A Frequency Dictionary of French (Complete)
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- Le det,pro the him her
- De det,prep of from some
- Adj,det,nm,pro un a an one
- À prep to at in
- Être nm,v to be being
- Conj et and 6
- En adv,prep,pro in by 7
- Avoir nm,v to have 8
- Adv,conj,pro que that which who
- Pour order prep for in
- Dans prep in into from
- Ce det,pro this that 12
- Il pro he it 13
- Qui pro who whom 14
- Ne adv not 15
- Sur adj,prep on upon 16
- Se oneself pro himself herself
- Pas n't footstep adv,nm(pl not
- Adv plus more no 19
- Pouvoir power nm,v can to
- Par prep by 21
- Je i pro 22
- Avec prep with 23
- Tout adv,det,nadj,pro all very 24
- Faire make nm,v to do
- Son sound bran det,nm his
- Mettre put place v to
- Autre det,nadj(f),pro other 28
- Pro on one we 29
- Mais adv,conj,intj but 30
- Nous pro we us 31
- Comme adv,conj like as 32
- Ou conj or 33
- Si adv,conj,nmi if whether 34
- Leur det,adj(f),pro them their 35
- Y adv,nmi,pro there 36
- Dire nm,v to say 37
- Elle pro she her 38
- Devoir owe duty nm,v to
- Avant adji,adv,nm,prep before 40
- Deux det,nmi two 41
- Même adj(f),adv,pro same even self
- Prendre v to take 43
- Aussi adv,conj too also as
- Venir v to come 88
- Celui pro that the one
- Donner give v to 46
- Bien adji,adv,nm well 47
- Où adv,pro where 48
- Fois time nf(pl 49
- Vous pro you 50
- Encore adv again yet 51
- Nouveau adj,nm new 52
- Aller nm,v to go 53
- Cela pro that it 54
- Entre prep between 55
- Premier det,nadj first 56
- Vouloir nm,v to want 57
- Déjà adv already 58
- Grand great big tall adv,nadj
- Mon det my 60
- Pro me to myself 61
- Moins adji(pl),adv,nm(pl),prep less 62
- Aucun det,adj,pro none either neither
- Lui pro him her 64
- Temps time nm(pl 65
- Très adv very 66
- Savoir nm,v to know 67
- Falloir require v to take
- Voir v to see 69
- Quelque adv,adj,det some 70
- Sans prep without 71
- Raison reason nf 72
- Notre det our 73
- Dont pro whose of which
- Adv,nmi non no not 75
- Year nm an 76
- Monde world people nm 77
- Jour day nm 78
- Monsieur mister sir gentleman nm
- Demander v to ask for
- Alors adv then so 81
- Après adv,prep after 82
- Trouver find v to 83
- Personne person nf,pro anybody anyone
- Rendre render return yield give v
- Part share nf 86
- Dernier nadj last 87
- Pendant adj,prep,nm during 89
- Passer pass v to 90
- Peu adv little 91
- Lequel pro who whom which
- Suite result follow-up rest nf
- Bon good adj,adv,intj,nm 94
- Comprendre understand v to 95
- Depuis adv,prep since for 96
- Point adv,nm 97
- Ainsi adv thus 98
- Heure hour nf 99
- Rester stay v to 100
- Seul adj alone only 101
- Année year nf 102
- Toujours adv always 103
- Tenir hold v to 104
- Porter wear carry nm,v to
- Parler speak nm,v to 106
- Fort strong adv,adj,nm 107
- Montrer show v to 108
- Là adv,intj there here 109
- Adj,det,nm,pro certain sure 110
- Fin end gist clever person adj,adv,nf,nm
- Tu pro you 112
- Continuer continue v to 113
- Pays country nm(pl 114
- Trois det,nmi three 115
- Penser nm,v to think 116
- Lieu place nm 117
- Partie part nf 118
- Quand adv,conj when 119
- Suivre follow v to 120
- Contre adv,nm,prep against 121
- Sous prep under 122
- Côté side nm 123
- Ensemble adv,nm together 124
- Chose thing adj(f),nf 125
- Enfant child nm,nf,adj(f 126
- Nf cause 127
- Politique politics political nadj(f 128
- Place room space square nf
- Seulement adv only 130
- Moi nm,pro me 131
- Vie life nf 132
- Connaître v to know 133
- Jusque adv,prep to up until
- Croire v to believe 135
- Homme man nm 136
- Cas case nm(pl 137
- Petit small adv,nadj little 138
- Commencer begin start v to
- Compter count v to 140
- Fait fact adj,nm done 141
- Tel adj,det,pro such 142
- Droit adj,adv,nm right 143
- Question nf 144
- Donc conj so then therefore
- Quel det,adj,pro which what 146
- Général general nadj 147
- Moment nm 148
- Entendre hear v to 149
- Beaucoup lot adv much a
- Chaque det,adj each 151
- Jeune young nadj(f 152
- Travail work nm 153
- Femme woman wife nf 154
- Attendre wait v to 155
- Remettre deliver replace set put v
- Appeler call v to 157
- Permettre v to allow 158
- Occuper occupy v to 159
- Gouvernement government nm 160
- Eux pro them 161
- Devenir nm,v to become 162
- Partir leave v to 163
- Plan adj,nm 164
- Décider decide v to 165
- Soit either...or adv,conj 166
- Ici adv here 167
- Rien adv,nm,pro nothing 168
- Cours nfpl,nm(pl course 169
- Affaire business matter nf 170
- Nom nm name 171
- Famille family nf 172
- Effet effect nm 173
- Arriver arrive happen v to
- Adj(f possible 175
- Car conj,nm because 176
- Servir serve v to 177
- Mois month nm(pl 178
- Jamais adv never 179
- Sembler v to seem 180
- Tant adv so much many
- Vers verse nm(pl),prep toward 182
- Besoin nm need 183
- Revenir back v to come
- Dès prep from as soon
- Moyen means medium adj,nm way
- Groupe group nm 187
- Problème problem nm 188
- Rapport relationship report nm 189
- Peut-être adv perhaps maybe 190
- Vue view nf 191
- Maintenant adv now 192
- Pourquoi adv,conj,nmi why 193
- Meilleur nadj better best 194
- Trop adv too much many
- Laisser leave v to 196
- Ordre order nm 197
- Devant front ahead adv,nm,prep in
- Recevoir receive v to 199
- Répondre answer v to 200
- Vivre live nm,v to 201
- Long lengthy adv,nadj 202
- Service nm 203
- Ministre minister nm,nf 204
- Face front side nf 205
- Chez prep at with 206
- Te pro you to from
- Rappeler recall call back v
- Présenter present v to 209
- Accepter accept v to 210
- Agir act v to 211
- Simple nadj(f 212
- Plusieurs det,adj,pro several 213
- Votre det your 214
- Important nadj 215
- Présent present nadj 216
- Mieux adji(pl),adv,nm better 217
- Poser put pose v to
- Jouer play v to 219
- Mot word nm 220
- Reconnaître recognize v to 221
- Force adv,nf 222
- Situation nf 223
- Offrir offer v to 224
- Près nearby close adv,prep near
- Choisir choose v to 226
- National nadj 227
- Projet project nm 228
- Ni conj nor 229
- Puis adv then so 230
- Toucher touch nm,v to 231
- Train nm 232
- Aujourd'hui today adv 233
- Comment adv,conj,intj,nmi how 234
- Surtout adv,nm especially above all
- Gens people nmpl 236
- Propre clean proper nadj(f 237
- Grâce grace favor nf thanks
- Idée idea nf 239
- Selon prep according to 240
- Région region nf 241
- Aimer love v to like
- Sens sense meaning nm(pl 243
- Retrouver find recall v to
- Semaine week nf 245
- Également equally adv also too
- Ci adv,pro this one here
- Façon manner nf way 248
- Nombre number nm 249
- Perdre lose v to 250
- Français french nadj(pl 251
- Expliquer explain v to 252
- Quatre det,nmi four 253
- Compte account count nm 254
- Considérer v to consider 255
- Lorsque conj when 256
- Ouvrir open v to 257
- Gagner win earn v to
- Exemple nm example 259
- Ville city nf 260
- Économique economic economical nadj(f 261
- Mesure measure nf 262
- Histoire history story nf 263
- Haut top high adv,nadj 264
- Ensuite adv next 265
- Guerre war nf 266
- Loi law nf 267
- Président president nm 268
- Exister exist v to 269
- Sûr adj sure 270
- Refuser refuse v to 271
- Plutôt adv rather 272
- Bureau office desk nm 273
- Mauvais bad wrong adv,nadj(pl 274
- Quant adv as for 275
- Mort dead death adj,nf 276
- Mal bad adji,adv,nm 277
- Lire read lira nf,v to
- Réussir succeed v to 279
- Marché market nm 280
- Condition nf 281
- International nadj 282
- Changer change v to 283
- Oui adv,nmi yes 284
- Public audience nadj 285
- Humain human nadj 286
- Souvent adv often 287
- Cinq det,nm(pl five 288
- Système system nm 289
- Travailler work v to 290
- Jeu game nm 291
- Vrai true adv,nadj 292
- Représenter represent v to 293
- Madame madam lady nf 294
- Société society nf 295
- Difficile difficult nadj(f 296
- Quoi pro what 297
- Entreprise enterprise business nf 298
- Coup blow knock stroke nm
- Gold conj,nm or hence thus
- Social nadj 301
- Assurer assure insure v to
- Essayer v to try 303
- Juste fair adv,nadj(f just only
- Étranger foreigner foreign nadj 305
- Empêcher prevent v to 306
- Million nm 307
- Manière manner nf way 308
- Sortir leave v to go
- Prix price prize nm(pl 310
- Terme term deadline nm 311
- Long longtemps time adv a
- Reprendre resume recover start back v
- Courant current adj,nm 314
- Intérêt interest nm 315
- Mener lead v to 316
- Information nf 317
- Détail detail nm 318
- Appartenir belong v to 319
- Liberté liberty freedom nf 320
- Assez adv enough 321
- Risquer risk v to 322
- Chacun pro each 323
- Concerner concern v to 324
- Maison house nf 325
- D'abord adv first of all
- Apprendre learn v to 327
- Niveau level nm 328
- Rencontrer meet v to 329
- Ton tone det,nm your 330
- Œuvre work task nf 331
- Créer create v to 332
- État state nm 333
- Obtenir obtain v to get
- Clair clear adv,nadj 335
- Chercher v to look for
- Entrer enter v to go
- Proposer propose v to 338
- Apporter bring v to 339
- Programme program nm 340
- Loin adv,nm far 341
- Ligne line nf 342
- Tête head nf 343
- Libre free adj(f 344
- Utiliser v to use 345
- Atteindre reach v to 346
- Tenter tempt v to try
- Tard late adv 348
- Enfin finally adv at last
- Différent adj different 350
- Sorte sort kind nf 351
- Cependant adv,conj however 352
- Sujet subject topic nm 353
- Importer import important v to
- Action nf 355
- Relation relationship nf 356
- Recherche research search nf 357
- Livre book pound nm,nf 358
- Ajouter add v to 359
- Ailleurs adv elsewhere somewhere else
- Vraiment adv truly really very
- Doute doubt nm 362
- Reste rest nm 363
- Début beginning nm 364
- Présence presence nf 365
- Nombreux numerous adj(pl 366
- Produire product v to 367
- Préparer prepare v to 368
- Forme form nf 369
- Décision decision nf 370
- Rôle role nm 371
- Dix ten det,nmi 372
- Produit product nm 373
- Américain american nadj 374
- Minute nf 375
- Relever raise v to 376
- Autant adv as much many
- Peuple people nm 378
- Adj,det,nm second 379
- Prochain nadj next 380
- Particulier peculiar person nadj particular
- Écrire write v to 382
- Position nf 383
- Développement development nm 384
- Défendre defend forbid v to
- Chef head leader chief nm
- Économie economy nf 387
- Effort nm 388
- Parmi prep among 389
- Membre member nm 390
- Tirer pull fire v to
- Ancien ancient adj,nm former 392
- Beau handsome fine adj,nm right
- Plein full adv,nadj,prep 394
- Juger judge v to 395
- Éviter avoid v to 396
- Soir evening nm 397
- Personnel personal nadj 398
- Titre title nm 399
- Parti party nadj 400
- Objet objective object nm 401
- Unique adj(f 402
- Souhaiter v to wish 403
- Afin order conj in to
- Peine effort trouble nf 405
- Malgré spite prep despite in
- Période period nm,nf 407
- Engager hire involve v to
- Réaliser realize achieve v to
- Parfois adv sometimes 410
- Lors time adv at the
- Sérieux nadj(pl serious 412
- Aider assist v to help
- Voix voice nf(pl 414
- Terminer finish end v to
- Base nf 416
- Espérer hope v to 417
- Main hand nf 418
- Gros big adv,nadj(pl 419
- Arrêter stop arrest v to
- Retour return nm 421
- Prêt ready adj,nm 422
- Occasion chance opportunity nf 423
- Député deputy parlementary delegate nm
- Regarder watch v to look
- Plupart majority adj,nf most the
- Deuxième det,nm,nf second 427
- Résultat result follow-up nm 428
- Écouter listen v to 429
- Terre earth world soil land nf
- Valoir worth v to be
- Dollar nm 432
- Intérieur interior inside nadj 433
- Page nm,nf 434
- Confiance confidence trust nf 435
- Choix choice nm(pl 436
- Prévoir foresee anticipate v to
- Chance luck nf 438
- Notamment notably adv 439
- Type guy nm 440
- Goal aim objective purpose nm
- Matin morning nm 442
- Grave adv,nadj(f),nm serious 443
- Prise grip hold seizure catch nf
- Européen european nadj 445
- Étude study nf 446
- Principe principle nm 447
- Remplacer replace v to 448
- Avancer advance move forward v
- Det,nmi six 450
- Nécessaire required nadj(f necessary 451
- Activité activity nf 452
- Valeur worth nf value 453
- Marquer mark v to 454
- Entier full nadj whole 455
- Réponse answer response nf 456
- Aide assistance nm,nf help 457
- Principal nadj 458
- Élever grow lift raise v
- Pourtant nonetheless adv yet nevertheless
- Commission nf 461
- Cesser cease stop v to
- Poursuivre pursue v to 463
- Maintenir maintain v to 464
- Époque era period nf 465
- Exprimer express v to 466
- Ami friend nadj 467
- Bas low stockings adv,nadj(pl),nm(pl 468
- Imposer impose v to 469
- Moitié half nf 470
- Avenir future nm 471
- Argent money silver nm 472
- Mise putting placing nf 473
- Œil eye nm 474
- Eau water nf 475
- Sauf adj,prep except 476
- École school nf 477
- Sécurité security safety nf 478
- Milieu middle nm 479
- Lettre letter nf 480
- Presque adv almost 481
- Attention nf 482
- Cadre frame executive nm 483
- Futur future nadj 484
- Mouvement movement nm 485
- Form v former to 486
- Conduire lead drive v to
- Règle rule nf 488
- Poste post position office nm,nf
- Demande request demand nf 490
- Centre center nm 491
- Acte act nm 492
- Disparaître disappear vanish v to
- Priver deprive v to 494
- Constituer constitute v to 495
- Accord agreement nm 496
- Milliard billion thousand million nm
- Lier link join v to
- Obliger require force oblige v
- Craindre fear afraid v to
- Passé past nadj,prep 501
- Âge age nm 502
- Déclarer declare v to 503
- Oublier forget v to 504
- Propos remark nm(pl 505
- Troisième det,nm,nf third 506
- Quitter leave v to 507
- Bout bit tip end nm
- Population nf 509
- Toi nm,pro you yourself 510
- Responsable responsible nadj(f 511
- Route road nf 512
- Tôt early adji,adv 513
- Lancer throw launch nm,v to
- Limite limit nf 515
- Fonction function nf 516
- Emploi employment work nm use
- Objectif objective aim goal lens adj,nm
- Paraître v to appear 519
- Journal newspaper paper nm 520
- Annoncer announce v to 521
- Lui-même pro himself 522
- Tour tower turn nm,nf 523
- Voilà prep right there here
- Volonté nf will 525
- Envoyer send v to 526
- Partager share v to 527
- Puisque conj since 528
- Établir establish v to 529
- Changement change nm 530
- Garder v to keep 531
- Réalité reality nf 532
- Interdire forbid prohibit ban v
- Finir finish v to 534
- Placer place v to 535
- Sentir feel smell v to
- Payer pay v to 537
- Esprit mind spirit nm 538
- Domaine domain field nm 539
- Diriger lead direct v to
- Noter note notice v to
- Nature nf 542
- Régime regime nm 543
- Charger load charge v to
- Court short adj,adv,nm 545
- Parent nadj 546
- Tomber fall v to 547
- Départ departure nm 548
- Mondial world global adj 549
- Entraîner carry train v to
- Disposer arrange set v to
- Parole word nf 552
- Fond bottom nm 553
- Publique public adj,nf 554
- Faux false scythe adv,adj(pl),nm(pl),nf(pl 555
- Genre type kind sort nm
- Retenir retain hold back remember v
- Communauté community nf 558
- Intéresser interest involve v to
- C'est-à-dire words adv in other
- Corps body nm(pl 561
- Matière matter subject material nf
- Sein breast bosom nm 563
- Difficulté difficulty nf 564
- Parvenir reach achieve v to
- Secteur sector nm 566
- Appel call nm 567
- Cœur heart nm 568
- Père father nm 569
- Organisation organization nf 570
- Unité unity unit nf 571
- Noir black nadj 572
- Événement event nm 573
- Double nadj(f 574
- Convaincre convince v to 575
- Nation nf 576
- Conseil advice counsel council nm
- Soutenir sustain support v to
- Paix peace nf(pl 579
- Nuit night nf 580
- Partout adv everywhere 581
- Direction management nf 582
- Manquer miss v to 583
- Actuel current present adj 584
- Opposer oppose v to 585
- Signifier v to mean 586
- Journée day nf 587
- D'ailleurs matter adv moreover besides
- Traiter treat handle deal v
- Indiquer signal v to indicate
- Tuer kill v to 591
- Technique technics technical nadj(f 592
- Rapidement quickly rapidly adv 593
- Autour adv,nm around 594
- Réduire reduce v to 595
- D'après prep according to 596
- Préférer prefer v to 597
- Rue street nf 598
- Riche rich nadj(f 599
- Bref adj,adv,nm brief 600
- Nommer call appoint v to
- Violence nf 602
- Siècle century nm 603
- Article nm 604
- Durer v to last 605
- Qualité quality nf 606
- Gauche left nadj(f 607
- Solution nf 608
- Voie road lane route track nf
- Capable adj(f able 610
- Canadien canadian nadj 611
- Erreur mistake error nf 612
- Livrer deliver v to 613
- Auprès nearby close adv to
- Simplement simply adv 615
- Souvenir memory remember nm,v to
- Conséquence consequence nf 617
- Large wide width adj(f),adv,nm 618
- Contraire opposite contrary nadj(f 619
- Succès success nm(pl 620
- Élément element nm 621
- Local nadj 622
- Été summer nm 623
- Inviter invite v to 624
- Extérieur exterior nadj 625
- Pied foot nm 626
- Mission nf 627
- Débat debate nm 628
- Fille girl daughter nf 629
- Répéter repeat v to 630
- Texte text nm 631
- Profiter advantage profit v to
- Chambre bedroom chamber nf 633
- Création creation nf 634
- Prouver prove v to 635
- Acheter buy v to 636
- Justice nf 637
- Production nf 638
- Ignorer ignore v to 639
- Directeur director nadj 640
- Santé health nf 641
- Souffrir suffer v to 642
- Précis precise nadj(pl 643
- Fixer fix arrange set v
- Mère mother adj,nf 645
- Croissance growth nf 646
- Risque risk nm 647
- Arme weapon nf 648
- Estimer estimate deem v to
- Endroit place spot nm 650
- Comité committee nm 651
- Impossible nadj(f 652
- Preuve proof nf 653
- Véritable real true adj(f 654
- Amener bring v to 655
- Viser aim v to 656
- Retirer remove withdraw v to
- Total nadj 658
- Image picture nf 659
- Date nf 660
- Travers breadth fault amiss nm(pl
- Contrôle control nm 662
- Énorme enormous adj(f 663
- Conserver preserve v to keep
- Réel real nadj 665
- Campagne countryside nf 666
- Naître born v to be
- Accorder grant v to 668
- Tourner turn v to 669
- Participer participate v to 670
- Vieux adj(pl),nm(pl old 671
- Rapide fast quick nadj(f),nm 672
- Respecter respect v to 673
- Passage nm way 674
- Essentiel essential nadj 675
- Adopter adopt v to 676
- Subir undergo subjected suffer v
- Environ thereabouts adv,prep,nm about or
- Expérience experience nf 679
- Admettre admit v to 680
- Découvrir discover v to 681
- Couvrir cover v to 682
- Assister attend assist v to
- Sénateur senator nm 684
- Dépasser pass v to go
- Affirmer affirm maintain declare allege v
- Soumettre submit v to 687
- Financier financial nadj 688
- Processus process nm(pl 689
- Militaire military nadj(f 690
- Frais cool fresh fee expense adj(pl),adv,nm(pl
- Industrie industry nf 692
- Apparaître v to appear 693
- Responsabilité responsibility nf 694
- Réserver reserve v to keep
- Porte door nf 696
- Victime victim nf 697
- Territoire territory nm 698
- Pauvre poor nadj(f 699
- Taux rate nm(pl 700
- Organiser organize v to 701
- Posséder possess v to own
- Matériel material equipment nadj 703
- Cent hundred det,nm one 704
- Constater note notice establish certify v
- Prononcer pronounce v to 706
- Signe sign nm 707
- Blanc white adj,nm 708
- Origine origin source nf 709
- Vendre sell v to 710
- Vite fast quickly adv 711
- Langue language tongue nf 712
- Dangereux dangerous adj(pl 713
- Déplacer move displace v to
- Importance nf 715
- Suffire sufficient suffice v to
- Espoir hope nm 717
- Davantage adv more 718
- Saisir hold grab v to
- Énergie energy nf 720
- Réseau network nm 721
- Mourir die v to 722
- Faible weak nadj(f 723
- Employer employ v to use
- Possibilité possibility nf 725
- Spécial special adj 726
- Accompagner accompany v to 727
- Actuellement present moment adv at
- Union nf 729
- Supposer suppose assume v to
- Fournir provide supply v to
- Ceci pro this 732
- Exiger require demand v to
- Intervenir intervene v to 734
- Fils son nm(pl 735
- D'accord alright intj okay 736
- Discuter discuss debate question v
- Différence difference nf 738
- Protéger protect v to 739
- Abandonner give abandon v to
- Avis opinion mind nm(pl 741
- Battre beat hit v to
- Pire worse worst nadj(f 743
- Adresser address v to 744
- Préciser state clarify v to
- Intervention talk nf 746
- Attirer attract v to 747
- Demeurer remain live v to
- Chiffre figure number nm 749
- Consacrer devote consecrate v to
- Remplir fill fulfill v to
- Divers diverse adj(pl),det various 752
- Appliquer apply v to 753
- Frapper hit strike knock v
- Peur fear nf 755
- Parlement parliament nm 756
- Fermer close shut v to
- Forcer force v to 758
- Lutte struggle fight conflict nf
- Naturel natural nadj 760
- Air appearance nm 761
- Auteur author nm,nf 762
- Opération operation nf 763
- Heureux happy lucky fortunate nadj(pl
- Crise crisis nf 765
- Numéro number nm 766
- Résoudre solve resolve v to
- Publier publish v to 768
- Instant moment adj,nm 769
- Toutefois adv,conj however 770
- Pousser push v to 771
- Quelqu'un pro somebody someone 772
- Discours speech talk discourse nm(pl
- Banque bank nf 774
- Compagnie company nf 775
- Reposer rest v to 776
- Opinion nf 777
- Classe class nf 778
- Particulièrement adv particularly 779
- Commun common nadj 780
- Satisfaire satisfy v to 781
- Intention nf 782
- Autorité authority nf 783
- Anglais english nadj(pl 784
- Échange exchange nm 785
- Feu fire adj(f),nm 786
- Neuf det,adj,nmi nine new 787
- Observer observe watch v to
- Capacité capacity ability nf 789
- Désigner designate v to 790
- Dépendre depend v to 791
- Message nm 792
- Construire build construct v to
- Scène scene nf 794
- Durant prep during for 795
- Secret nadj 796
- Plaisir pleasure nm 797
- Dossier file record case nm
- Proposition proposal nf 799
- Combien adv,conj how much many
- Nul nil null adj,det,pro 801
- Absence nf 802
- Cher expensive adj,adv 803
- Plaire v to please 804
- Derrière adv,nm,prep last behind 805
- Connaissance knowledge nf 806
- Immédiatement immediately adv 807
- Entrée entrance nf 808
- Signer sign v to 809
- Révéler reveal v to 810
- Couper cut v to 811
- Salle room nf 812
- Pièce piece part component room nf
- Équipe team nf 814
- Situer situate locate v to
- Souligner underline stress v to
- Source spring nf 817
- Respect nm 818
- Crime nm 819
- Précédent precedent previous nadj 820
- Installer install v to 821
- Facile easy adj(f 822
- Augmenter increase raise v to
- Réunir gather reunite raise v
- Impression nf 825
- Octobre october nm 826
- Médecin physician doctor nm 827
- Fédéral federal nadj 828
- Police nf 829
- Coût cost nm 830
- Formation training nf 831
- Contrat contract nm 832
- Normal adj 833
- Attitude nf 834
- Faute mistake error fault nf
- Série series nf 836
- Lever lift raise v to
- Proche nearby close adv,nadj(f),prep 838
- Direct nadj 839
- Imaginer imagine v to 840
- Figurer represent v to appear
- Pratique practice practical nadj(f 842
- Finalement finally eventually adv 843
- Allemand german nadj 844
- Pression pressure nf 845
- Accès access nm(pl 846
- Champ field realm nm 847
- Film nm 848
- Charge load nf to 849
- Envisager view contemplate v to
- Commune locality common joint nf
- Ressource resource nf 852
- Monter rise assemble v to
- Promettre promise v to 854
- Motion nf 855
- Concentrer concentrate v to 856
- Exactement adv exactly 857
- Composer compose dial v to
- Chemin path nm way 859
- Zone area nf 860
- Province nf 861
- Élection election nf 862
- Usage nm use 863
- Conflit conflict nm 864
- Hors adv,prep except outside 865
- Enquête inquiry enquiry investigation nf
- Terrain ground nm 867
- Mars march nm(pl 868
- Tellement adv so much 869
- Espace space nm,nf 870
- Demain tomorrow adv,nm 871
- Hier yesterday adv 872
- Confier entrust v to 873
- Remarquer remark notice point v
- Égard consideration respect regard nm
- Supérieur superior nadj 876
- Huit det,nmi eight 877
- Condamner condemn v to 878
- Capital major chief principal assets nadj
- Lien link bond nm 880
- Voiture car nf 881
- Discussion nf 882
- Limiter limit v to 883
- Justifier justify v to 884
- Agent nm,nf 885
- Sentiment feeling nm 886
- Tâche task nf 887
- Directement directly adv 888
- Euh er um uh intj
- Raconter v to tell 890
- Décembre december nm 891
- Développer develop v to 892
- Honorable worthy adj(f 893
- Contact nm 894
- Conclure conclude v to 895
- Fruit nm 896
- Ouvert open adj 897
- Investissement investment nm 898
- Insister insist v to 899
- Avantage advantage nm 900
- Garde guard nm,nf 901
- Historique historical nadj(f 902
- Probablement adv probably 903
- Voyage trip journey nm 904
- Sept det,nmi seven 905
- Marche walk step march nf
- Vérité truth nf 907
- Commercial nadj 908
- Critique criticism critic critical nadj(f
- Ministère ministry nm 910
- Baisser lower turn bend v
- Somme amount sum nap nm,nf
- Culture nf 913
- Cacher hide v to 914
- Prêter lend v to 915
- Définir define v to 916
- Client nm 917
- Exposer display exhibit expose v
- Progrès progress nm(pl 919
- Secrétaire secretary nm,nf 920
- Mer sea nf 921
- Rapporter bring back report v
- Appuyer lean support v to
- Liste list nf 924
- Rentrer back return v in
- Mémoire memory nm,nf 926
- Caractère nature character nm 927
- Détruire destroy v to 928
- Civil civilian nadj 929
- Nécessité necessity nf need 930
- Juin june nm 931
- Danger nm 932
- Complexe complex nadj(f 933
- Commerce trade nm 934
- Transport transportation nm 935
- Attente wait nf 936
- Institution nf 937
- Défense defence nf 938
- Janvier january nm 939
- Échapper escape v to 940
- Négociation negotiation nf 941
- Franc frank adj,adv,adj,nm 942
- Mai nm may 943
- Septembre september nm 944
- Environnement environment nm 945
- Séparer separate v to 946
- Réaction reaction nf 947
- Disposition arrangement nf 948
- Positif positive nadj 949
- Scientifique scientific nadj(f 950
- Papier paper nm 951
- Expression nf 952
- Protection nf 953
- Indépendant independent nadj 954
- Carte card nf 955
- Association nf 956
- Régler pay adjust settle v
- Modèle model nm 958
- Commander order command v to
- Étudier study v to 960
- Déterminer determine find v to
- Budget nm 962
- Fonder found set v to
- Structure nf 964
- Complet full complete adj,nm 965
- Exercer exercise exert practice carry v
- Amour love nm 967
- Manifester show demonstrate display v
- Menacer threaten v to 969
- Conseiller adviser advise nm,v to
- Réunion meeting nf 971
- Opposition nf 972
- Maladie illness disease nf 973
- Outre adv,nf,prep besides 974
- Tandis conj while 975
- Construction building nf 976
- Bande band strip nf 977
- Signal nm 978
- Voisin neighbor nadj 979
- Réforme reform nf 980
- Rejeter reject v to 981
- Novembre november nm 982
- Fonds funds nm(pl 983
- Coûter cost v to 984
- Reprise resumption renewal time nf
- Presse press nf 986
- Rouge red nadj(f 987
- Majorité majority nf 988
- Autoriser authorize v to 989
- Effectuer carry undergo v to
- Bord edge side nm 991
- Central nadj 992
- Procédure procedure nf 993
- Faveur favor nf 994
- Éducation education nf 995
- Officiel official nadj 996
- Document nm 997
- Aspect nm 998
- Retourner return back v to
- Professionnel professional nadj 1000
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