capital | Utilicé mi capital político para ayudarlo. | I've used my political capital to help you. |
capital | Llámalo amor capital, si quieres. | Call it love capital, if you will. |
capital | Nada debe impedir que sea nuestra capital. | Nothing must prevent us from making it our capital. |
capital | Tomemos la capital y los franceses vendrán. | Move on the capital and the French will come. |
capital | Está particularmente presente en la capital. | Its presence is particularly apparent in the capital. |
capital | Recorrió la capital del Afganistán y muchos otros pueblos. | He had been in the Afghan capital as well as several other towns. |
capital | Y seguimos esperando una aportación de capital. | And we're still waiting for one capital contribution. |
capital | Si sencillamente movemos la capital, nada cambiará. | If we just move the capital, nothing will change. |
capital | Añada un millón al presupuesto y sáquelo del capital. | Add to the budget one million, which you will subtract from the capital. |
capital | Simplemente no tiene tanto capital político. | He simply doesn't have the political capital. |
capital | Es la capital del aburrimiento universal. | This is the boredom capital of the universe. |
capital | Algunas mujeres consiguen capital formando grupos para mancomunar sus recursos. | A number of women do secure capital by forming groups to pool resources. |
capital | Uno indicó que asistía principalmente desde la capital. | One respondent indicated that attendance was mainly from the capital. |
capital | E infiltrarnos en el narcotráfico requiere capital. | And we want to infiltrate the drug trade so we must have capital. |
capital | No genera ingresos o capital garantizado. | It doesn't create income or guarantee capital. |
equity | Anuncio que el Tesoro comprará participaciones de capital. | Today I'm announcing... that the treasury will purchase equity stakes. |
equity | No tienes capital en la propiedad. | You don't have equity in the property. |
capital city | Participaron en ella seis provincias y la capital, Honiara. | A total of six provinces and the capital city, Honiara participated in the survey. |
capital city | Nuestros amigos rusos han decidido no reconstruir nuestra capital. | Our Russian friends have decided that we should not rebuild our capital city. |
capital | Madrid es la capital de España. | Madrid is the capital of Spain. |
capital | Salvaron la empresa invirtiendo capital. | They saved the business by investing more capital. |
major, gross, huge | Fue una metedura de pata capital. | It was a major blunder. |
primary, capital, main | La economía es de importancia capital para el nuevo gobierno. | The economy is of primary importance for the new government. |
capital contribution | Necesitamos el aporte de capitales extranjeros si queremos competir mundialmente. | We need foreign capital contribution if we are to compete globally. |
authorised capital increase | Se convocó a los socios para discutir el aumento del capital autorizado. | The associates were called together to discuss an authorised capital increase. |
capital assets | Los bienes de capital se emplean para producir otros bienes. | Capital assets are used to produce other properties. |
current capital, working capital | La suma de materias primas, recursos líquidos e importe de deudas de clientes y con proveedores, conforman el capital circulante. | Working capital consists of raw materials, liquid assets and debts with suppliers and customers. |
human capital | El capital humano del país aumentó en las últimas décadas. | The country's human capital has increased in recent decades. |
seed money, start up capital | Necesitamos un capital inicial para montar nuestro negocio. | We need some seed money to start up our business. |
social capital | El éxito de una sociedad depende en gran medida del capital social con el que cuente al comienzo. | The success of a society depends largely on the social capital that it has at the start. |
mortal sin | La lujuria es un pecado capital. | Lust is a mortal sin. |
capital punishment | En algunos países existe la pena capital. | Some countries have capital punishment. |
capital firm | Todos los accionistas de una sociedad de capital tienen derecho a recibir una parte de las ganancias. | All shareholders in a capital firm have the right to receive a portion of the earnings. |