here | Water and Power tiene minas desde acá hasta acá. | Water and Power has mines all the way from here to here. |
here | Estaba acá cuando Magnus estaba acá. | I was here when Magnus was here. |
here | Acá, acá, acá, acá. | Here, here, here, here. |
here | Dos acá, dos acá, dos acá... | Two here, two here, two here... |
here | Nuestro último reporte muestra la presencia de atacantes acá, acá, y acá. | Our latest report shows the presence of attackers here, here, and here. |
here | Ven acá, ven acá, ven acá. | Come here, come here, come here. |
here | El narcotraficante más importante viene hacia acá. | You got the world's biggest drug dealer on his way here. |
here | Ninguno de nosotros merece estar acá. | Listen, none of us deserves to be here. |
here | Yo siempre dije que necesitamos un televisor acá. | The children are right! ... I was always saying that we need one TV here! ... |
here | Caballeros es un honor tenerlos acá. | Gentlemen are a honor to have them here. |
here | Estoy tratando de sacarnos de acá. | I'm trying to get us out of here. |
here | Estamos acá reunidos para unirlos en sagrado matrimonio. | We are assembled here to join them in sacred marriage. |
here | Pero nada puedo hacer ahora y acá estamos. | But, look, nothing I can do about it now and here we are. |
here | Pero estoy acá por negocios oficiales. | I asure you. I am here on official business. |
here | No me gusta que escarbe acá. | I do not like that she investigates here. |
here | Tengo su Calle Principal justo acá. | I've got your main street right here. |
here | Hablaremos de eso cuando llegues acá. | We'll take that up when you get here. |
here | Cuando la mujer escapó la rastreamos acá. | After the woman escaped, we tracked her here. |
this way | Lamento que haya venido hasta acá. | I'm sorry you had to come all this way. |
over here | Ven acá y habla con Santa pequeña. | Come on over here and talk to Santa, little girl. |
here, over here | Acá viví hasta los veinte años. | I lived here until I was twenty years old. |
now | ¿Por qué vienes tan tarde? Acá ya no queda nadie. | Why are you here so late? Now, there is no one left. |