thousand | Hemos recibido más de doscientos mil mensajes. | We have received more than two hundred thousand messages. |
thousand | Tengo unos cuantos mil Euros ahorrado. | I've got a few thousand Euros saved up. |
thousand | El collar costó un millón doscientos mil francos. | One million, two hundred thousand francs cost the necklace. |
thousand | Cinco mil, quince mil, veinticinco mil. | Five thousand, fifteen thousand, twenty-five thousand. |
thousand | Doscientos mil, doscientos cincuenta mil. | Two hundred, two hundred and fifty thousand. |
thousand | Ella usa a Charlie para... 3 y un mil, 4 y un mil, 5 y un mil, 6 y un mil, 7 y un mil, 8 y un mil, 9 y un mil, 10 y un mil. | EMI LY... three, one thousand, four, one thousand, five, one thousand, six, one thousand, seven, one thousand, eight, one thousand, nine, one thousand, ten, one thousand. |
thousand | Se registró también la participación de treinta mil visitantes no profesionales y casi cinco mil cuatrocientos periodistas. | It also registered the participation of thirty thousand non-professional visitors and almost five thousand four hundred journalists. |
thousand | El el sur de Italia: Campania tiene más de 700 mil entradas, Cerdeña 222 mil, 258 mil en Sicilia, Calabria, 203 mil, 245 mil Puglia. | If we look to the south of Italy: Campania back more than 700 thousand entries for agency animation to Sardinia, 222 thousand, 258 thousand in Sicily, Calabria, 203 thousand, 245 thousand Puglia. |
hundred | Doscientos mil, doscientos cincuenta mil. | Two hundred, two hundred and fifty thousand. |
one thousand | Uno, mil, dos, mil, tres mil, cuatro mil, cinco mil, seis mil, siete mil... | One, one thousand, two, one thousand, three, one thousand, four, one thousand, five, one thousand, six, one thousand, seven, one thousand... |
grand | Bueno, cinco mil no es suficiente. | Well, five grand is not enough. I'll tell you that right now. |
thousand | Si estás aburrido, cierra los ojos y cuenta hasta mil. | If you're bored, close your eyers and count to a thousand. |
one thousand | Tenemos mil estudiantes en esta sede. | We have one thousand students at this venue. My first check was for one thousand dollars. |
one thousand, a thousand, thousand | Esta palabra figura en la página mil del diccionario. | This word is on page one thousand of the dictionary. |
wonderfully, perfectly | Después de la visita al taller, el auto funciona a las mil maravillas. | The car is running wonderfully after the visit to the mechanic. |
son of a bitch | ¡Ese hijo de mil putas me humilló y se burló de mí! | That son of a bitch humiliated and made fun of me! |
foul mood | Juan tiene un humor de mil diablos. | He's in a foul mood. |
thank you very much, thank you so much | ¡Me encanta el vestido! ¡Mil gracias! | I love the dress. Thank you so much! |
a thousand times more than | Para este examen, estudié mil veces más que para el anterior. | I studied a thousand times more for this exam than I did for the last one. |
a thousand times better | Este colegio es mil veces mejor que el otro. | This school is a thousand times better than the other. |
a picture is worth a thousand words | Como una imagen vale más que mil palabras, te llevaré a que veas tú mismo el estado de la casa tras la inundación. | Since a picture is worth a thousand words the newspaper always includes images with it's biggest stories. |