C1&C2 vocab
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- Collo give/show consideration to
- Collo one's consideration for
- Collo doubt as to about
- Collo focus of/for the
- Collo main/primary/major focus the
- Collo stick to/stand principles by
- Collo break habit a
- Collo meet/satisfy demand a
- Collo show signs no of
- Collo experience have of doing
- Collo aim with the of
- Collo knowledge have little of
- It is that because thanks
- Collo to/reach understanding come an
- Collo understanding sb have an
- Collo turn gun sb a
- Collo speak highly/badly sb to
- Collo raise one's objections
- Collo take/make/hazard guess a
- Collo cut/make/reach/strike deal a with
- Collo pay sb compliment a
- Collo block flats of
- Collo lay foundations the of
- Collo set/clear/lay table the
- Gather v sth true directly told i
- N large room hospital beds people stay ward
- or v t o something in the of
- Cynical sb believes people care sincere honest expects
- Dubious 1.not completely good safe honest 2.not truth
- V understand sth grasp finding difficult grasp rules
- Hunch n feeling sth true happen definite facts
- Paradox n person thing situation strange features qualities
- Brush phr v practise improve skills knowledge sth
- V carefully sth long time reaching decision ponder
- Sth reckon v true i wrong
- V sb's work ideas words own plagiarise accused
- Seminar n class college university small group students
- Hit phr v discover sth chance ex:she scared
- Idea hit phr v suddenly celebrating occasion concert
- Puzzle phr v solve confusing complicated problem thinking
- Read phr v information subject reading lot on/about
- Phr v accept sth real true father's death
- Phr v include sth tour takes incredible scenery
- Phr v understand remember sth hear read explanation
- Phr v problem decision carefully proposal
- Phr v facts sth organised time things
- Phr v invent imagine sth esp excuse up
- Head idi success makes important i hope scholarship
- Wits idi quickly make decisions dealing pushy salespeople
- Idi important facts situation tony proposed
- Leg stand idi proving sth led george argue
- Wood trees idi sb understand important situation thinking
- Put idi guess happening sth means based heard
- Bell idi sth sounds familiar remember exact details
- Round bend idi crazy noise driving
- Hairs idi argue worry small details differences important
- Situation stock idi spend time thinking decide couple
- Collo thought consideration being about
- Consideration collo) kind regard for
- Collo) have why not about doubts
- Collo) make less about less in doubt cast
- Collo) make doubts raise doubts
- Not collo) whether will or to what doubt
- Collo) (doubt doubt beyond any
- A collo) or person's is enough for the
- Doubt collo) to (doubt student i taught
- Collo) not even (doubt open doubt now to
- Collo) much than you or (dreams wildest dreams
- Good idi telling sb wait sth make hurry
- for collo) that that always dream true you
- Collo) for that is to (dreams dreams i
- Collo very (dream dream the went a
- Focus collo) the aren’t in
- Collo) clearly (focus focus the seemed
- Impression collo an at another person's and etc.,
- Collo) to other and you impression create/make sb
- Impression collo) about you because have or not
- Collo make an to something mental note i
- N) that your without them mental arithmetic
- Collo person's is a of to when to
- to something about phr) to are or mind
- Collo to about one thing nothing (mind one-track
- Collo) a way of how etc in with
- Idi sth happened existed born lived worked swh
- To you or about collo from a by
- Collo make you something mind bring
- Minds collo) unable decide about i was whether
- Collo your or you (mind mind
- The mind n) person's and that has person’s
- A) or not in or from mind narrow-minded
- about a) to or to something from be
- Collo) a that not (misapprehension misapprehension
- In the of perspective collo an in a
- Phr v move things places positions change friends
- Change phr v clothes piece clothing wearing put
- Change phr v clothes piece clothing wearing put
- Slowly phr v disapper fade amazement letters page
- Computer key phr v put info electronic machine
- Phr v sth machine product find works correctly
- Phr v supply sth use
- Change leopard idi s.o behaviour character spots jimmy
- Mod cons idi modern conveniences machines pieces equipment
- Idi change situation sth people past break mould
- Change tune idi opinion attitude tom criticised nadia
- Change sth heart idi opinion decide planning william's
- Sth idi familiar inside be
- Wheel idi waste time effort sth s.o reinvent
- Idi refuse change opposition criticism guns stick
- Tools trade idi skills equipments order job good
- Phr v hapen suddenly unexpectedly crop
- Phr v start sth enthusiastic dive
- Kick phr v begin quick month's sales figures
- Knock phr v stop working early today
- Knuckle phr v start working hard esp earlier
- Lay phr v stop sth esp short period
- Lies future ahead phr v sth happen bright
- Wind phr v end finish sth gradually party
- Wind phr v gradually reduce work stopping completely
- Wind phr v relax period excitement worry hard
- Idi solve problem leave difficult deal stitch time
- Time idi staying rented accomodation hope buy place
- Time idi kate regularly but
- Donkey's years idi extremely long time donkey in/for
- Time nick idi prevent sth bad happening swimmer
- Blue i idi rarely moon honest museum time
- Spur idi sth suddenly time plan thin carefully
- Day idi recently interesting item news
- Phr v stop people entering area putting sth
- Phr v lost worng place astray astray found
- Head phr v prevent sb swh front police
- Head phr v prevent sth taking place emergency
- Back phr v stop sb sth moving forwards
- Phr v start living house flat move divorced
- Phr v leave place travel move
- Phr v permanently leave house of place business
- Phr v change position order make space s.o
- Phr v stop side road car orr vehicle
- Slip phr v leave secretly hour party i
- Phr v leave job s.o step chairman stepped
- Sb phr v move pass you step aside
- Stop phr v visit swh continuing place bakery
- Tip phr v object end move upwards esp
- Phr v turn container upside things inside tip
- Phr v leave meeting perrformance bored angry walk
- Phr v suddenly leave relationship family walk
- Stone's throw idi close to stone away/from live
- Crow flies idi straight line measuring distance miles
- Follow nose idi straight forward turning past traffic
- Follow nose idi feel situation detective learned
- Idi confused things lose bearings
- Beeline idi s.o sth quickest direct make exx
- N high-speed internet connection broadband
- Dead tracks i idi suddenly stop surprised head
- Short cut i idi follow path quicker shorter
- Scenic route idi follow longer path usual attractive
- Collo general principle in
- Collo i n opposition believes principles sb's
- A beg the collo) or it you to
- Collo) it will not (question question sth
- Collo) no about question if
- Collo t o sense you
- Collo t o something is or sense make
- Collo) to to that been (senses senses
- in n) the to good making and to
- You the idi) in to good that past
- Collo) to both the or in a side
- Collo) find good things bad situation side bright
- Collo) positive/negative aspects side plus/minus it’s a but
- Straight collo) correct mistaken providing accurate information set/put
- Collo) you make understand properly straight
- Be to collo or (straight think/see straight too
- of collo) not (view dim/poor view my a
- View collo a thing or a i
- A) not a and of for (job jobbing
- A v) to to etc, in to it
- A) or dynamic it is fast-growing dynamic.
- Radical to a) or of something is and
- V) to to in to it refine we’ve
- To v) a by that are or a
- V) to your or of something revise
- N) the that are status quo
- for n) or something, a manual an manual
- to a) be in or you or (adjust
- Break collo t o tradition
- Make collo) attempt to) chớp cơ hội break
- to collo) very something a time clock are
- All collo and without (clock clock they’re
- Drift the v) to to thick across
- Bet collo) succeed safe a
- Collo) to to someone a (date make date
- Collo) wanted people demand be
- Collo any that someone or something demand
- Good collo fairly large number people things many/few
- enough she's collo be or sth
- Lead collo be than other or things world
- Collo) be winning position race competition (lead take/hold lead
- Lead collo t o thing follow sb's he
- Collo replace place take the
- Collo of thay vì place
- Sore point phr subject issue feels distressed annoyed
- Collo react smiling make smile raise
- Not in out of collo for a place
- Wheel collo t o drive vehicle my sister
- N) no for or to times anachronism she
- A) for long time eternal the of eternal
- A n) someone at time or contemporary his
- Interim a) to or an only something or
- or the n) a when you to way
- Happen oncoming a going to
- Collo) to the same every at etc times,
- You work collo) f means for period time
- for collo) how long something (hours hours end
- Collo) very at hour until/till up until all
- Hours collo) time a such an is (hour
- Bad make job collo) accept a situation deal
- Due collo time reynolds respond letter
- Make day collo) to someone happy sb's adrian
- Job collo) to well/badly make good/bad repair bike
- A) in amount or (substance substantial
- Time collo) for that are about the time
- Collo) moment very soon in
- Collo) for long time (on the seemed for
- Collo) for has you to or something or
- Split collo moment time i hesitated
- Collo) when something and time start i her
- Work wonders collo beneficial effect something.(wonders good night's
- to collo) a when at in for your
- Collo) never: for that never year not/never million
- The v) to something with your and clamber
- V) part body hand your it you it
- V) to someone something for because are or
- V) someone ...somewhere move there and creep i when
- Dash the v) to or very because a
- V) a or some descend i into the
- in her v) to to move find something
- V) to a with your or in to
- Sth collo alternate turn to
- Collo one's business concern sb
- Sth sb collo deprive take
- Risk collo sth run having
- Collo judging apparently sth by
- Collo) knowing relevant facts glance face
- Thought collo) to or on something give sth
- to collo) to no your about something secret
- Collo begin understand realization to
- Sth collo prefer do would
- Collo show is or he for a to
- Expense collo) thing or the thing or done
- Phr v) to get in or the was
- Phr v) o have to time round to
- Collo getting a he'll be
- Improvement collo) than that before improve sth essay
- Collo wrong fault in the
- Collo eventually time due at
- Collo owe lot money heavily debt
- Collo) the of to (appetite give sb appetite
- V) move a and way no glide she
- V) take of rough or way grab he
- And v) something very grasp she his hand
- Hop v) move by on one leg
- V) to over something leap leapt table punched
- The in v) to across an way skid
- V) move by first one and skip julie
- Slip v) your and you your or over
- V) hit your on and down trip the
- Blunt a) what is or you this or
- V) to a or for a of charter
- The of n) very and sometimes because have
- in n) amount of front your can your
- A n) next or where can quay
- A n) to and back round trip
- V) to the in a steer
- N) man whose is to after the on
- Collo) thing follow suit for and other
- Collo) when are to give more about our
- to collo) to we’d get if don’t be
- Head ball phr) stupid foolish idiotic person crazy
- Collo) move front people waiting longer jump queue
- Collo too without about jump gun
- Collo hurry move up get
- Collo) to someone very in to find are
- Point collo) effectively communicate explain one's opinion idea
- in the collo) to a and way run
- Phr v) examine deal set things quickly run
- Collo) you problems begin experience run ran bad
- Rush collo) draw conclusions make decisions form opinions
- Phr hurry rush in a
- Collo stop feeling nervous steady nerves
- Collo) quên mất thời gian track lose time
- The track collo will good be in way
- or track collo that are to be vanessa
- Phr v) advice turn to
- Collo lost fail reach one's destination lose wrong
- Collo t o move so get you make
- Collo) be by make the have made for
- to v) to someone in you in sincere
- Inkling n) a or of that you might
- Jargon n) and that only by who same
- To something not v) or enough your are
- V) to something very murmur frances an as
- A something or n) in for in to
- Decay collo) to gradually damaged fall schoolhouse fallen
- V) to or about not quibble
- V) to or and for long time sometimes
- V) to in an and way rave
- Scribble the v) to something and tony on
- Stumble v) to a when are often when
- V) to the of in an way you
- Collo) to with take for trouble
- A n) at bottom that more about the
- N) thin with a to pamphlet
- N gay sach spine
- Collo notice sb's become known
- Collo) a etc not of notice escape sb's
- Collo) time prepare immediately notice moment's/two hours'...notice firefighters
- Paper collo to between in to make a
- Not collo) for that a is because the
- of the to n) a that to paper
- Phr) this that you that is more paper
- Put pen collo to to write paper
- N) person clerical job involving lot tedious repetitive
- in print collo) a or how it to
- Collo) understnd easily thinks feels read book
- The collo to to someone's or from write
- Read my collo) for someone that has been
- Collo to that is without any more or
- Set record collo give true version events reported
- Công collo không được bố hay ghi chép
- I’m now your collo) the to what you
- Final to collo) the words argument discussion decisively
- Collo) for someone ready as as they (say
- that collo) for an is the be fairer
- what you collo) to about something piece i’ve
- Collo the that just is as speak yourself
- Mind collo express one's feelings opinions frankly.(speak speak
- I collo speak turn you
- Speak collo to that be as lorna
- Collo) enough to speaking terms we’re back now.
- To collo) someone you or something talk into/out
- To a talk collo someone about in way
- Language collo have and of them talk
- Talk cheap i results collo) easy
- Understanding collo) to someone's or ten
- Put good word i collo say things sb
- Spread collo to a to lot of word
- Put words collo someone one thing the really
- Collo) time something word we would the go
- Collo) for that the on your what are
- Write collo not or home
- to answer collo) to your has you answer)
- Answer a was collo) to what is or
- Collo) to the or thing answer description a
- A collo) to (answer answer
- Phr v) to several for or i around
- Sb collo invite swh over/round =to house
- Phr v) house room office sb in
- Collo) before give your about you me doesn’t
- for collo) if you are the
- Collo act incur problems difficulties trouble hitching lift
- Book collo) as the you my always by
- Collo a about you or nothing book closed
- Open book collo person thing easy understand known.(book
- Collo opinion book in my
- to collo) do what are letter follow/obey sth
- Sb collo bear) bear close resemblance
- Collo unpleasant situation boat be
- Collo remind sb sth make remember sth mind
- Collo accept sth bad changed oneself resign fact
- Collo sth true run idea/impression
- Sth give rise collo induce happen to ảgricultural
- Clue collo) clarify give papers gave no as
- Collo) to and because has or offence sth
- Collo be and in days
- Judicious a) and (judge judicious
- The n) part of that of and in
- Judicial a) to the and that are for
- and a) too to other s that are
- Reasonable a) in a and way reason reasonable
- Who n) or in a way freak don’t
- Changeover a n) from one system or to
- N convert conversion
- A) not a and of for (job jobbing
- V) to something ascribe their was to a
- Attribute v) someone/something) to that the of a
- Blow a n) an that you to very
- Phr v) become to something cool
- Haphazard a) that not be or town grown
- Adv) not without what are inadvertently i’m i
- in in instrumental the a) an way something
- Jinxed a) a of someone
- V) move without a or in meander
- Mishap n) a or of up in after
- Idi something is blue out
- of a v) become from other or same
- N) a in not what to you that
- or startle v) to a by something not
- The stray v) move from or into chinese
- What next a of the we were over
- V move unsteadily side wobble table leg short
- N) that are somewhere or as greenery
- Phr v) find you not to chance i
- Phr v) become or less and then die
- To phr v) something the by dig that
- We phr v) find by dig his up
- The phr v) something ... or is up comes dry
- The phr v) to being dry will to
- Heat phr v up
- Phr v) to so are kill may off
- Phr v) to a slip up n slip-up
- Phr v) to or be and spring internet
- Phr v) a of it store many up
- Phr v) store who don’t are up for
- Throw phr v away out
- To throw the phr v) someone a or
- Phr v) in a etc they to it
- Phr v) to something or throw system has
- Collo s omeone who when they poor loser
- The phr v) as or to into throw
- Be idi an such very that or and
- Rain idi whatever shine come
- Luck idi be a or little
- Idi chosen sth unpleasant straw draw short mike
- Idi) good at and making well green fingers
- To idi something nature let
- Rhyme or idi any reason government was some
- Luck idi people limited control life brings draw
- Collo) it chance lorraine didn’t me she a
- Collo) not to the is or chance leave
- Collo) by of dint she by of
- A n) of round or where is not
- Collo) give for green give sb light the
- Guess collo) based knowledge information wild
- Guess collo) based knowledge experience correct educated
- Odds are favour collo) that someone's succeed doing.
- Phr v) to about very way that are
- A collo) for it that are is is
- that is collo) for happen it so i
- Collo) incredibly quickly speedily lightning speed
- I collo to too hard a and what
- that collo) to the should will (luck trust
- Stroke luck collo fortunate occurrence predicted expected left
- Luck collo happened purely chance route lived
- Luck collo) a good tonight’s you’re
- Luck collo before an or a that are
- Long collo) before the that will something else
- Two a) same from equidistant from/between the is
- only or a) in or a time finite
- A heap n) of something, an heap
- Meagre a) or you or
- V quantity quantify
- N) in a rather than lump sum
- The in that v) of your a can
- V money bank account withdraw
- Phr v) to someone and by them more
- V) to who be for portion apportion blame/liability
- Amount of withdrawal n) the of an out
- Brevity n) few her the
- A) and weight weighty weighty
- V) to something as between more etc portion
- To you buy phr v) someone or efforts
- Phr v) to to your so can all
- Phr v of is buy up and them
- One phr v) you or are in or
- Phr v) to a or amount clock dawson
- Club phr v if them some so the
- A collo or big any in the she's
- to phr v) to you or something drum
- Mount phr v) much the are to
- Back phr v) give amount of that you
- of phr v) to or a pay we’ve
- Phr v) to from amount over a of
- A phr v) to and form an about
- Number quantity phr v remove left
- A that the collo) or is to less
- Phr v) to someone and to move weigh
- Phr v) cause for to someone weigh has
- Idi) to the of each halves we’re can
- Idi) choose things broad long
- Idi) always to same and things as or
- Idi) very or (knee-high knee-high grasshopper
- Phr v to using or at pocket line
- N repair reparation
- Idi) all every of barrel lock,stock things lock
- Idi you that two is or worse than dozen
- Phr v save money put
- Sum/amount idi large tidy put
- Big thing make collo) act important don't such
- Big collo) i’m very on
- that collo) for been or when not big
- More a) that or than big bigheaded she's
- Collo) and (heart big-hearted
- Collo) for someone lot ok time go that’s
- N a of (big big money tournament
- N) that are and for (big big game
- Phr v to and as a deal sth
- To collo someone a or or be very
- Important big deal collo) to treat make girl's
- Comprehensive deep in-depth interviews a
- A collo) become as of something, in that
- Collo) for that you something is fat chance
- Fat lot good collo you that is a
- High spirits collo happy excited children were on
- High-priority great importance high project
- High collo) feeling happy excited receiving promotion
- Record collo the or that has high new/all-time/record
- A high collo where most and in are
- To to collo very hard something length great/any
- Length of collo you the and a every
- at collo) long time a of detail length
- Load collo t o sit relax (load one's
- of collo) a of something load of/loads of
- Collo t o have for something or load
- Hard collo to something very in to it
- Long collo) much at last
- Day collo long the whole
- Lot plate collo a of to with she's
- Awful lot collo large amount great deal letters
- I collo lot made enough for three and
- in collo) someone’s when very lot sb's life
- Money's worth collo good money
- for to collo) to you or than or
- about put the its collo) for that something,
- a for collo) to something: for that you
- Made collo be money of
- Collo my money for my
- A dearly collo to a lot of or
- To collo) someone them a pay one's respects
- Collo) someone’s pay respects up to their last
- Collo) to with the of pay penalty/price sth
- Collo) worth effort expense pay study hard
- Pay rise a the for of collo an
- Pay freeze collo) situation company stops increasing employees'
- Collo) the of that have after take-home pay
- Or poor collo be much in than things
- A about collo) of but more thing; less
- Share collo to everyone an of alike
- N) an of something between (share share-out
- Collo) get very (short short temper/fuse
- Short collo to or with something make work
- Short collo warning time preparation notice tours canceled
- Short collo) short is sweet morning's
- A shortlist of the n who been most
- of collo) for that you with someone’s or
- The early of twelve o'clock at and when
- Not i collo) about things between who each
- Collo) very to or thin skin thin you’ll
- Collo is or ice skating thin
- Collo) something it in a way thin of/from
- Thin collo) not in or ground such are
- A) a of it space spacious
- Collo) your thin top is to a thin
- or weak collo you and you to over
- A) a is to their or (will weak-willed
- or phr v) to a with board the
- Phr v removed sth clothing cloth washing rubbing
- Phr v result end a
- A phr v) to something by cut i
- Phr v) to something or something, because is
- Architect architectural a
- N người ở trong nhà house householder
- Inhabitable uninhabitable a ><
- A) of or l metallic
- N sb objects objector who
- Phr v) to or something fix take and
- Phr v destroy building wall knock/pull/tear
- something up with phr v) to from by
- To to phr v) a system, etc by
- Put phr v fix sth equipment place make
- Put phr v make official request claim offer
- Phr v choose people things form team group
- Put phr v make sth joining parts long
- Phr v produce organise sth things put i
- The collo) to something a or put were
- Put phr v) to someone in your the
- A set to phr v) to a put
- The up phr v) to a of ready
- Phr v) if in a out move from
- Phr v) to a into the was down
- Phr v) to down or a the down
- Phr v) to to a or in to
- to v) to someone several times a hand
- Phr v) to something a or less or
- Home idi) a where you as as own
- Idi) that a less for an (blot blot
- Idi hùa theo jump bandwagon
- Idi) an a where many who in that
- A idi khu ổ chuột an part where
- Home idi) for that are to back own
- Idi area town city sticks
- Idi place live street with
- Town idi) yourself to of in or i
- Town idi ciy close depends larger city satellite
- A) or is and can into brittle don’t
- N) a of as or when has off
- A) than most of same (compact compact compact
- or v) to something by it become in
- N) very that off a such as or
- Crush n) a of all together an that
- A) has been with or another to it
- Solid hard firm a but
- By v) to something very or a or
- V) put or into same not together lump
- Lump a of n) of that not
- Mould v) give a or form clay shape
- The n) a into you a that becomes
- A) etc is to opaque
- The n) of someone times a hand pat
- A of the v) put on top pile
- N) a that you onto an to it
- V) to something into many by or it
- Speck n) very or of
- A in n) many squash
- V) to something with your squeeze his hand
- V) to so are one top stack she
- Collo) to in of go (block block somebody’s
- of stack n) a one top of were
- V) to move hand over fur stroke she
- Stroke n) a of hand across fur she
- into a stuff v) to something or alice
- From synthetic a) made or ones synthetic
- Tear hole a in the v) to something
- of a) a in build built-up built-up on
- the v) to with something, because you you
- A n) that round or so can through
- The to evict v) someone the they are
- A is very with many or a) (high
- housing n) for to in house housing had
- Collo) become (bend round bend
- Smooth-talking a) talking friendly pleasant completely honest sincere
- Brick-and-mortar collo) as a a than doing only
- N) whose is to bricklayer(s
- A v) to something or erect to was
- A floor the discussion debate collo) where or
- Collo) entertainment singing comedy presented nightclub restaurant similar
- Collo) cross one or hand fold arms the
- Collo) to you in a or house first
- To a collo) in something would everyone table
- Mark collo be to or to an or
- Collo) to not the that you mark hit/miss
- Matter collo days/seconds of the was in
- Matter collo that on opinion choosing ballplayer
- Collo to someone or about person’s of eye
- Sharp collo often and in a way tongue
- Collo) to so be smooth the are to
- N) someone the about to table manners the
- To tough with collo) strict stern ready discipline
- Collo) for you are that something has to
- A collo) but way of with (tough tough
- Collo) a man can with or (tough tough
- N) the and of and in a (town
- N) the of at in but not anything
- N) the of in in to them (wwindow
- The collo) for that you something or something
- The collo) that you is window on/onto/into sth
- N) of a without or (smooth smooth sailing
- The discontent n) that not with content discontent
- Derivative of n) has or been from derive
- N) a that another derive derivation the is
- A) to (resolve irresolute
- A) as a of has been result resultant
- Sensuous a) sense
- of to n) a no interest or about
- V) to in a or way chuckle read
- Cross a) this is by or when to
- Dignity a n) the of who their in
- The giggle v) to in a or way
- Glance the v) to somewhere and then at/over/toward
- V) a or not glimpse he a white-haired
- Gloat v) show are and at own or
- A) you something to glum
- V,n) to an by your for because in
- N) a in something not for long time
- Manners to n) ways of that show a
- Manoeuvre v,n) move a that or into/through katherine’s
- about moan v) to an way there’s no
- as v.n) someone they long low because of
- Mock you v) to someone something by at
- Peep to the v) to at something and
- V,n) to in an way something has to
- or snap v) to and become because a
- Snap you v) to to a way now
- The tactic s n) a or for something
- N) a in part body red or irritation
- N band-aid plaster
- A phr) part someone’s body in around to
- A n) s about or is to prognosis
- N) a of time not because ill sick
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