way | Quiero que salgas de mi camino. | I want you to get out of my way. |
way | Hay un largo camino desde Sudamérica. | So it's a long way from South America. |
way | Tom necesita hacer su propio camino en la vida. | See, Tom's the kind of fellow... who needs to make his own way through life. |
way | Encontrarás el camino tarde o temprano. | You'll find your way sooner or later. |
way | No quiero interponerme en tu camino. | I don't want to get in your way. |
way | Recorrí el último kilómetro del camino. | I've gone the last mile of the way. |
way | Le estás haciendo creer que estoy entorpeciendo tu camino. | You really have her believing that I'm the one standing in your way. |
way | Simplemente vamos a seguir nuestro camino. | Just lead the way, and we'll follow. |
way | Pensaremos una estrategia en el camino. | We'll figure out a strategy on the way. |
way | Me manché camino al hospital con el Primer Ministro. | It got stained on my way to the hospital with the Prime Minister. |
way | Manejé todo el camino a Spencerville para entenderlo. | I drove all the way to Spencerville to get it. |
way | Sólo quería preguntarte qué camino debo tomar. | But I just wanted to ask you which way I ought to go. |
path | Exigimos un camino seguro para salir. | We demand a clear path to the exit. |
path | Creo que habría disfrutado del camino lento. | I think I would have enjoyed the slow path. |
path | Con McDermott afuera, tenemos el camino libre. | With McDermott out of commission, we've got a clear path. |
road | Estamos apenas al comienzo del camino. | We are at the very beginning of the road. |
road | Cuánto camino hemos recorrido desde entonces. | What a road we have travelled since then. |
road | Siguiendo el camino encontró una fuente. | He went down the road and came to a fountain. |
road | Este camino va directo al parque. | That road goes straight back to the park. |
road | Mantenga el camino despejado, señorita Witham. | Let's keep the road open, Miss Witham. |
road | En el siguiente cruce siga el camino de la derecha. | At the next crossroads take the road on the right. |
journey, trip | El camino hasta Barcelona conlleva siete horas. | The trip to Barcelona takes seven hours. |
halfway, halfway there | El auto se detuvo a medio camino y no volvió a arrancar. | Our car broke down halfway and wouldn't start up again. |
pave the way | Todas esas manifestaciones abrieron camino hacia una sociedad más equitativa. | All those protests paved the way for a more equitable society. |
make your way through | La joven se abrió camino entre la multitud para ver de cerca a su actor favorito. | The young woman made her way through the crowd to get a closer look at her favourite actor. |
make way, pave the way | Nuestro negocio fue pionero: se abrió camino en las ventas por Internet. | Our business was groundbreaking: it made way (or: paved the way) for internet shopping. |
make your way, pave your own path | A pesar de varios intentos fallidos, la joven sonorense logró abrirse camino en la industria discográfica. | Despite various failed attempts the young man from Sonora managed to make his way in the record industry. |
stop along the way, stop on the road | Hicimos un alto en el camino en una gasolinera para tomar un café. | We made a stop along the way at a gas station to have a coffee. |
vehicular road | Para llegar hasta la propiedad, | The path ends just past the clearing and becomes a vehicular road. |
right track, right path | Copiarse no es el camino correcto para aprobar un examen. | Copying is not the right track to pass an exam. |
on the way to, on your way to | Juan va camino de la oficina. El ejército se puso camino de la ciudad enemiga. | Juan is on his way to the office. |
dirt track | No se puede pasar en coche, es un camino de cabras. | You can't get through in a car; it's a dirt track. |
arduous journey | Terminó su largo camino de tormento, ahora la suerte le sonríe. | His arduous journey has ended, and now fate smiles upon him. |
on the way, on your way | Cuando vengas a casa, de camino te traes un kilo de limones. | Pick up a kilo of lemons on the way (or: on your way) here. |
on the way, on your way | Cuando íbamos de camino, noté que había dejado las llaves en casa. | When we were on the way (or: on our way) I realised I had left the keys at home. |
on the way | Estamos de camino a casa, llegaremos en 10 minutos. | We are on the way home; we'll arrive in 10 minutes. |
on the right path, on the right track | La consejera intenta poner en buen camino a los jóvenes problemáticos. | The counsellor tries to put problematic teens on the right path (or: on the right track). |
on the way, on your way | Lucas llamó para avisarnos que ya viene en camino. | Lucas phoned to let us know he was on the (or: his) way. |
take a break | Hay momentos en que es necesario hacer un alto en el camino. | There are times when it is necessary to take a break. |
take a break | Llevamos más de dos horas caminando; hagamos un alto. | We have been walking for over two hours. Let's take a break. |
be on the right track | Lucas va por el buen camino y seguro triunfará. | Lucas is on the right track and he will surely do well. |
go down the wrong path | Ese adolescente va por mal camino: si sus padres no hacen algo al respecto, tendrá un mal futuro. | That teenager has gone down the wrong path: if her parents don't do anything about it, she'll have a bleak future. |
be a bed of roses | Pablo tiene mucho dinero y para él la vida es un camino de rosas. | Pablo is very well-off and, for him, life is a bed of roses. |
have nothing standing in your way | Laura tiene el camino libre para tomar decisiones en su trabajo. | Laura has nothing standing in her way to make decisions at work. |