someone | Necesito que alguien me aclare esta cuestión. | I need someone to clarify this matter for me. |
someone | Perder a alguien tan cercano es devastador. | To lose someone so close... it's devastating. |
someone | Necesitaba hablar con alguien, porque es bueno. | I needed to talk with someone, because it's only right. |
someone | Habla con alguien de su circunscripción. | Have a word with someone in his constituency. |
someone | Actúa como si fueras alguien más. | William: Just pretend you're someone else. |
someone | Necesitamos alguien que tenga verdaderas balas. | We just need someone who packs real bullets. |
someone | Hay alguien mirándonos con unos prismáticos. | There's someone watching your windows with binoculars. |
somebody | Si alguien regresa sería peligroso confrontarlos. | If somebody comes back it would be dangerous to confront them. |
somebody | Si alguien muestra interés llámeme enseguida. | If somebody shows an interest you should call me right away. |
somebody | Seguramente alguien mencionó que estamos buscándolo... | Ahh, somebody probably mentioned that we were looking for him... |
somebody | Es sólo alguien con quien salía. | He's just somebody I hung out with. |
somebody | Te hemos oído hablando con alguien. | We heard you talking to somebody, Sam. |
somebody | Parece que alguien confiscó las armas. | It seems that somebody was controlling the weapons. |
somebody | Necesito que contactes con alguien dentro. | I need you to get in touch with somebody there. |
somebody | Pensé que alguien pidió un cadáver. | I thought somebody called in a dead body. |
somebody | Eventualmente, alguien te habría atrapado. | Eventually, you would've got caught by somebody. |
anyone | No entiendo cómo alguien puede desear estas habilidades. | I don't see why anyone would want These abilities. |
anyone | Entonces si alguien quisiera proponer a alguien... | So... if anyone would like to propose... anyone... |
anyone, anybody | ¿Alguien vio lo que pasaba? | Did anyone see what happened? |