near | Hay un estacionamiento cerca del hospital. | There's a parking lot near the hospital. |
near | Estaremos en el hotel cerca del aeropuerto. | We're staying at a hotel near the airport. |
near | Detecto una nave cerca del tercer planeta. | I am detecting a vessel near the third planet. |
near | Hay una intersección de procesamiento cerca. | There's a computer processing junction near here. |
near | La vigilancia es cerca del hospital. | The site is near the hospital, so go see her today. |
near | Estaba delante, cerca del obispo. | You were in front, near the bishop's nose. |
near | Conseguiremos una habitación cerca del aeropuerto. | We'll get a room near the airport. |
near | Solía ahuyentarnos si llegábamos demasiado cerca. | He used to chase us away if we got too near. |
near | Estaba intentado girar el coche cerca del acantilado... | I was trying to turn my car near the edge of the cliff. |
near | Platillo cerca Casa Blanca y Capitol. | GHQ calling all HF units. Saucer near White House and Capitol. |
close | Nuestros corazones están cerca pero parecen tan lejanos. | Our hearts are so close but seem so far away. |
close | Todos estaremos bastante cerca para repintarlo. | We shall all be close enough to repaint it. |
close | Chispas medianas, ninguna cerca del borde. | Medium chips, none too close to the outside. |
close | Tú y tu familia estaban demasiado cerca. | But you and your family were getting too close. |
close | Pero estarás lo suficientemente cerca para atacar. | But it will get you close enough to attack. |
close | No estará lo suficientemente cerca para agarrarse. | He won't be close enough to grab on. |
close | Está cerca si coges la autopista. | It's close if you take the subway. |
close | Siempre estuvimos cerca, tú y... | We've always been close, you and... |
close | Estamos cerca, pero es demasiado peligroso. | I know we were close, but this is getting too dangerous. |
close | La mantuve cerca por si precisaba defenderme. | I kept it close in case you drove a hard bargain to protect me. |
nearby | Mi oficina está cerca. | My office is nearby. |
near | Los miembros de esa secta creían que el final de los tiempos estaba cerca. | The members of the sect believed that the end of days was near. |
fence | El perro saltó la cerca y entró en el jardín. | The dog jumped over the fence into the garden. |
close up | Los niños se acercaron a la reja para ver los monos de cerca. | The children got closer to the fence to see the monkeys close up. |
examine up close | Los policías examinaron de cerca la escena del crimen. | The police examined the crime scene up close. |
closer | Necesito ver más de cerca la herida. | I need to see the injury more closely. |
tail | El policía siguió de cerca al sospechoso. | The police tailed the suspect. |
keep a close eye on | Debo vigilar de cerca al bebé, es muy inquieto. | I must keep a close eye on the baby; he's quite restless. |
live close to | Lucía vive cerca de la casa de su madre. | Lucia lives close to her mother's house. |