
Zhī Art War 孫子曰 兵者 國之大事 死生之地 存亡之道

text 孫子曰: 兵者, 國之大事, 死生之地, 存亡之道, 不可不察也
header 句子
text-pinyin 孫子曰[sūn zǐ yuē]: 兵者[bīng zhě], 國之大事[guó zhī dà shì], 死生之地[sǐ shēng zhī dì], 存亡之道[cún wáng zhī dào], 不可不察也[bù kě bù chá yě]
englishtrans Sunzi said: The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected. (the first part of the sentence literally: "the war-one," or "war, specifically")
notes Pattern: X者 = X的人/X的事; that which Xes/that which is X
src The Art of War 1.1
frontnotes 孫子[sūn zǐ] - Master Sun, author of Art of War, not  孫子[sūn zi] "grandson" as in Modern Standard Mandarin

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