bring | Deberían habernos permitido traer nuestras armas. | We should have been allowed to bring our guns. |
bring | No quiso traer desprestigio a la academia. | You didn't want to bring the sauna on the academy. |
bring | No puedes traer a alguien de afuera. | You can't just bring in a ringer from the outside. |
bring | No es seguro traer las verduras aquí. | It's not safe to bring our vegetables here. |
bring | Será mejor traer las camas aquí. | It'll be better to bring the beds in here. |
bring | Puedo traer mi motosierra para ti. | I can bring my chainsaw over for you. |
bring | Y deberías traer a Comandante Blanco contigo también. | And you should bring Commander White with you, too. |
bring | Me gustaría traer a otra persona... | I would like to bring in another person... |
bring | Es ilegal incluso traer cerveza aquí. | It's illegal to even bring beer in here. |
bring | Tengo que traer a bordo algunos restos y analizarlos. | I'll have to bring aboard some of the debris and analyse it. |
bring | Decidí traer jugadores ilegales beisbolistas profesionales. | I've decided to bring in a few ringers - professional baseballers. |
bring | También era inútil traer un cadáver. | It's also useless to bring a cadaver. |
get | Dinos que medicina traer de tus recámaras. | Tell us what medicine to get from your chambers. |
get | Vuelve a traer a Toninho y sus trovadores. | So, I want you to get Toninho and the troubadours back on the set tonight. |
have | No tengo permiso para traer chicos. | I'm not allowed to have boys over. |
have | Podemos traer un supervisor si es un problema. | We can have a supervisor come by if that's a problem. |
bring | El cartero trajo una carta. Nuestra tía trajo a su perro cuando nos visitó. | The postman brought a letter. |
wear | Carolina traía un bonito sombrero. Tu hija trae puesta tu camiseta azul. | Your daughter is wearing a blue shirt. |
bring, fetch | Trae la manta que no llego y hace frío. | Bring (or: fetch) me the blanket because it's cold and I can't reach. |
not be able to care less | Me tendría sin cuidado que las cucarachas se extinguieran. | I couldn't care less if cockroaches were extinct. |
keep [sb] on a short leash | Ana trae a su marido cortito. | Ana keeps her husband on a short leash. |
keep [sb] under your heel | El tirano trajo al pueblo debajo del zapato. | The tyrant kept the people under his heel. |
make [sb]'s life miserable | Catherine traía por la calle de la amargura a Heathcliff. | Catherine made Heathcliff's life miserable. |
bring up | El jefe trajo a colación el recorte de gastos. | The boss brought up the spending cut. |
bring up [sth] | El periódico trae a cuento el debate de los candidatos. | The newspaper brings up the candidates' debate. |
bring [sth] to light | Las excavaciones trajeron a la luz hallazgos arqueológicos. | The excavations brought archaeological findings to light. |
bring up, bring forward | Han traído a la palestra los pros y contras de los aranceles. | They have brought up the pros and cons of tariffs to the fore. |
have grave consequences | Romper relaciones con el país vecino traería cola. | Breaking relations with the neighboring country would have grave consequences. |
bring about | Los altos impuestos trajeron consigo una reducción en el consumo. | The high taxes brought about a reduction in consumption. |
worry [sb] a lot | El mal rendimiento académico de mi hijo me trae de cabeza. | My son's poor academic performance worries me a lot. |