feeling | Es un sentimiento artificial, creado desde fuera. | It's more of an artificial feeling engendered from outside. |
feeling | Sólo quisiera no tener este sentimiento tan extraño. | Believe me. I just wish I didn't have this weird feeling. |
feeling | Me está robando el sentimiento de logro. | You're robbing me of the feeling of achievement. |
feeling | No creo que tuviera ningún sentimiento. | I don't think he had any feeling. |
feeling | Es el mayor sentimiento que tienes. | It's the biggest feeling you've got. |
feeling | Estoy comprobando para ver si tiene algún sentimiento. | I'm checking to see if she has any feeling. |
feeling | Y esta vez... con verdadero sentimiento. | And this time, just... with real feeling. |
feeling | Estoy lleno de un sentimiento de bondad. | I am filled to the brim with a feeling of goodness. |
feeling | Espero que encuentre más sentimiento en éste. | I hope you find more feeling in this one. |
feeling | De repente tuve un extraño sentimiento. | All of a sudden I got a weird feeling. |
feeling | Tenía un sentimiento primaveral en mi. | I had a feeling of spring in me. |
feeling | Pero en esa habitación había tal sentimiento... | But in that room there was such a feeling... |
feeling | Imagina eso, que agradable sentimiento es. | Imagine that - what a nice feeling it is. |
feeling | Desperté con un profundo e indescriptible sentimiento. | I woke up with a profound and indescribable feeling... |
feeling | Era bastante especial, ese sentimiento. | It was something quite special, that feeling. |
feeling | Pero imaginen poder comunicar pensamiento y sentimiento sin palabras. | Yet imagine being able to communicate thought and feeling without words. |
sense | Lo que quería transmitirles es ese sentimiento de urgencia. | It is this sense of urgency which I wanted to transmit to you. |
sense | Intentaba transmitir un sentimiento de pérdida. | I was trying to convey a sense of loss. |
sentiment | Aprecio el sentimiento pero solo mantengo mi asignación. | I appreciate the sentiment... but I'm simply carrying out my assignment. |
sentiment | Preferiría... un sentimiento más tierno. | It would be as good... to hear a more tender sentiment. |
feeling | Las imágenes de la guerra me producen un sentimiento de pena enorme. | Images from the war provoke a deep feeling of sadness in me. |
soulful, touching, moving | Su discurso durante el funeral de su amigo estaba lleno de sentimiento. | His speech during his friend's funeral was soulful. |