agreement | El acuerdo ha comportado mejoras palpables en diversas causas. | The agreement has produced tangible improvements in a number of cases. |
agreement | Sudáfrica no requiere un acuerdo para prestar esa asistencia. | South Africa does not require an agreement for the provision of such assistance. |
agreement | Su organización y funciones son temporales y determinadas por acuerdo ministerial. | The Commission is organized and functions under temporary arrangements determined by ministerial agreement. |
agreement | Quisiera ahora proceder a formalizar este acuerdo. | I would now like to proceed to the formalization of this agreement. |
agreement | Toda la comunidad internacional se beneficiaría del acuerdo. | The whole international community would benefit from such an agreement. |
agreement | Los bienes adquiridos durante su cohabitación se asignarán por acuerdo mutuo. | Property acquired during their cohabitation shall be subject to disposition by mutual agreement. |
agreement | Los Estados miembros no pudieron alcanzar un acuerdo. | These member states were not able to reach an agreement. |
agreement | No existe información precisa sobre las condiciones del acuerdo. | There is no certain information about the terms of the agreement. |
agreement | Todo indica que hay un acuerdo. | From all indications, we have an agreement. |
agreement | Desgraciadamente, firmaron un acuerdo prenupcial. | Unfortunately, you have signed a prenuptial agreement. |
agreement | Pero el espíritu del acuerdo era protegerle. | But the spirit of the agreement was to shield him. |
agreement | Si Lovand intenta algo, estarán rompiendo su acuerdo. | If Lovand tries anything, they'll be in breach of their agreement. |
agreement | Para el registro, quiero repetir nuestro acuerdo. | For the record, I want to restate our agreement. |
all right | Quisiera comenzar, si están de acuerdo. | I'd like to get started, if it's all right with you. |
agreement | Las dos partes firmaron un acuerdo de cooperación. | The two parties signed an agreement to work together. |
agreement | Los industriales llegaron a un acuerdo con los sindicatos. | The management came to an agreement with the unions. |
friendly agreement | El acuerdo amistoso entre los dos países puso fin al litigio jurídico. | The friendly agreement between the two countries ended the court case. |
confidentiality agreement | El acuerdo de confidencialidad impide a los empleados divulgar secretos industriales. | The confidentiality agreement stops the employees from divulging industry secrets. |
payment agreement | El acuerdo de pago consiste en saldar la deuda en dos años. | The payment agreement consists of paying off the debt in two years. |
framework agreement | En el acuerdo marco se estipularon los plazos y costos del proyecto. | The framework agreement stipulates the terms and costs of the project. |
reach an agreement, seal an agreement | Los dos mandatarios cerraron un acuerdo millonario. | The two trustees reached a million dollar agreement. |
in agreement | Tardaron poco en ponerse de acuerdo. | It wasn't long before they were in agreement. |
according to | De acuerdo al reglamento de la escuela, está prohibido tener el pelo largo. | According to the school rules, having long hair is prohibited. |
according to | Siempre intento actuar de acuerdo con los valores que me inculcaron mis padres. | I always try to act according to the values my parents instilled in me. |
come to terms, come to an agreement | Con la ayuda de un mediador, las partes llegaron a un acuerdo y solucionaron el problema. | With the help of a mediator, the parties came to an agreement and found a solution to the problem. |
mutual agreement | Decidieron vender la casa de mutuo acuerdo. | They decided to sell the house by mutual agreement. |