author | El autor fue acusado del asesinato y enjuiciado. | The author was accused of committing the crime and brought to trial. |
author | 5.2 El autor reitera sus argumentos presentados inicialmente. | 5.2 The author reiterates the arguments he put forward at the outset. |
author | Los documentos facilitados por el autor tampoco avalan sus afirmaciones. | The documents provided by the author did not further support his claims. |
author | También concluyó que los procedimientos seguidos no perjudicaron al autor. | It also concluded that the procedures followed did not prejudice the author. |
author | El autor nunca conoció los resultados. | The author was never informed of the outcome. |
author | Cualquier autor debe ser fácil de imitar. | Any author should be an easy one to match. |
author | Ambas declaraciones, según el autor eran falsas. | Both statements, according to the author, were false. |
author | Estoy ejerciendo mi prerrogativa como el autor original. | I am now exercising my prerogative as the original author. |
author | Hay una foto del autor adentro. | The inside back flap, there's a picture of the author. |
author | Porque quiere que despida al autor inmediatamente. | Because he wants you to fire the author immediately. |
author | El autor considera que las ha desempeñado correctamente. | The author believes that he has so carried out his functions. |
author | Se enviará un recordatorio al autor. | A reminder to the author will be sent. |
complainant | El Estado parte tampoco había proporcionado indemnización al autor. | The State party has also failed to provide compensation to the complainant. |
complainant | También declaró que esas observaciones serían transmitidas al autor. | It was also stated that these observations would be transmitted to the complainant. |
complainant | Las autoridades detuvieron al autor porque era probable que huyera. | The complainant was detained by the authorities as it was probable that he would flee. |
complainant | 7.7 Durante la investigación preliminar, el autor hizo declaraciones contradictorias. | 7.7 In the course of the preliminary inquiry, the complainant gave contradictory statements. |
perpetrator | Según Svend es el mismo autor. | According to Svend it is the same perpetrator. |
perpetrator | Había escuchado mi teoría sobre el autor así que... | He'd heard my theory about the perpetrator so... l explained it to him but he dismissed it. |
author | Una revista literaria reveló que el hombre que autografió los libros se hizo pasar por el autor, quien prefiere el anonimato. | A literary magazine revealed that the man who autographed the books was pretending to be the author, who preferred anonymity. |
author, writer | Quisimos contactarnos con los autores del proyecto, pero no fue posible. | We wanted to contact the authors (or: writers) of the project but that wasn't possible. |
perpetrator | Los autores del ataque fueron detenidos en un centro comercial tras ser identificados por un comerciante. | The perpetrators of the attack were stopped at a shopping mall after being identified by a retailer. |