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- very rich oxygenated blood supplied by hepatic artery and removed from liver towards heart via hepatic vein, hepatic portal vein also supplies oxy blood to liver (blood loaded with products of digestion from intestines, providing raw materials and oxygen for hepatocytes, hepatocytes absorb digested food, toxins, and oxygen from blood, also break down toxins, convert glucose to glycogen, deaminate amino acids
- hepatocytes (liver cells) have large nuclei, lots of mitochondria, golgi and so metabollically active cells
- blood from hepatic artey and hepatic portal vein mixed (inc O2 content of blood) in spaces called sinusoids which are surrounded by hepatocytes, sinusoids contain kupffer cells (act as macrophages in liver to protect against disease), hepatocytes secrete bile (from breakdown of blood) into spaces called canaliculi, then bile drains into bile ductules which take it to gall bladder