act | Pasaba horas ensayando su acto con la muñeca. | He'd spend hours rehearsing his act with the dummy. |
act | Cada acto finaliza en la carretera. | Each act ends with the car driving away from us. |
act | Repararlo se consideraría un acto terrorista. | Repairing it would be deemed as an terrorist act. |
act | Mi último acto a su servicio, Steven... | My last act of service to you, Master Steven... before you come running home. |
act | Monroe está haciendo un acto desinteresado de caridad. | Monroe is just doing this incredibly selfless act of charity. |
act | Podría usarlo para el tercer acto. | You could use this in the third act. |
act | Me gustaría felicitarle por este acto desinteresado. | I would like to applaud you for that selfless act. |
act | Este acto de cobardía pretendía paralizar nuestra nación. | This act of cowardice was meant to cripple our nation. |
act | Quiero cambiar un párrafo del segundo acto. | I must change a line in the second act. |
act | Tienen su acto juntos, créanme. | Boys, let me tell you, they got their act together. |
act | Cruzar fronteras armado es acto de guerra. | Sending a man across a border with a gun is an act of war. |
act | El acto rencoroso de un niño neurótico. | It was deliberate, the spiteful act of a neurotic child. |
act | Había pensando en hacer un acto juntos. | I... I thought we could have done an act together. |
act | El final del segundo acto por ejemplo... | The end of the second act, for example... |
act | No podía tolerar mencionar un posible acto deliberado. | She couldn't bear to mention a possibly deliberate act. |
act | Podrían interpretarlo como un acto hostil. | The Sheliak may interpret that as a hostile act. |
act | Permítaseme repetir ese acto tan simbólico desde esta excelsa tribuna. | Allow me to repeat that very symbolic act from this lofty rostrum. |
act | Lo defendería como acto de patriotismo. | He would probably defend it as a desperate act of patriotism. |
event | Levantaré ahora esta sesión plenaria inaugural de este importante acto. | I shall now adjourn this opening plenary meeting of this important event. |
event | Tenemos que llegar a este acto de Jacksonville. | Look, we've got to get to this Jacksonville crowd event. |
act, action | Soy mayor de edad y responsable de mis actos. | I am an adult and I'm responsible for my acts (or: actions). |
function, ceremony | El acto se hará en el salón principal del castillo. | The function (or: ceremony) will be held in the main hall of the castle. |
civic ceremony | En el acto cívico de hoy se conmemora el Día de la Independencia. | Independence Day is being commemorated today in the civic ceremony. |
act of faith | Contratar a dos novatos para esta tarea tan delicada fue un verdadero acto del fe por parte del jefe. | Taking on two novices for such a delicate task was a true act of faith by the boss. |
launch ceremony | El autor dará un discurso en el acto de presentación de su nuevo libro. | The author will give a speech at the launch ceremony for his new book. |
intentional act | La sentencia fue más severa porque el juez consideró el acto doloso. | The sentence was more severe because the judge considered it an intentional act. |
Freudian slip, parapraxis | Creo que el lapsus verbal de José es un acto fallido que revela lo que hay en su inconsciente. | I think that José's faux pas is a Freudian slip, revealing the contents of his unconscious. |
heroic act | En un acto heroico, Ana arriesgó su propia vida para salvar al bebé que iba a ser arrollado por un auto. | In a heroic act, Ana risked her own life to save a baby about to be run over by a car. |
right after, immediately after | La estrella subió al escenario; acto seguido, el público comenzó a aplaudir y gritar. | The star took the stage and right after the audience started to applaud and shout. |
sexual intercourse | Durante el acto sexual, la producción de ciertas hormonas aumenta. | The production of certain hormones rises during sexual intercourse. |
instantly, on the spot | Lamentablemente, debido al fuerte impacto, los tres ocupantes del coche fallecieron en el acto. | Regrettably, because of the strong impact, the three car occupants died instantly. |
in the middle of | Se le olvidaron las líneas en pleno acto. | They forgot their lines in the middle of the play. |