that | Según aquel artículo, aquel lunático iba 27-0. | According to that article, that lunatic was 27-0. |
that | Y en aquel entonces aquel espíritu abandonó mi habitación. | And at that time that spirit abandoned my room. |
that | Por lo propósitos de este ejercicio, vamos a ser concentrado en un finito tiempo ciclo, y en actividades aquel está más probable haber sido aquel final gatillo aquel evocar compra. | For the purposes of this exercise, we are going to concentrate on a finite time period, and on activities that are most likely to have been that final trigger that evokes purchase. |
that | Después podrás volver para encontrar a aquel lunático. | Then you can get back to finding that lunatic kid. |
that | Te estaba mirando cuando soltó aquel grito. | She was looking at you when she let out that cry. |
that | En aquel momento sólo me preocupaba ella. | I was only concerned about her at that moment. |
that | Paradójicamente, mis creencias religiosas nacieron en aquel instante. | Paradoxically, my religious beliefs were born in that very instant. |
that | Quería pedirte perdón por tirarte piedras aquel día. | Well, I just want to say I'm sorry I threw rocks at you that day. |
that | Simplemente quería vivir nuevamente aquel recuerdo. | I just wanted to replay that memory, just to remember it. |
that | Me enamoré rezando contigo aquel día. | I fell in love praying with you that day. |
that | Recupero su confianza usando aquel dinero. | He regained her trust by using that money. |
that | Me enseñó fotografías tuyas en aquel sitio. | He showed me photographs of you in that place. |
that | Nada nos llevará hasta aquel patio. | Nothing will lead to that courtyard over there. |
that | Descríbeme la clase de aquel día. | Describe the lesson for me on that day. |
that | Defendió a aquel soldado guapo que hizo desaparecer estudiantes. | He represented that pretty soldier who made all the students disappear. |
that | Después de aquel incidente está incomunicada. | Following that incident she was placed in solitary confinement. |
that | Cuando el niño volver... aplastare aquel ratón. | When the boy's back, I'll flush that rat out. |
that | Deberías haberme dicho que firmarías aquel manifiesto. | You should have told me you were going to sign that manifesto. |
that | Son rumores desde aquel horrible asesinato. | I still say this is all rumors, ever since that horrible murder. |
that one | Recuerdo aquel partido cuando te inyectaste. | I remember that one game when you shot up. |
that | Aquel cuadro siempre se cae de la pared. | That painting is always falling off the wall. |
that one | Aquel ganará la carrera. | That one will win the race. |
anyone | Aquel que lo desee puede irse. | Anyone who wishes may leave. |