Cambridge IELTS Books
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- Gale strong wind severe a
- Bog area of ground sometimes bushes or marsh
- Decay people to slowly by a make body
- Codify to laws, facts system
- Foster transitive to period time child adopt a
- Lenient not in you someone the you expect
- Permissive not allowing that people would of parents
- Accustom make person a or place rules regulations
- Desensitize make someone less strongly making tv people
- Cynical unwilling people good, or reasons view human
- Sceptical to with people syn doubtful about/of i’m
- Indulge you is bad busy heavy lunchtime drinking
- Intricate or small parts that work together complex
- Vanity much in thinking your sabrina beautiful women
- Poached poach cook to etc or to ideas
- Halt stop brought or heavy snowfalls traffic made
- Gruesome very or involving being or badly police
- Ingest o food other into body digest surprisingly
- In fauna ll animals living area period these
- Flora the that grow place country tourism damaging
- Negligible too or to effect syn insignificant damage
- Slight small in opp big improvement
- Order things just cups saucers cost
- Expenditure of money public the government, person during
- Roughly syn about approximately people gently carefully grabbed
- Counterpart job or as place somebody’s belgian officials
- Mere small to how or something lost election
- Damp slightly an way wipe leather cloth cold
- Clump countable a group of bushes other very
- A spore like that produced some such as
- or a the cliff large area of with
- Steep a etc steep at high road rocky
- Intact broken damaged or medieval tower had remained
- Peat black formed from under the of ground
- Aesthetic with and study beauty esthetic point view
- Implement decided action make officially happen policy/plan/decision to
- Convey conveyed to to or something words information
- Cease ceased stop formal to happening member association
- Sanitation and the of public health removing water
- Sewer a or under ground carries away and
- Numerous attempts made hide truth leaders worked on
- Drastic and cuts in government spending are needed
- Colossal to that extremely large statue king t
- Comprehensive including the problems be with syn thorough
- Outbreak of or in area suddenly starts happen
- Distinctive special quality, or that easy to rock
- Allure a or quality foreign travel lost sexual
- Remittance money formal an of you to pay
- Etiquette the rules for in society group strict
- Initiative a to countable a decisions uncountable the
- Bask the of basking to sitting or in
- Hectic very or full of i’ve pretty day
- Wit amusing things uncountable the to are and
- Delegate been or to take for group representative
- Ambiguous is not be in opp unambiguous language
- Compliment shows paid a that you someone guests
- Worthwhile important or you something wanted job decided
- Spontaneous planned or suddenly feel crowd gave cheer
- Bustling place very somebody/something flower market shoppers
- I improvise improvised started any forced by events
- Medieval with the ages period ad spices brought
- Inherited inherit transitive to intransitive to money, etc
- Resilient tough to strong, or again difficult situation
- Sentimental to people easily by such love, etc
- Possession uncountable formal if have it somebody’s house
- Excursion short so group people can a place
- Imitate copy use to the someone speaks moves
- Inferior opp superior good i felt academics formal
- Traits formal a quality someone’s character personality/character mental
- Ostracize group people they to accept a of
- Irritation feeling being about repeatedly long time heavy
- Captivity person animal a etc allowed opp freedom
- The flesh part body person animal and freshwater
- Bolster syn boost to feel more making bold
- Make conjured conjure to in things appear, change
- Extinct type anymore of or does not dinosaurs
- Mussel
- Perplex makes feel and because difficult to syn
- Burden difficult or that are for family responsibilities
- Maternity woman to is or a paternity dress
- Perk legally work in to your goods, car
- Group brigade an people large of forming part
- Prosperous adjective formal and landowner
- Concessions an countable something you someone order end
- Bedevil lot problems and for period time syn
- Monstrous monstrously wrong, or it’s to charge hotel
- Onerous an work a that difficult and or
- Conscious or aware noun noticing something syn aware
- Albeit to information that the force or of
- Inclusion larger group included uncountable the act including
- Essentially sed stating most facts syn basically ballet
- Stimulate or opp suppress plant to activity begin
- Pity for person animal is or piteous pitiable
- Predominant more easily than group society painting colour
- Augment formal to increase amount effectiveness surplus sold
- Infuse infused formal to something feeling quality books
- Streak or a line not made accidentally sue
- Enraptured something syn enthralled orchestra played audience
- Evolved gradually evolve long period time animal plant
- Fester an feeling problem worse dealt dispute traced
- Delight uncountable a feeling great and with/in kids
- Backdrop literary the something sea made splendid garden
- Itinerary plan or of places will on a
- Agitate agitating intransitive to strongly public a or
- Infectious person infectious can passed air you diseases
- Prone or body from bad plants disease kids
- Wander intransitive to wandered to or are if
- Determinant formal something strongly influences you social class
- Irritable getting quickly easily syn crabby bad-tempered jo
- Dye a you change the of your etc
- Subtle easy notice understand pay attention opp obvious
- Envisage is to happen the scheme cost lot
- Womb part woman’s or animal’s body her grows
- Sapling young tree a
- Intent pursuing career business giving attention gaze on/upon
- Diverge if they diverged views divergence divergent things
- Integral part forming a part vegetables an of
- Buoyant to and phil mood buoyant prices etc
- Beehive a where s are producing
- Incompetent the or to job properly opp competent
- Slender in syn slim an or way stylish
- Surmount to in dealing problem or syn overcome
- Sap the that carries food plant
- Cosmetic dealing the rather important part syn superficial
- Germinate if begins to intransitive transitive a germinates
- Arson the of deliberately making something building school
- Cultivate to and use for growing and land
- Demise formal the end to the imminent happening
- Imminent event an one happen danger/threat/death/disaster danger dying
- Maritime to the or syn marine san francisco
- Viable idea plan or can work successfully alternative/proposition/option
- Indigenous ndigenous people things place brought syn native
- Disperse if dispersed group people go in police
- Daunting in makes feel less trip young girl
- Repertoire a group all plays pieces of etc
- Oblivious not about noticing happening syn unaware of/to
- Reconcile transitive if ideas situations facts find be
- Virtue uncountable opp vice formal of and women
- Lucid clear in easy to write style understand
- Brink back literary the of high place a
- Indiscriminate action thinking what it attacks/killing/violence/bombing terrorists responsible
- Depict to something writing or show a picture
- Maiden literary a young woman not syn damsel
- Start anew begin job live place difficult period
- Flourish intransitive to well be syn thrive economy
- Invasion of in countable uncountable when the country
- Situated place position syn located in/near/at house college
- Grain food uncountable the of such as or
- Abrupt and an change of plan end/halt bus
- Propulsion a technical force drives propel rocket/wind/nuclear/jet research
- Procurement the of ordering and the etc needed
- Peasant a who owns or a small amount
- Revolt or syn rebellion a to someone’s or
- Famine situation large number people food long time
- Afflicted afflict to someone an way make suffer
- Blast air a a air/wind strong of or
- Keen english to keen or mind prices especially
- Ascent opp countable singular the descent a of
- Spellbound extremely interested are to king lear still
- to preceded precede formal happen or before a
- Compelling makes that very or pay life a
- to auditory the hear
- Verbal words rather written agreement/instructions to skills
- Seemingly syn apparently appearing particular be unrelated bits
- Emotive making people strong syn emotional issue/subject/word child
- Incubate a incubates its eggs kept until they
- Emergence begins or japan world leader when difficult
- Rearing the process keeping feeding breeding medical care
- Respiratory or adjective formal technical to your disease
- Dilate f a part body becomes opp contract
- Hollow empty inside having an tree words events
- Tortoise slow-moving land animal can its head and
- Respite short time bad stops happening situation temporarily
- Devoid formal completely in face warmth humour place
- Explicit made or in clear and implicit contrast
- Submission uncountable that to or the of completely
- Poignant making feel or full of reminder/image/moment reminder
- Adverse good or fear an effect on global
- Sedentary a formal lot time down moving or
- Impulse a a countable or uncountable strong to
- Tide a by them money lend till week
- Adjacent room building piece land stayed library
- Contradict transitive the facts intransitive to with is
- Deceive deceived trick make someone something not deception
- Verdant land thickly covered with plants syn lush
- Intriguing is is very because or syn fascinating
- Corruption form dishonesty criminal offense undertaken person organization
- Illicit allowed laws rules strongly of by illegal
- Erupt a if etc starts suddenly syn break
- Beads مهره set small round pieces of etc
- Conservation conserve noun uncountable the of things animals,
- Tantalized tantalize show or something not them ambitious
- Alleged an fact happened is been offence/crime/incident involvement
- Keyboard result syn therefore computer users received formal
- Yarn countable informal a story of etc made
- Reeled reel back fall be or by situation
- Irrigate to with water or lake powell area
- Vague because give enough information they governor gave
- Cohort someone’s friends support and to show mark
- Pond small area of water smaller a either
- Disturbance uncountable countable formal a situation people violently
- Basic amenity makes place or to live hotel
- Husk part countable uncountable the dry of some
- Delve deeply to to find information research that
- Deceptive move thing fact snakes speed faster expect
- Sleek a or other that a the lines
- Compromise agenda to a countable uncountable an that
- Binding a contract/promise/agreement etc be offer clearly if
- Junction place road, etc another syn intersection abbot
- Levy officially people pay a or tax/charge/fine tax
- Totem animal plant thought special with particular in
- Onwards walked head lake beginning time age continuing
- Cocoon پیله
- Edible eaten opp inedible something
- Fiercely strongly severely idea was opposed by nationalists
- Ubiquitous to humorously coffee shops days french film
- Egalitarian principle equal adjective believing based people deserve
- Estranged longer talking a or good an feeling
- Venture business activity involves taking business/commercial joint companies
- Cattle and s kept a for their or herds
- Arid arid land arid is dry little water
- Winding twisting movement stream thing winds wound round
- Resentment feeling of because happened is syn bitterness
- Rigours the and of a rigors canadian winter
- Consequent adjective noun formal happening result event situation
- Subsequent adjective formal happening coming consequent skills passed
- Conjunction countable n somebody/something working happening worksheets designed
- Intricacy the of of private banking uncountable the
- Substitute a thing sub informal someone else’s job
- Extinguish to make a or light stop or
- Decipher read a find meaning difficult or indecipherable
- Partially completely syn partly operation successful remember responsible
- Inclination countable uncountable a to a feeling makes
- A monk of all-male group lives people nun
- Distill a water تقطیر make such or more
- Motif idea, or that regularly and developed book,
- Distinguish transitive distinguishing somebody/something progressive to intransitive to
- Exertion a lot of or afternoon’s left feeling
- Ailment an that minor is
- Incompatible two opp compatible things people different etc
- Cajole to gradually someone being making rich countries
- Fraternal showing special friendliness people you interests ideas
- Scold scolding angrily someone child syn tell puppy
- Incite incitement deliberately people fight, etc encourage charged
- Menace countable is syn something threat it’s deal
- Frenetic job activity fast very syn frantic rushes
- Something/somebody to something quickly paying much to minutes
- Overlook room to not something important syn miss
- Child heredity process which and are passed parent
- Foliage leaves plant dark green
- Pale looked having a that very whiter drawn
- Ripe ripe or are fully grown and to
- Warden english person place a is for job
- Ridge long top a the a area high
- Particle small a a piece dust tiny soil
- Treaty countable a written between countries governments sides
- Peculiar little smell kitchen seems very no noticed
- Detach intransitive transitive if becomes from thing was
- Stagnant stagnant water air move or and often
- Notorious or bad syn infamous computer hacker cases
- Prejudice countable uncountable people an and of their
- Plummeted plummet to suddenly syn plunge quickly in
- By pollen a produced carried the or to
- Expanse large area water, land blue sky vast/wide/large
- Exert to your etc order make happen exerted
- Quota سهمیه سهم disˈabled ˌquota the of jobs
- Esteem feeling of for good of hold high/great
- Confined a or area small syn restricted wasn’t
- Perennial a continuing or for long time happening
- Innate an innate is are or with children
- Equator استوا equatorial
- Modesty فروتنی
- Revitalize the to give life vigor mayor hopes
- Prophetic accurately predicting happen future warnings proved relating
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