
Douse V Plunge Meaning Daus V.把…浸入水中;熄灭 英 把…浸入水中(To

单词 douse
音标 [daus]
解释 v.把…浸入水中;熄灭
红宝书 【英】 v. 把…浸入水中(to plunge or thrust suddenly into liquid)
【考】 反义词:ignite(点燃 )
【例】 to douse the car with a hose
字源 douse (v.)
1550s, "to strike, punch," which is perhaps from Middle Dutch dossen "beat forcefully" or a similar Low German word.
Meaning "to strike a sail in haste" is recorded from 1620s; that of "to extinguish (a light)" is from 1785; perhaps influenced by dout (1520s), an obsolete contraction of do out (compare doff, don). OED regards the meaning "to plunge into water, to throw water over" (c.1600) as a separate word, of unknown origin, though admitting there may be a connection of some sort. Related: Doused; dousing.
不择手段背单词 v. 熄灭(灯、火等); 把...浸入水中
【记】读: 倒死-把李宏志先用火烧, 在倒进水缸中. 反复此过程1万次, 将他致死而得"quot;圆满"quot;-熄灭; 浸入dose剂量, u象小水杯: 把牛黄解毒丸浸入小水杯, 让你喝下去-去火.
【反】ignite(v 点燃)
趣味全助记 【记】音:倒熄,倒湿,倒水,倒些水把火熄了

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