principal restaurants course
- Lightning foudre weather the
- Standstill/(to arrêt,halte/ne pas bouger miscelleanous
- Terms conditions miscelleanous
- To:d vers miscelleanous toward
- Town hall mairie miscelleanous
- Upcoming imminent à venir miscelleanous
- Lower seventies environ 21°c weather
- Upset boulversé/boulverser miscelleanous to
- Wave faire signe miscelleanous to
- Weigh weï peser miscelleanous to
- Weight poids miscelleanous
- Apparel apaeul habillement clothing
- Cap casquette clothing
- Casual kajeuol décontracté clothing
- Cleaners teinturier clothing
- Cloth étoffe clothing
- Clothes clo:z vêtements clothing
- Fabric tissu clothing
- Fashionable à la mode clothing
- Fit être de la bonne taille bien aller
- Fold plier clothing to
- Formal très habillé clothing
- Garment vêtements clothing
- Gloves gants clothing
- Hanger cintre clothing
- Hem ourlet clothing
- Lengthen allonger clothing to
- Long-sleeved à manches longues clothing
- Loose-fitting ample clothing
- Loosen desserrer clothing to
- Pants pantalon clothing
- Pattern motif clothing
- Pressed repassé clothing
- Seam si:m couture clothing
- Shade ton clothing
- Shorten raccourcir clothing to
- Short-sleeved à manches courtes clothing
- Silk soie clothing
- Sleeve sli:v manches clothing
- Smart élégant clothing
- Stain tache clothing
- Starch startch amidon clothing
- Stich point de couture clothing
- Stripe straïp rayure clothing
- Suit sout costume clothing
- Sweater souèteu pull chandail clothing
- Tan beige clothing
- Tie cravate clothing
- Tight serré clothing
- Essayer clothing try on to
- Underwear sous-vêtements clothing
- Wear porter des vêtements clothing
- Wool woul laine clothing
- Air-conditioner keunndicheuneu climatiseur house
- Appliance euplaïneuss appareil house
- Attic grenier house
- Bookcase bibliothèque meuble house
- Cabinet meuble de rangement house
- Carpet tapis house
- Carpeting carpeuting moquette house
- Cellar cèleu cave house
- Chore tcho corvée house
- Closet placard house
- Cupboard keubod placard house
- Curtains keu:teunz rideaux house
- Door knob poignée de porte house
- Downstairs en bas house
- Filing cabinet classeur house
- Fitted équipé de house with
- Fix réparer house to
- Hang suspendre house to
- Heating hi:ting chauffage house
- Landlord propriétaire house
- Lawn lo:nn pelouse house
- Lawnmower tondeuse à gazon house
- Light bulb beulb ampoule house
- Lighting éclairage house
- Painting peinture house
- Plumber pleumeu plombier house
- Roof toit house
- Shelves étagères house
- Stories étages house
- Tap robinet house
- Tenant tèneunnt locataire house
- Tidy taïdi)/(to rangé/ranger house
- Upstairs en haut house
- Utility bill charges house
- Vacuum cleaner aspirateur house
- Wall papering papier peint house
- Account compte means payment of
- Amount montant means payment of
- Amount s'élever à means payment
- Lull accalmie weather the
- Atm é-ti-ém distributeur de billets means payment
- Award attribuer means payment to
- Balance solde means payment of
- Mîld doux weather the
- Bank charges tchardjiz agios frais bancaires means payment
- Banknote billet de banques means payment
- Branch agence succursale means payment
- Brokerage courtage means payment of
- Cash argent liquide means payment
- Cashier cachir caissier means payment
- Change changer argent means payment
- Charge faire payer means payment
- Charge credit card débiter une carte de crédit
- Checkbook chéquier means payment of
- Checking account compte-cheque means payment
- Coin pièce de monnaie means payment
- Currency devise means payment of
- Deposit account compte de dêpot means payment
- Dime pièce de cents means payment
- Draft traite means payment of
- Fees fi:z frais means payment
- Fill form remplir formulaire means payment
- Funds fonds means payment of
- Installment instolmeunnt versement partiel mensualité means payment
- Melt fondre weather to the
- Mid sixties environ15°c weather the
- Investement bank banque d'affaire means payment
- Lump sum leump seum somme forfaitaire means payment
- Nickel pièce de cents means payment
- Owe sb sth](to devoir qqch qq means payment
- Pay back rembourser means payment
- Passbook livret d'épargne means payment
- Portfolio portefeuille d'actions means payment
- Purse sac à main means payment
- Rate taux means payment of
- Remittance versement means payment of
- Repayment remboursement means payment of
- Savings account compte d'épargne means payment
- Teller guichetier means payment of
- Transfer virement/virer means payment to
- Wallet portefeuille means payment of
- Counter desk guichet means payment
- Withdraw retirer means payment to
- Withdrawal ouizdro:l retrait means payment
- Worth qui vaut means payment
- Worthwhile oueurssouaïl avantageux rentable means payment
- Write check établir cheque means payment
- Yield yi:ld)/(to rendement/rapporter means payment
- Afford se pêrmettre achat shopping
- Service sales après vente shopping
- Aisle aïl allée d'un magasin shopping
- Barcode code-barre shopping
- Bargain bonne affaire marchander shopping
- Battery pile shopping
- Bill facture facturer shopping to
- Cash register caisse enregistreuse shopping
- Coin koïnn pièce de monnaie shopping
- Competition concurrence shopping
- Confectionery confiserie shopping
- Counter guichet caisse shopping
- Coupon kouponn bon shopping
- Dealer revendeur commerçant shopping
- Department rayon shopping
- Deposit acompte shopping
- Dime daïm pièce de cents shopping
- Discount remise shopping
- Display étalage exposition shopping
- Franchise franchisé shopping
- Gift cadeau shopping
- Grocery store épicerie shopping
- Id pièce d'identité shopping
- Jeweler djoueuleu bijoutier shopping
- Make marque shopping
- Margin marge shopping
- Middleman intermédiaire shopping
- News agent marchand de journaux shopping
- Order commande/commander shopping to
- Stock en rupture de shopping
- Outlet point de vente débouché shopping
- Patron pètreunn client shopping
- Price tag étiquette de prix shopping
- Purchase/(to achat acheter shopping
- Purse peurss sac à main shopping
- Range gamme shopping
- Receipt rissi:t reçu shopping
- Refund remboursement shopping
- Repair request demande de réparation shopping
- Replace remplacer shopping
- Retailer détaillant shopping
- Sales ventes soldes shopping
- Sales rep representant shopping
- Demanding exigeant miscelleanous
- Downward vers le bas miscelleanous
- Early tôt miscelleanous
- Earth eurss terre miscelleanous
- Hand d'occasion shopping second
- Entertainement divertissement miscelleanous
- Fall automne miscelleanous
- Fill remplir miscelleanous to
- Flag drapeau miscelleanous
- Forward vers l'avant miscelleanous
- Gather gazeu rassembler miscelleanous to
- Handle/(to poignée/manipuler miscelleanous
- À peine miscelleanous hardly
- Hill colline miscelleanous
- Huge hioudj énorme miscelleanous
- Implement mettre en place miscelleanous
- Issue ichou numéro magazine problème miscelleanous
- Lake lac miscelleanous
- Law droit loi miscelleanous
- Library bibliothèque miscelleanous
- Lift soulever miscelleanous to
- Location emplacement miscelleanous
- Loud à voix haute fort miscelleanous
- Map carte miscelleanous
- Movie theater cinéma miscelleanous
- Nap sieste miscelleanous
- Noon midi miscelleanous
- Notice/(to préavis/remarquer miscelleanous
- Occur okeu se produire miscelleanous
- Éteint à l'écart de miscelleanous
- Panel panneau groupe miscelleanous
- Prize prix recompense miscelleanous
- Provided du moment à condition miscelleanous
- Respondent personne sondée miscelleanous
- Rest repos miscelleanous
- Resume reprendre recommencer miscelleanous to
- Seldom rarement miscelleanous
- Purpose miscelleanous but
- Quarter trimestre miscelleanous
- Rating note jugement miscelleanous
- Rental de location miscelleanous
- Au dessus de miscelleanous above
- Parmi miscelleanous among
- Euvèlébeul disponible miscelleanous available
- En dessous de miscelleanous below
- Beneath biniss en dessous de miscelleanous
- Bissaïd à côté de miscelleanous
- Boundaries frontières miscelleanous
- Broad large miscelleanous
- Près de miscelleanous by
- Cancel annuler miscelleanous to
- Climb claïm monter gravir miscelleanous
- Close près de miscelleanous to
- Crane grue miscelleanous
- Crop récolte miscelleanous
- Shopping mall mo:l centre commercial
- Small change menue monnaie shopping
- Store magasin/stocker shopping to
- Supplier fournisseur shopping
- Till caisse enregistreuse shopping
- Toy jouet shopping
- Upscale haut de gamme shopping
- Vending machine distributeur automatique shopping
- Voucher bon d'échange shopping
- Warranty garantie shopping
- Wholesale en gros shopping
- Shopping window lèche-vitrine
- Abroad à l'étranger business trip
- Accommodate loger business trip to
- Accommodation logement business trip
- Attend assister à business trip
- Attendee participant business trip
- Audience public auditoir business trip
- Banquet bankoiutt business trip
- Bellman groom business trip
- Booked complet hôtel business trip
- Booth cabine business trip
- Border frontière business trip
- Caterer traiteur business trip
- À check se présenter la réception en arrivant
- Check régler sa facture en quittant l'hôtel business
- Check-out time l'heure où l'on doit libérer la
- Concierge réceptionniste business trip
- Conference hall salle de conférence business trip
- Convention congrès business trip
- Conventioner congressiste business trip
- Crowded bondé,rempli business trip
- Cruise crouz croisière business trip
- Display exposition étalage business trip
- Doorman portier business trip
- Entertainment divertissement business trip
- Exhibit exposer,présenter business trip to
- Exhibition exposition business trip
- Fair foire business trip
- Front desk réception business trip
- Guest hôte client business trip
- Guidebook guide business trip
- Hotel clerk employé de l'hôtel business trip
- Housekeeper gouvernante business trip
- Indoor pool piscine couverte business trip
- Lecture leukcheuri conférence business trip
- Lobby hall d'hôtel ect business trip
- Location emplacement business trip
- Luxury leukcheuri luxe business trip
- Newsstand kiosque à journaux business trip
- Overlook surplomber business trip to
- Overnight du soir au matin business trip
- Overseas oveusiz à l'étranger business trip
- Pack/(to paquet emballer faire ses bagages business trip
- Packed bondé plein business trip
- Pass laisser-passer business trip
- Peak-season haute-saison business trip
- Pillow oreiller business trip
- Porter concierge business trip
- Queue kiou file d'attente faire la business trip
- Resort rizort station balnéaire ect business trip
- Service room d'étage business trip
- Safe coffre-fort business trip
- Schedule skèdioul programme horaire business trip
- Seminar séminaire business trip
- Show hall salle de spectacle business trip
- Sightseeing tourisme business trip
- Single chambre simple business trip
- Smoke free non-fumeur business trip
- Soap savon business trip
- Stay/(to séjour séjourner business trip
- Time zone fuseau horraire business trip
- Tour excursion business trip
- Towel serviette business trip
- Trade fair foire commercial business trip
- Travel allowance frais de déplacement business trip
- Vacancy chambre libre business trip
- De valet parking service garage voiture business trip
- Valuables objets de valeur business trip
- Venue vèniou lieu business trip
- Voucher vaoutcheu bon d'échange business trip
- Appetizer apeutaîzeurz amuse-bouches restaurants
- Bake cuire au restaurants to
- Beverage bèveridj boisson restaurants
- Check addition restaurants
- Chef restaurants
- China tchaîna porcelaine restaurants
- Chopped chopt haché restaurants
- Table clear débarrasser la restaurants
- Cook cuisiner cuisinier restaurants
- Cutlery couverts restaurants
- Dessert dizeurt restaurants
- Diced daîssd coupé en dés restaurants
- Disch plat restaurants
- Flavor parfum arôme restaurants
- Fork fourchette restaurants
- French fries fraîz frites restaurants
- Guest hôte client restaurants
- Helping portion restaurants
- Maître d mètreu di d'hôtel restaurants
- Meal mi:l repas restaurants
- Medium à point restaurants
- Menu mèniou carte restaurants
- Napkin serviette de table restaurants
- Order/(to commande commander restaurants
- Oven restaurants four
- Pan casserole restaurants
- Plate assiette restaurants
- Pour verser restaurants to
- Rare oué saignant restaurants
- Recipe ouècipi recette restaurants
- Table set mettre la restaurants
- Side order garniture portion d'accompagnement restaurants
- Silver argenterie restaurants
- Slice/(to tranche trancher restaurants
- Specialty spèciolty spécialité restaurants
- Spicy épicé restaurants
- Starter entrée restaurants
- Take-away à emporter restaurants to
- Taste/(to goût goûter restaurants
- Tasteless insipide restaurants
- Tip pourboire restaurants
- Today's special plat du jour restaurants
- Topping assaisonnement restaurants
- Tray plateau restaurants
- Ustensil ioustènsil ustensile restaurants
- Waiteur serveur restaurants
- Bien cuit restaurants well done
- Wine list carte des vins restaurants
- Black ice verglas weather the
- Blow souffler weather to the
- Breeze bise weather the
- Bright ensoleillé weather the
- Chill refroidissement weather the
- Cloudy nuageux weather the
- Damp humide weather the
- Drought sécheresse weather the
- Dull maussade weather the
- Eartquake tremblement de terre weather
- Flood inondation weather the
- Fog brouillard weather the
- Freeze geler weather to the
- Frost gelée weather the
- Gale coup de vent weather
- Gust rafale weather the
- Hail grêle weather the
- Hazard danger weather the
- Haze brume légère weather the
- Heat chaleur weather the
- Heat wave canicule weather the
- Icy verglacé weather the
- Mist brume weather the
- Outdoors dehors weather the
- Overcast couvert weather the
- Pour couler,ruisseler weather to the
- Rainfall précipitation weather the
- Ray rayon weather the
- Shine briller weather to the
- Shower averse weather the
- Sleet grésil weather the
- Snowboud bloqué par la neige weather
- Spell période/vague weather the
- Storm tempête weather the
- Swelling crue weather the
- Thaww sso dégeler weather to
- Thunderstorm orage weather the
- Upper eighties environ 32°c weather
- Wet mouillé weather the
- Arrange organiser fixer ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Backlog arriéré retard ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Schedule en retard ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Bid offre ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Charge facturer ordering shipping,packaging,complaining to
- Commodity denrée ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Complaint réclamation ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Courier courir coursier ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Credit note avoir ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Discrepency différence ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Draft traite ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Bulk en nombre ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Inconvenience inconvénient gêne ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Overdue en retard ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Package paquet ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Quotation devis prix ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Registered mail courrier recommandé ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Shortage pénurie ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Sort trier ordering shipping,packaging,complaining to
- Unload décharger ordering shipping,packaging,complaining to
- Unpack déballer ordering shipping,packaging,complaining to
- Wrap emballer ordering shipping,packaging,complaining to
- Deduct déduire ordering shipping,packaging,complaining to
- Deliver livrer ordering shipping,packaging,complaining to
- Invoice facturer ordering shipping,packaging,complaining to
- Item article ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Mailman facteur ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Stock en rupture de ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Parcel colis ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Sample échantillon ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Short à court de ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Trial order commande d'essai ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Amount montant ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Check vérifier ordering shipping,packaging,complaining to
- Damaged endommagé ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Delay retard ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Dispatch expédier ordering shipping,packaging,complaining to
- Bill facturation ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Deadline date limite ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Forward envoyer ordering shipping,packaging,complaining to
- Handling manutention ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Inquiry innkouaïeuri demande de renseignemments ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Lead time délai ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Lorry camion ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Order/(to commande/commander ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Overnight mail courrier qui arrive le lendemain ordering
- Pick ramasser aller chercher ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Place order passer une commande ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Postpone retarder,reporter ordering shipping,packaging,complaining to
- Process processus traiter ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Concernant ordering shipping,packaging,complaining regarding
- Shipment expédition ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Stamp/(to timbre/affranchir ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Truck camion ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Warehouse entrepôt ordering shipping,packaging,complaining
- Aircraft avion transportation
- Airline compagnie aérienne transportation
- Airline ticket counter comptoir d'une compagnie aerienne transportation
- Aisle aïl couloir transportation
- Anouncement annonce avis transportation
- Arrival arrivée transportation
- Baggage claim lieu de récupération bagages transportation
- Board monter à bord transportation
- Boarding pass carte d'embarquement transportation
- Book réservé transportation
- Bridge pont transportation
- Cab taxi transportation
- Cabin carlingue transportation
- Cabin attendant membre d'équipage transportation
- Call faire escale à transportation
- Car wagon transportation
- Carrier karieu transporteur transportation
- Cart chariot transportation
- Check faire enregistrer ces bagages transportation
- Son commute comiout faire la navette entre domicile
- Concourse hall transportation
- Connecting flight vol de correspondance transportation
- Passager connecting en transit transportation
- Crew crou équipage transportation
- Crowded bondé transportation
- Altitude cruising de croisiére transportation
- Customs keustomz douane transportation
- Delay retard transportation
- Departure dipatcheu départ transportation
- Disabled hors service transportation
- Dut-free hors-taxe transportation
- Empty vide transportation
- Fare fèr prix du billet transportation
- Filght attendant membre d'équipage transportation
- Flight vol transportation
- Flight deck cabine de pilotage transportation
- Freight frèït fret transportation
- Front avant transportation
- Full plein transportation
- Monter transportation get in to
- Descendre transportation get off to
- Jet-lag décalage horraire transportation
- Land atterrir transportation to
- Landing card carte d'embarquement transportation
- Lounge salon transportation
- Luggage bagages transportation
- Luggage rack porte-bagages transportation
- Miss rater transportation to
- Network réseau transportation
- Nonstop sans escale transportation
- Time à l'heure transportation on
- One-way ticket aller-simple transportation
- Overhead compartment porte-bagages transportation
- Package tour voyage organisé transportation
- Passenger passager transportation
- Platform quai transportation
- Proceed throught gate se présenter à la porte
- Agenda ordre du jour office life
- Assignment travail à accomplir mission office life
- Attached joint office life
- Bid offre office life
- Binder classeur office life
- Board conseil office life
- Bold en gras office life
- Booklet fasicule office life
- Briefcase porte-document office life
- Cancel annuler office life to
- Carry effectuer office life out
- Cartridge cartouche office life
- Ceo pdg office life
- Chart graphique office life
- Commercial spot publicitaire office life
- Competitor concurent office life
- Complete achever office life to
- Corporate d'entreprise office life
- Data données office life
- Data processing traitement de données office life
- Deadline date de limite office life
- Delete effacer office life to
- Department service office life
- Desk bureau office life
- Dial composer numéro office life
- Directory annuaire office life
- Dismiss renvoyer office life to
- Draft brouillon office life
- Drawer tiroir office life
- Earnings gains office life
- Entitled ayant droit à office life
- Executive cadre office life
- Expenditures dépenses office life
- Extention poste téléphonique d'un correspondant office life
- Fan ventilateur office life
- Feasible faisable office life
- File/(to classeur classer office life
- Flyer prospectus office life
- Folder chemise office life
- Font police d'écriture office life
- Form formulaire office life
- Forward transmettre office life to
- Glue colle office life
- Guidelines instructions directives office life
- Handling manutention office life
- Head chef office life
- Incentive motivation prime office life
- Income revenu office life
- Inquiry enquête demande de renseignement office life
- Intern stagiaire office life
- Internship stage office life
- Informatique office life it
- Jam bourrage de papier office life
- Key touche office life
- Keyboard clavier office life
- Laptop ordinateur portable office life
- Launch lancement/lancer office life
- Layout présentation d'un document office life
- Leave congé office life
- Load chargement charger office life
- Margin marge office life
- Market share part de marché office life
- Mixed mélangé office life up
- Monitor moniteur office life
- Mouse pad tapis de souris office life
- Tag badge nominatif office life
- Network réseau office life
- Notepad bloc-notes office life
- Notice préavis office life
- Overdue en retard office life
- Overnight mail courrier qui arive le lendemain office
- Pad paper bloc de papier office life
- Parent company société-mère office life
- Pick ramasser aller chercher office life
- Position poste occupé par le salarié office life
- Postpone retarder office life to
- Printer imprimante office life
- Process traiter office life to
- Purchase acheter office life to
- Raise augmenter cod office life
- Receiver combiné téléphonique office life
- Record archive office life
- Resign démissionnner office life to
- Retire prendre sa retraite office life
- Scheme systéme office life
- Screen écran office life
- Sheet feuille office life
- Shipment envoi expédition office life
- Skill qualification,compétence office life
- Slide diapositive office life
- Software logiciel office life
- Sort trier office life to
- Spreadsheet tableur office life
- Staff personnel office life
- Staple agrafe office life
- Stationery fournitures de bureau office life
- Supply room réserve de fourniture office life
- Survey sondage office life
- Switchboard clavier panneau office life
- Embaucher office life take on
- Takeover bid opa office life
- Task tâche office life
- Temp intérimaire office life
- Trainee stagiaire office life
- Training formation office life
- Transfer mutation muter office life
- Trash ordures office life
- Trend tendance office life
- Trial order commande d'éssai office life
- Triplicate en trois exemplaires office life
- Turnover chiffre d'affaire office life
- Type taper dactylographier office life
- Typing error faute de frappe office life
- Update mettre à jour office life
- Vacancy poste à pourvoir office life
- Vacant libre à pourvoir office life
- Vacation vacances office life
- Wage salaire office life
- Word processing traitement de texte office life
- Wrap emballer office life to
- Appendix annexe applying job working
- Applicant candidat applying job working
- Assets actif bilan applying job working
- Entitled avoir droit à applying job working
- Board directors conseil d'administration applying job working
- Carry effectuer applying job working
- Civil servant fonctionnaire applying job working
- Classified ads petites annonce applying job working
- Clerk employé de bureau applying job working
- Credentials titres références applying job working
- Credit honneur,mérite applying job working
- Day jour de congé applying job working
- Deal affaire négociation applying job working
- Downsize dégraisser applying job working
- Draft projet avant-projet applying job working
- Enrollment inscription applying job working
- Fire renvoyer applying job working
- Fiscal year exercice applying job working
- Headhunter chasseur de têtes applying job working
- Head-office siege social applying job working
- Health care package mutuel de santé applying job
- Wanted ad annonce de recrutement applying job working
- Hire embaucher applying job working
- Intership stage applying job working
- Lawsuit lossout procès applying job working
- Lay licencier applying job working
- Liabilities passif du bilan applying job working
- Lunch break pause déjeuner applying job working
- Occupation emploi applying job working
- Officier dirigeant applying job working
- Operating cost coût de fonctionnement applying job working
- Overtime heures supplémentaires applying job working
- Pay check paye,chéque de salaire applying job working
- Pay scale échelle de salaire applying job working
- Perk avantage en nature applying job working
- Pregmancy grossesse applying job working
- R&d recherche développement applying job working
- Redundancy mise au chômage applying job working
- Regulation règlement applying job working
- Screening sélection applying job working
- Senirity ancienneté applying job working
- Sick leave congé maladie applying job working
- Skilled qualifié applying job working
- Standard norme applying job working
- Takeover prise de contrôle,rachat applying job working
- Takeover bid opa applying job working
- Temp intérimaire faire de l'intérim applying job working
- Terminated résilié applying job working
- Work load charge de travail applying job working
- Workplace lieu de travail applying job working
- Blue collard col bleu applying job working
- Board conseil applying job working
- Bonus prime applying job working
- Buyer acheteur applying job working
- Call sick informer l'on est souffrant applying job
- Candidate candidat applying job working
- Ceo ci i o pdg applying job working
- Chairman président applying job working
- Competitor concurrent applying job working
- Dismiss licencier applying job working
- Earn gagner salaire applying job working
- Earnings résultats,gains applying job working
- Executive cadre applying job working
- Head chef applying job working
- Headquarters siege social applying job working
- Incentive motivation,prime applying job working
- Income revenu applying job working
- Intern stagiaire applying job working
- Investor investisseur applying job working
- Job unter demandeur d'emploi applying working
- Leave congé applying job working
- Margin marge applying job working
- Notice préavis applying job working
- Parent company société-mére applying job working
- Payslip fiche de paye applying job working
- Position poste applying job working
- Raise augmentation applying job working
- Resign(to démissionner applying job working
- Resume cv applying job working
- Retire prendre sa retraite applying job working
- Scheme projet applying job working
- Skill compétence,qualification applying job working
- Staff personnel applying job working
- Stockholder actionnaire applying job working
- Strike grève applying job working
- Embaucher applying job working take
- Trainee stagiaire applying job working
- Training formation applying job working
- Turnover chiffre d'affaire applying job working
- Union syndicat applying job working
- Vacancy poste à pourvoir applying job working
- Vacant poste applying job working
- Vacation vacances applying job working
- Wage salaire applying job working
- Workshop atelier applying job working
- Answering machine répondeur phone calls
- Area code indicatif phone calls
- Cut être coupé phone calls
- Beep bip phone calls
- Call back rappeler phone to
- Phone cell téléphone portable calls
- Connection communication phone calls
- Cut to)(pc couper pc phone calls
- Dial composer phone calls to
- Emergency call appel d'urgence phone
- Engaged occupé ligne phone calls
- Extention poste d'un correspondant phone calls
- Hang raccrocher phone calls up
- Hold rester en ligne phone calls
- Hold line rester en ligne phone calls
- Key touche phone calls
- Hook pick décroché phone calls
- Phone directory annuaire téléphonique calls
- Press key appuyer sur une touche phone calls
- Put passer à quelqu'un phone calls
- Receiver combiné phone calls
- Recording enregistrement phone calls
- Speak parler fort phone calls
- Speaking à l'appareil phone calls
- Spell épeler phone calls to
- Stay line rester en ligne phone calls
- Subscriber abonné phone calls
- Swichboard standard téléphonique phone calls
- Telephone booth cabine téléphonique phone calls
- Time zone fuseau horraire phone calls
- Toll-free-number numéro vert phone calls
- Tone tonalité phone calls
- Ad annonce publicitaire marketing advertasing
- Adman publicitaire marketing advertasing
- Aim viser marketing advertasing to
- Audience public marketing advertasing
- Bargain bonne affaire marketing advertasing
- Behaiviour comportement marketing advertasing
- Bid offre marketing advertasing
- Blueprint plan avant projet marketing advertasing
- Boost promouvoir marketing advertasing to
- Braket tranche marketing advertasing
- Brand marque marketing advertasing
- Broacast diffuser marketing advertasing to
- Brochure marketing advertasing
- Commercial spot pubicitaire marketing advertasing
- Consummer consommateur marketing advertasing
- Consumer goods biens de consommation marketing advertasing
- Contest concours marketing advertasing
- Data données marketing advertasing
- Data processing traitements de données marketing advertasing
- Database base de données marketing advertasing
- Disposable jetable marketing advertasing
- Draft brouillon,avant projet marketing advertasing
- Flyer prospectus marketing advertasing
- Hoarding panneau publicitaire marketing advertasing
- Household ménage marketing advertasing
- Launch lancement/lancer marketing advertasing
- Layout présentation,disposition marketing advertasing
- Leaflet prospectus marketing advertasing
- Literature documentation marketing advertasing
- Loyalty fidélité marketing advertasing
- Market share part de marché marketing advertasing
- Misleading trompeur marketing advertasing
- Niche créneau marketing advertasing
- Poll/(to sondage sonder marketing advertasing
- Poster affiche marketing advertasing
- Press release communiquer de presse marketing advertasing
- Purchasing power pouvoir d'achat marketing advertasing
- Rate tarif taux marketing advertasing
- Rebate rabais marketing advertasing
- Run ad passer une annonce marketing advertasing
- Sample échantillon marketing advertasing
- Sampling échantillonnage marketing advertasing
- Sketch croquis marketing advertasing
- Sponsor sponsoriser marketing advertasing to
- Sponsorship sponsoring marketing advertasing
- Sticker autocolant marketing advertasing
- Survey sondage sonder marketing advertasing
- Tap market exploiter marché marketing advertasing
- Target cible cibler marketing advertasing
- Taste goût goûter marketing advertasing
- Advertasing trade publicité professionnelle marketing
- Marque trade marketing advertasing
- Trend tendance marketing advertasing
- Upscale haut de gamme marketing advertasing
- User utilisateur marketing advertasing
- Apparatus appareil factory maintenance and
- Assembly line chaîne de montage factory maintenance
- Battery pile factory maintenance and
- Beam poutre rayon factory maintenance
- Belt courroie factory maintenance and
- Bolt boulon factory maintenance and
- Broom balai factory maintenance and
- En boîte fer mettre boite factory maintenance
- Check vérifier factory maintenance to
- Chemist chimiste factory maintenance and
- Circuit factory maintenance and
- Conveyor belt tapis roulant factory maintenance
- Damage dégâts factory maintenance and
- Data données factory maintenance and
- Device système dispositif factory maintenance
- Drill forer,percer factory maintenance to
- Facilities installations factory maintenance and
- Factory usine maintenance and
- Faillure échec/panne factory maintenance and
- Faulty défectueux factory maintenance and
- Fix réparer factory maintenance to
- Fold plier factory maintenance to
- Fuel carburant factory maintenance and
- Fuse fusible factory maintenance and
- Gallon 3,785l factory maintenance =
- Halt arrêter factory maintenance to
- Handle poignée manipuler factory maintenance
- Handling manutention factory maintenance and
- Hose tuyau factory maintenance and
- Inch pouce=2,54 cm factory maintenance
- Lab work travail de laboratoire factory maintenance
- Ladder échelle factory maintenance and
- Leak fuite/fuir factory maintenance to
- Lever levier factory maintenance and
- Lift soulever factory maintenance to
- Load charge/charger factory maintenance to
- Log/(to noter/enregistrer factory maintenance and
- Mechanic mécnicien factory maintenance and
- Meter compteur factory maintenance and
- Mishap incident factory maintenance and
- Monitor moniteur/contrôler factory maintenance to
- Nut écrou factory maintenance and
- Ounce 28,35g factory maintenance once
- Service en panne factory maintenance
- Overhaul réviser factory maintenance to
- Panel panneau factory maintenance and
- Plant usine factory maintenance and
- Pipe tuyau factory maintenance and
- Pound livre=453,6g factory maintenance and
- Power courant électrique factory maintenance
- Premises lieux factory maintenance and
- Pull tirer factory maintenance to
- Repair man réparateur factory maintenance
- Sample échantillon factory maintenance and
- Screw vis factory maintenance and
- Screwdriver tourne-vis factory maintenance and
- Scrub nettoyer factory maintenance to
- Shelf étagère factory maintenance and
- Shift équipe de travail factory maintenance
- Spare part pièce de rechange factory maintenance
- Spread étaler factory maintenance to
- Store stocker factory maintenance to
- Switch interrupteur factory maintenance and
- Switchboard panneau de commandes factory maintenance
- Trigger déclancher factory maintenance to
- Warehouse entrepôt factory maintenance and
- Waste disposal traitement des déchets factory maintenance
- Yard 91,54cm factory maintenance =
- Bend virage driving
- Brake frein freiner driving to
- Breakdown panne driving
- Bump bosse driving
- Bumper pare-choc driving
- Carmaker fabricant de voitures driving
- Change lane changer de file driving
- Check vérifier driving to
- Crash entrer en collision avec driving
- Dealership concession automobile driving
- Bump bosse driving
- Directions indication,direction driving
- Downtown au centre ville driving
- Driver's licence permis de conduire driving
- Engine moteur driving
- Fix réparer driving to
- Flat tire pneu dégonflé driving
- Gas essence driving
- Station gas d'essence driving
- Gears vitesse driving
- Hightway autoroute driving
- Hit heurter driving to
- Honk klaxonner driving to
- Hood capot driving
- Horn klaxon driving
- Ignition allumage driving
- Ignition key clé de contact driving
- Junction bretelle driving
- Lane file voie driving
- Leak/(to fuite/fuir liquide driving
- Licence plate plaque d'immatriculation driving
- Lot parking driving
- Mechanic mécanicien driving
- Mileage kilométrage driving
- Oil huile driving
- Overtake doubler driving to
- Parking space place de driving
- Pedestran piéton driving
- Rent car voiture de location driving
- Road sign panneau de signalisation driving
- Roof rack galerie driving
- Seat siège driving
- Seat belt ceinture de sécurité driving
- Service car réviser une voiture driving
- Sidewalk trottoir driving
- Skid déraper driving to
- Tank réservoir driving
- Ticket amende driving
- Tire pneu driving
- Toll booth péage driving
- Traffic light feux de signalisation driving
- Trailer remorque driving
- Trench tranchée driving
- Trucks camion driving
- Trunk coffre driving
- Turnpick autoroute peage driving a
- Vehicle véhicule driving
- Walkway passage pour piéton driving
- Wheel roue volant driving
- Windshield pare-brise driving
- Afford se permettre achat shopping
- Service sales après vente shopping
- Aisle aî l allée d'un magasin shopping
- Banknote billet de banque shopping
- Barcode code-barre shopping
- Bargain bonne affaire/marchander shopping
- Cash register caisse enregistreuse shopping
- Charge faire payer,débiter une carte de crédit shopping
- Confectionery confisserie shopping
- Counter guichet caisse shopping
- Coupon kouponn bon shopping
- Dealer revendeur commerçant shopping
- Department rayon shopping
- Deposit acompte shopping
- Dime daîm pièce de cents shopping
- Display étalage eposition shopping
- Franchisee franchisé shopping
- Gift cadeau shopping
- Id card pièce d'identité shopping
- Make marque shopping
- Middleman intermédiaire shopping
- News agent marchand de journaux shopping
- Nickel pièce de cents shopping
- Outlet point de vente,débouché shopping
- Patron client shopping
- Price tag étiquette de prix shopping
- Quarter pièce de cents shopping
- Receipt reçu shopping
- Refund remboursement shopping
- Retailer détaillant shopping
- Sales rep représentant shopping
- Hand d'occasion shopping second
- Shop assistant vendeur vendeuse shopping
- Shoplifting vol à l'étalage shopping
- Shopping mall centre commercial
- Small change menue monaie shopping
- Till caisse enregistreuse shopping
- Upscale haut de gamme shopping
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Common English Idioms, Phrasal Verbs & Proverbs
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Longman Dictionary of Common Errors