repeat | Tendrá que repetir ese veredicto por problemas de flatulencia. | You're going to have to repeat that verdict since we had some flatulence issues. |
repeat | Podemos repetir mi experimento cuando quieras. | We can repeat my experiment any time you want. |
repeat | Considero necesario repetir algunos de sus conceptos. | I consider it necessary to repeat some of the points made in that address. |
repeat | Aunque eliminaría la posibilidad de repetir el negocio. | Of course, that would eliminate your opportunity to repeat business. |
repeat | Permítaseme repetir ese acto tan simbólico desde esta excelsa tribuna. | Allow me to repeat that very symbolic act from this lofty rostrum. |
repeat | No tienes que repetir mis errores. | You don't have to repeat my mistakes. |
repeat | Cosas que ni siquiera deseo repetir. | Things I don't even want to repeat. |
repeat | Señora Grandfort, déjeme repetir su contestacióna mi pregunta anterior. | Madame Grandfort, let me repeat your answer to my earlier question. |
repeat | Déjenme repetir lo que han ordenado. | - Let me repeat what you have ordered. |
repeat | Perdóname si no quiero repetir la experiencia. | Excuse me if I don't want to repeat the experience. |
repeat | Pero podemos repetir ese accidente como un experimento controlado. | But we can repeat that accident as an experiment under controlled conditions. |
repeat | Quiere repetir el hecho de 1958. | He wants to repeat the feat of 1958. |
repeat | Porque no quiero repetir los errores del pasado. | Because I don't want to repeat the mistakes of the past. |
repeat | Pero es suficiente enseñarlo que puedo repetir. | But it's not enough to show them I can repeat. |
repeat | Sólo está haciéndole repetir su testimonio. | You're just making her repeat her testimony. |
repeat | Quise matarme porque no quería repetir el año... | I wanted to die because I didn't want to repeat a year. |
repeat | Tendrás que repetir eso, Fury. | CAPTAIN AMERICA: You're going to have to repeat that, Fury. |
repeat | Tenemos que repetir el experimento para verificar los resultados. | We have to repeat the experiment to verify the results. |
repeat | Pongan atención porque no voy a repetir las instrucciones. | Pay attention, because I'm not going to repeat the instructions. |
imitate, mimic | Los pericos repiten todo lo que escuchan. | The parakeets imitate (or: mimic) everything they hear. |
retake, resit | Tendré que repetir matemáticas porque suspendí el examen final. | I'll have to resit (or: retake) mathematics because I failed the final exam. |
have seconds of, have a second helping of, have another helping of | Todos los invitados repitieron arroz. | All the guests had seconds of the rice. |
have seconds, have second helpings | Como quiero perder peso, el médico me recomendó que dejara de repetir en las comidas. | As I want to lose weight, the doctor recommended that I stop having second helpings at meals. |
burp | Tienes que hacer que el bebé repita después de comer para expulsar los gases. | You have to make the baby burp after eating to expel the gas. |
repeat on you | La carne picada con ajo y cebolla repite mucho. | Mincemeat and garlic repeats on you a lot. |