car | Es genial poder conducir un coche. | It's really great being able to drive a car. |
car | Mejor lleva el coche al aparcamiento. | You'd better drive the car to the parking Lot. |
car | Robaron mi coche en el estacionamiento. | Someone stole my car right out of the parking lot. |
car | Saltó delante del coche, y... | He sort of jumped out in front of the car, and... |
car | Hubieramos visto a alguien conducir nuestro coche. | We would have seen somebody driving off in our car. |
car | Casi saltó delante de nuestro coche. | He sort of jumped out in front of the car, and... |
car | No estamos ligando en un coche. | We're nOt in the back seat Of sOMe car at a drive-in. |
car | Os enviaré un coche mañana a recogeros. | I'm sending a car to pick you girls up tomorrow. |
car | Al coche con su amiguita delincuente. | Put him in a car with his little criminal friend. |
car | Unos tipos aparecieron y destrozaron mi coche. | Some guys just showed up and vandalized my car. |
car | Voy a intentar conseguirle un coche. | I'll try to arrange a car for you. |
car | Solo... entre en el coche. | (Groans) Just... (muffled) get in the car. |
car | Encontramos un coche abandonado en la carretera. | We found an abandoned car down the road tonight. |
car | No quiero comunistas en mi coche. | I don't want no commies in my car. |
car | Pero me vendrá bien tu coche. | But I could use your car, I'd like to get... |
car | Conservando suficiente para tirarla dentro del coche. | Saving up enough to throw around inside that car. |
car | Le detuvieron por conducir un coche robado. | Got picked up for joyriding in a stolen car. |
car | Estacioné el coche y volví corriendo. | I parked the car and I came down running. |
vehicle | Cogeremos dos chalecos de mi coche. | We need two vests out of my vehicle. |
vehicle | Necesito dinero para comprar otro coche. | I need the money to get another vehicle. |
car | Me compraré un coche, pero que sea un Volkswagen escarabajo. | He took me out for a drive in his car last night. |
car, coach | El coche restaurante está al final del convoy. | The restaurant car is at the back of the train. |
car bomb | Un coche bomba estalló frente al consulado. | A car bomb exploded in front of the consulate. |
sleeper, sleeping car | El tren de Granada a Barcelona dispone de coches cama. | The train from Granada to Barcelona offers sleepers. |
business vehicle, company car | El coche de empresa sirve para hacer entregas. | The business vehicle serves to make deliveries. |
company car | A Antonio le ofrecieron un coche de empresa como parte de la remuneración. | They offered a company car to Antonio as part of his compensation package. |
hearse | El coche fúnebre llegó al cementerio media hora antes de la ceremonia de entierro. | The hearse arrived at the cemetery half an hour before the burial ceremony. |
patrol car, police car | Lo llevaron al calabozo en el coche patrulla. | He was carried off to jail in the patrol car. |
take the car | La gente en Los Ángeles coge el coche hasta para ir al supermercado de la esquina. | People in Los Angeles take the car to go to the supermarket on the corner. |
by car | Andrea dice que es muy lejos, así que es preferible ir en coche. | Andrea says that it's very far, so it's best to go by car. |