balance | Tienes que equilibrar esas preocupaciones con permanecer abierto al público. | You know have to balance such concerns with staying open for business. |
balance | Necesita sangrar para equilibrar los humores. | It needs to bleed to balance the humours. |
balance | Realmente estás aprendiendo a equilibrar los sabores. | You're really learning how to balance your flavors. |
balance | Ni siquiera sabes equilibrar tu chequera. | You can't even balance your own checkbook. |
balance | Pongamos de tu lado para equilibrar. | We should put some on your side just to balance it. |
balance | Debes crecer y equilibrar tu vida con responsabilidad. | You got to grow up and balance your personal life with responsibility. |
balance | Chicos, deberíamos descansar y equilibrar nuestra energía. | Guys, we should rest for a bit and balance our energy. |
balance | Es algo muy difícil de equilibrar. | It's a very difficult thing to balance. |
balance | Ahora está aprendiendo a equilibrar sus talentos. | He's not - He's learning how to balance his talents. |
balance | Sí, necesitamos equilibrar nuestros presupuestos. | Yes, we need to balance our budgets. |
balance | Mi informe intenta equilibrar estas exigencias antagónicas. | My report makes an attempt to balance these conflicting requirements. |
balance | Tendrá que equilibrar descanso y actividad. | He or she will need to balance rest and activity. |
balance | Primero, debemos equilibrar el presupuesto. | First, we must balance the federal budget. |
balance | Proteger y equilibrar una piel envejecida y estresada. | To restructure and balance stressed skin or epidermis showing signs of ageing. |
balance | Simplemente decidió por su cuenta equilibrar el poste. | It simply decided on its own to balance the pole. |
balance | Está aprendiendo a equilibrar sus talentos. | He's learning how to balance his talents. |
balance | Los chicos jóvenes esperan equilibrar trabajo y familia. | Younger men today expect to be able to balance work and family. |
balance | Buscan las líneas ideales para equilibrar confort y estilo mediterráneo. | They look for the ideal lines to balance comfort and Mediterranean style. |
rebalance | Solo hay un modo de volver a equilibrar el reino. | There is only one way to rebalance the kingdom. |
balance | Equilibró la balanza para saber el peso de la sandía. | They balanced the scale to find out the exact weight of the watermelon. |
achieve a balance | Debemos equilibrar el volumen de las importaciones y exportaciones. | We must achieve a balance between imports and exports. |
balance | Fui al taller a equilibrar las ruedas porque vibran mucho. | I went to the repair shop to have the wheels balanced, because they vibrate a great deal. |