feature | Que debería mostrar otra característica pertinente. | I should show you one other pertinent feature. |
feature | Esta casa tiene una característica muy especial. | There is one very special feature to this house. |
feature | El aspecto cotidiano del juego es considerado una característica notable. | The everyday life aspect of this game is considered a notable feature. |
feature | Nos gustaría llamar su atención sobre una característica técnica especial. | We would like to draw your attention to a special technical feature. |
feature | Lo transmitirán como una característica interesante. | They will telecast it as an interesting feature. |
feature | Ese método se está convirtiendo en una característica habitual. | That's a method that is totally becoming a regular feature of my toolkit. |
feature | Los minicompresores no disponen de esta característica. | Such a feature is not provided for in mini-compressors. |
feature | Llego así a la quinta característica de esta resolución. | I now come to the fifth feature of this motion for a resolution. |
feature | Pero este debate tiene sobre todo una característica fundamental. | Above all, however, this debate has one fundamental feature. |
characteristic | Pequeñas modificaciones introducidas en 1993 no alteran esta característica fundamental. | Minor amendments introduced in 1993 did nothing to alter this basic characteristic. |
characteristic | Esta técnica permitió asignar una característica particular a una ubicación anatómica específica. | This technique made it possible to assign a particular characteristic to a specific anatomical location. |
characteristic | Sí tienen una característica que los redime. | They do, indeed, have one redeeming characteristic. |
characteristic | Era una característica determinante de América. | It was such a defining characteristic of America. |
characteristic | Una característica del racismo es la inocencia víctima. | One characteristic of racism was the innocence of the person subjected to it. |
characteristic | Suponen que es una característica nacional. | They just assume it's some national characteristic. |
characteristic | Siempre me pregunté por qué tu especie tiene esta característica fisiológica. | Well, I've always wondered why your kind developed this physiological characteristic. |
characteristic | La impunidad característica de estos espantosos crímenes debe terminar. | The impunity that is characteristic of these heinous crimes must stop. |
characteristic | Ésa es una característica totalmente ajena a él. | This is a characteristic which would be entirely unfamiliar to him. |
property | Esta característica española maravillosa ofrece una abundancia del espacio. | This wonderful Spanish property in binissalem offers a wealth of space. |
property | Nadie serán privadas arbitrariamente de su característica. | No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property. |
trait | El buen humor es una característica de Juan. | She displayed some unpleasant personality traits during the meeting. |