
Deportment Meaning Verb Latin Refer Behavior September Noun

Word deportment
Date September 11, 2018
Type noun
Syllables dih-PORT-munt
Etymology Deportment evolved from the verb deport, meaning "to behave especially in accord with a code," which in turn came to us through Middle French from Latin deportare, meaning "to carry away." (You may also know deport as a verb meaning "to send out of the country"; that sense is newer and is derived directly from Latin deportare.) Deportment can simply refer to one's demeanor, or it can refer to behavior formed by breeding or training and often conforming to conventional rules of propriety: "Are you not gratified that I am so rapidly gaining correct ideas of female propriety and sedate deportment?" wrote 17-year-old Emily Dickinson to her brother Austin.
Examples The candidate chosen for the position had an exceptional resume, but it was her deportment and personality as exhibited during interviews that were the deciding factors.

"The one artisanal, teachable thing is outer conduct. You can't restructure a genome, but, as Mr. Turveydrop, in [Charles Dickens'] 'Bleak House,' insisted, you really can teach deportment." — Adam Gopnik, The New Yorker, 29 Jan. 2018
Definition : the manner in which one conducts oneself : behavior

Tags: wordoftheday::noun

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