ID | 6001 |
Word | activities |
Sentence1 | We can leave no trace of our [[activities]]. |
Translation1 | მჲზვმ ეა ნვ ჲჟრაგწმვ ჟლვეთ. |
Sentence2 | Well, there are plenty of places that provide those [[activities]]. |
Translation2 | ამთ, თმა ეჲჟრარყფნჲ მვჟრა, კჲთრჲ ოპვეჲჟრაგწრ რაკთგა ევინჲჟრთ . |
Sentence3 | Yes! I don't like [[activities]]. |
Translation3 | ნვ ჟაკამ აკრთგნჲჟრთ. |
Sentence4 | And there are quite a few [[activities]] you can choose from. |
Translation4 | თ თმა მნჲდჲ ევთნჲჟრთ თჱმვზეს კჲთრჲ მჲზვრვ ეა თჱბთპარვ. |
Sentence5 | No social [[activities]]. |
Translation5 | ბვჱ ჟჲუთალნთ კჲნრაკრთ. |
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