before | Podría tardar varios días antes antes que el medicamento haga efecto. | It may take several days before the medication takes effect. |
before | Fasturtec se administrará antes o durante su tratamiento de quimioterapia. | Fasturtec is to be given to you before or during the start of your course of chemotherapy. |
before | Glubrava algunos de días antes y después del procedimiento. | Glubrava for a couple of days before and after the procedure. |
before | Nunca hice esto antes... transportar un prisionero. | I've never done this before - transport a prisoner. |
before | Recibirás lo mismo que recibías antes. | You shall receive the same amount that you received before. |
before | Algo así nunca nos detuvo antes. | Well so, that never stopped us before. |
before | Encontrar la nave antes que ellos. | To find the ship before the Romulans do. |
before | Volvamos a lo que decían antes. | Okay. Let's go back to what you were saying before. |
before | Muchos boxeadores han sufrido la misma tragedia antes. | Plenty of other boxers have experienced the same tragedy before. |
before | No, pero lo haré antes del anochecer. | No, but I aim to before sundown... and I'm getting excited about it too. |
before | Ahora baja antes que algo suceda. | Now get down below before anything else happens. |
before | Nunca antes había visto una seguridad así. | There 'a security system that we have never seen before. |
before | Nunca traté antes con alguien como él. | I've never dealt with anyone like him before. |
before | Y entonces nos dijo que poco tiempo antes, justo antes del amanecer. | And then he told us that a short time earlier, just before sunrise, the baby had died. |
before | La concepción había empezado dos décadas antes, incluso antes del Programa Apolo de los años 60. | Conceptualization had begun two decades earlier, before the Apollo program of the 1960s. |
earlier | Me mandaste un mensaje antes y sonabas extraña. | I got your message from earlier and you sounded weird. |
earlier | Si hubieras llegado antes, hubiéramos comido juntos. | If you'd come home earlier, we'd have eaten together. |
earlier | Me interesa cuando antes estabas hablando de ese productor... | It was interesting earlier on when you talked about that producer... |
earlier | Habría llegado antes, pero estuve con ese detective. | I'd have been here earlier, but I was with that detective. |
earlier | Le recuerdo nuestra conversación de antes. | ~ I refer you to our earlier conversation. |
earlier | Y entonces nos dijo que poco tiempo antes, justo antes del amanecer. | And then he told us that a short time earlier, just before sunrise, the baby had died. |
earlier | La concepción había empezado dos décadas antes, incluso antes del Programa Apolo de los años 60. | Conceptualization had begun two decades earlier, before the Apollo program of the 1960s. |
before, beforehand, first | Ya nos habían avisado antes: ese vendedor es poco confiable. Vamos a cenar, pero antes, quiero enseñarte un cuadro que compré. | We had been warned before (or: beforehand): that vendor is not to be trusted. We're going to have dinner, but first I want to show you a painting I bought. |
in the past | Antes no teníamos internet y siempre nos comunicábamos por teléfono. | We didn't have internet in the past and always communicated by phone. |
would rather, would sooner | Antes muerto que vender mi dignidad. | I'd rather die than lose my dignity. |
before | Si llegas al parque, ya te pasaste: la oficina queda antes. | If you get to the park you've gone too far: the office is before. |
before | El presidente dimitió el día antes. | The president resigned the day before. |