
Employer De La Katherine March Stole Furat Mine

ID 8002
Word employer
Sentence1 He stole from me, from his [[employer]], from Katherine March.
Translation1 A furat de la mine, de la şeful său, de la Katherine March.
Sentence2 If you're talking about my [[employer]], He's in the garden.
Translation2 Dacă vorbiţi despre angajatorul meu, dl. Carroll, este în grădină.
Sentence3 I was only his [[employer]].
Translation3 Eram doar patronul lui.
Sentence4 Your Potter's Field, my dear Mr. [[Employer]], is becoming just that.
Translation4 Campul lui Potter, dragul meu angajator, asta a devenit.
Sentence5 Said you were her [[employer]].
Translation5 A spus că ai angajat-o.

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