
Mordant Adj Related Mordantly Sense Mɔ:Dənt A.讥讽的,尖酸的 英

单词 mordant
音标 ['mɔ:dənt]
解释 a.讥讽的,尖酸的
红宝书 【英】 adj. 讥讽的,尖酸的(biti ng, caustic, or sarcastic)
【考】 反义词:genial(和蔼 的)
【记】 mord(咬)+ant→咬人 的→尖酸的;
【同】 参考:mordacious(尖 锐的,尖刻的)
字源 mordant (adj.)
late 15c., "caustic" (of words, speech), from Middle French mordant, literally "biting," present participle of mordre "to bite," from Latin mordere "to bite, bite into; nip, sting;" figuratively "to pain, cause hurt," perhaps from PIE root mer- (2) "to rub away, harm" (see smart (v.)). Related: Mordantly. The noun sense in dyeing is first recorded 1791; the adjective in this sense is from 1902. Related: Mordancy; mordantly.
不择手段背单词 adj. 说话讥讽尖酸的
【记】mor死, dant: 说出来的话使人想死-尖酸刻薄的m妈妈, ord = order, ant: 妈妈命令蚂蚁的话-尖酸刻薄的
【反】genial(adj 亲切的)
趣味全助记 【记】形近于rodent 咬的, 侵蚀性的;音:没胆的,讽刺别人没胆;音:矛钝,你的矛很钝,拿盾的人讥讽道;音:矛盾,你是自相矛盾的;modern,modern times 电影摩登时代(by卓别林)是讽刺喜剧片,辛辣讽刺了工人在摩登时代受欺压的社会现象
【相关】erode 侵蚀, corrodent 腐蚀的,刻毒的,mordacious 锐利的, 咬痛的, 刻薄的;moderate 是其反意;

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