back | Dijiste que estaríamos seguros aquí atrás. | You said we'd be safe back here. |
back | Diste un buen espectáculo ahí atrás. | You put on quite a show back there. |
back | Llévatelo, así siempre podrás mirar atrás y recordarme. | Take it with you so you'll always have a way to look back and remember me. |
back | Podemos irnos y jamás mirar atrás. | We go now and we never look back. |
back | Hay tráfico nocturno en el arroyo allá atrás. | Well, you get some late-night traffic from the arroyo back there. |
back | Tienes la sombra normal del camarógrafo aquí atrás. | You've got the regular shadow of the cameraman back here. |
back | Tienes que decirles que están allá atrás. | Dad, you have to tell them they're back there. |
back | La escalera de atrás está libre. | Come on, let's go. I've cleared the back staircase. |
back | Creí haber escuchado algo aquí atrás. | I thought I heard something going on back here. |
behind | Dejamos atrás otro año de trauma nacional. | We are leaving behind another year of national trauma. |
behind | Mira, no estoy dejándote atrás. | Look, I'm not leaving you behind. |
behind | Porque perduran en los corazones de quienes dejan atrás. | 'Cause they live on in the hearts of those they leave behind. |
behind | Es bueno, dejó todo atrás. | That's good, she left behind everything. |
behind | Cerré el salvavidas y lo dejamos atrás. | I closed the lifeboat hatch, and I left him behind. |
behind | Lo siente más quien queda atrás. | Felt more keenly by the one left behind. |
behind | Malo está escondida atrás de ellas. | St. Malo's is hidden behind them. |
behind | Fue difícil dejar a todos atrás. | It was difficult to leave it all behind. |
ago | Salí por discapacidad unas semanas atrás. | Just got off disability a few weeks ago. |
ago | Por eso Lisa se excusó minutos atrás. | So that's why Lisa excused herself a few minutes ago. |
ago | Desapareció de mi cartera unas semanas atrás. | A few weeks ago, it went missing from my purse. |
back | El ladrón dio un paso atrás al ver a los policías. | The thief took a step back when he saw the police. |
behind | Al frente de la biblioteca está la heladería, y atrás queda la casa de mis padres. | Across from the library there's an ice cream parlour, and behind that is my parents' house. |
back | No mires hacia atrás cuando salgas del infierno, Orfeo. | Don't look back when you come out of Hell, Orpheus. |
years ago | Años atrás viajamos a Chile. | We went to Chile years ago. |
go back on your word | Los jefes dieron marcha atrás y no aumentarán los sueldos. | The supervisors went back on their word and didn't increase salaries. |
leave [sth] behind, put [sth] behind you | María dejó esa relación atrás. | Maria left that relationship behind. |
back out | Siempre se echa para atrás ante el primer obstáculo. | He always backs out when faced with the first obstacle. |
back out | No importa lo que me digas, no me voy a echar para atrás. | I don't care what you tell me, I am not backing out. |
back out | Carlos me invitó a salir, pero se echó atrás el día de la cita. | Carlos invited me out but he backed out at the last minute. |
get worse | Desde que comenzó la ley seca, la venta de vino va hacia atrás como los cangrejos. | The sale of wine has gotten worse since the prohibition law was passed. |
be astonished, be gobsmacked | Se fue para atrás cuando vio la exorbitante cuenta del hotel. | He was astonished when he saw the exorbitant hotel bill. |
reverse, reverse gear | Para poner marcha atrás, debes usar la palanca de cambios. | To change into reverse (or: reverse gear) you need to use the gearstick. |
withdrawal | La marcha atrás es uno de los métodos anticonceptivos más antiguos. | Withdrawal is one of the oldest methods of contraception. |
fall behind | Laura se quedó atrás y perdió la carrera. | Laura fell behind and lost the race. |
look back | El abuelo volvió la vista atrás y habló de su juventud. | Grandpa looked back and spoke of his youth. |