neighborhood | Nunca habíamos tenido problemas en el barrio. | Until now, we haven't had any trouble in this neighborhood. |
neighborhood | Recorrí todo el barrio con él. | I just walked around the entire neighborhood with the guy. |
neighborhood | No hay ninguna tienda en el barrio. | It needs points. I haven't noticed an all-night parts store in the neighborhood. |
neighborhood | Habrán sido los arrapiezos del barrio. | Must have been those rascals, the neighborhood youths. |
neighborhood | Yo vivo en un barrio supuestamente tranquilo. | I live in a supposedly peaceful neighborhood, Your Honor. |
neighborhood | En este barrio solo hay asesinos. | No, they only call in murders in this neighborhood. |
neighborhood | Está intentando hacerse con todo este barrio. | He's trying to take over this whole neighborhood. |
neighborhood | Y preferiría un barrio joven y ocupado. | And he'd prefer a young, busy neighborhood. |
neighborhood | Estaba en el barrio y pensé... | I was just in the neighborhood, and I thought... |
neighborhood | Hubo otro asesinato en tu barrio anoche. | There was another killing in your neighborhood last night. |
neighborhood | Descubrí una panadería increíble en tu barrio. | I found this amazing bakery right in your neighborhood. |
neighborhood | Y quizás fuera cierto en aquel barrio. | In that neighborhood, it might have been true. |
district | Ha desaparecido en el barrio de la Croix-Rousse. | She has disappeared in the district of the Croix Rousse. |
district | Imagino un ático en un artístico barrio prometedor. | I'm thinking maybe a loft in an up-and-coming arts district. |
district | Kusuda es el mejor cliente de este barrio. | Mr. Kusuda is one of the best clients in this district. |
neighbourhood | Yo reuniré a otros chicos del barrio. | I will gather some more children from the neighbourhood. |
neighbourhood | Yo que tú saldría pitando de este barrio. | Now, if I were you, I'd get out of this neighbourhood right away. |
neighbourhood | Yo estaba cuando caminabas en su barrio. | I was when you were walking in her neighbourhood. |
neighbourhood | Jamás podría regresar a ese barrio. | I could never go back to that neighbourhood. |
neighbourhood | Todos los chicos de nuestro barrio... | Otherwise, all the boys in our neighbourhood... |
neighborhood | Juan vive en un barrio de las afueras. | Juan lives in a neighborhood in the outskirts. |
arts and crafts district | El barrio artesanal atrae a muchos turistas. | The arts and crafts district attracts many tourists. |
gated community, enclave | Yésica vive en un barrio cerrado lejos del centro. | Jessica lives in a gated community far from the city centre. |
China town | Me gusta ir al barrio chino de Nueva York para comprar ropa y relojes. | I like to go to China town in New York to buy clothes and watches. |
nightlife district, nightlife area | En su viaje, visitó los barrios nocturnos. | On her trip she visited the nightlife district. |
poor neighborhood | Antes de conseguir este trabajo vivía en un barrio pobre. | Before getting this job I lived in a poor neighborhood. |
old quarter, historic quarter, old town | La catedral está en el barrio viejo de la ciudad. | The cathedral is in the old quarter of the city. |
the other side | Un infarto mandó a Diego al otro barrio. | A heart attack sent Diego to the other side. |