bed | Quería que durmiéramos en su cama. | She'd want us to sleep in her bed. |
bed | Muero por dejar esta cama y cortar. | I mean, I'm dying to get out of this bed and cut. |
bed | Después de verlo, vuelve a la cama. | After getting a gander at that, she has to slip back to bed and... |
bed | Me gustaría encontrar una cama blanda. | I would kind of like to have a soft bed. |
bed | No usaré la cama hasta mañana. | Won't be using the bed until morning. |
bed | Harrison está profundamente dormido en tu cama. | Harrison's out like a light on your bed. |
bed | Probablemente está saltando en alguna cama. | She probably jumpin' on a bed somewhere. |
bed | Marchando derechito a la cama ahora mismo. | Now, you march straight up to bed and right now. |
bed | Prepáreme la cama grande, dormiré aquí. | Prepare the big bed for me. I'll sleep in here. |
bed | No dormía siempre en su cama. | I didn't sleep in their bed all that time. |
bed | Habrá solamente una cama para dos personas. | There'll only be one bed for two people. |
bed | Encuentro difícil sólo levantarme de la cama. | I find it difficult just getting out of bed. |
bed | No recuerdo nuestra cama siendo tan mullida... | I don't remember our bed being so fluff... |
bed | Lo podemos aclarar en la cama. | It's a minor point, we can work it out in bed. |
bed | Estaba fumando tranquilamente en la cama. | He was in bed, and smoked quietly. |
bed | Quiero tenerlo en mi propia cama. | I want to have it in my own bed. |
bed | Viene con una cama matrimonial nueva. | It comes with a brand new double bed. |
bed | Esta mañana hallé su cama vacía. | On going to his room this morning, I found his bed empty. |
bed | Tendrás tu cama enseguida, Tobías. | You'll get your own bed in a minute, Tobias. |
bedding | Y tienes una cama extra allí. | There's some extra bedding, you know, in the closet. |
bed | La habitación del hotel tenía dos camas en lugar de una de matrimonio. | The hotel room had two single beds instead of a double. |
bed | El hospital cuenta únicamente con 300 camas. | The hospital only has 300 beds. |