cape | Regresando hacia Nidri podemos observar el cabo sureste de Levkada. | Returning to Nidri we can observe the southeast cape of Levkada out. |
conduct | Llevaré a cabo una explosión controlada del objeto sospechoso. | I am about to conduct a controlled explosion on the suspicious object. |
conduct | Es decir llevaban a cabo reuniones regulares. | That is, they used to conduct regular meetings. |
corporal | Voy a ascenderle a cabo de este regimiento. | So I'm going to appoint him a corporal in this regiment. |
corporal | Yo era cabo cuando se casó conmigo. | You see, I was a corporal when she married me. |
corporal | Y aprobaré su promoción al rango de cabo. | And I'm going to approve your promotion to the rank of corporal. |
corporal | A las dos semanas me hicieron cabo. | After two weeks in the service, I was appointed corporal... |
corporal | Nunca llegarás a cabo haciendo esto. | You'll never get to be a corporal doing this. |
corporal | Ahora, cabo, pensemos esto lógicamente. | Now, corporal, let's look at this thing logically. |
corporal | No lo encuentro gracioso, cabo. | I don't think that's very funny, corporal. |
corporal | Tenemos órdenes que cumplir, cabo. | Well, we have our own duty to perform, corporal. |
tail end | No puedo coserte el botón porque sólo tengo un cabo de hilo rojo. | I can't sew your button on because I've only got a tail end of red thread. |
corporal | El cabo ordenó al pelotón romper filas. | The corporal gave the platoon the order to fall out. |
after | Mi colega salió de la oficina y regresó al cabo de unas horas. | My colleague left the office and returned after a few hours. |
in the end, after all | No me importa que Diego me haya abandonado; al fin y al cabo, nuestra relación no tenía futuro. | I don't care that Diego has left me; in the end, our relationship didn't have a future. |
loose end | Hay que repasar el programa porque aún queda un cabo suelto. | You have to go over the program again because there is still a loose end. |
beginning to end | Juan leyó el libro de cabo a rabo. | Juan read the book from beginning to end. |
give a hand | No soy capaz de mover la mesa yo solo. Échame un cabo, por favor. | I can't move the table by myself. Give me a hand with this table, please. |
carry through, carry out, | Los cirujanos llevaron a cabo un trasplante múltiple. | The surgeons carried out a multiple transplant. |
after all | No te preocupes pues al fin y al cabo todo terminará bien. | Don't worry; everything will turn out OK after all. |