career | Bueno, intentemos salvar esa carrera. | Okay, let's try to save that career. |
career | Ella podría haber tenido un carrera política propia. | She could have had a political career of her own. |
career | He estado preocupándome demasiado por mi carrera. | I've been tearing my hair out over my career. |
career | Y trabajé allí durante toda mi carrera. | And I've worked there for all my career. |
career | Llevo toda mi carrera sin necesitar ninguna. | I've gone my whole career without needing one. |
career | Necesito saber que valoras tu carrera. | I need to know that you value your career. |
career | Tu carrera seguramente estaría en mejor estado. | Your career would probably be in a lot better shape. |
career | Podrías romper y comenzar con una nueva carrera. | You could make breaking and entering into a new career. |
career | Tiene una carrera fantástica por delante. | She's got a fantastic career in front of her. |
career | He seguido tu carrera estos últimos años. | I've been following your career these past couple of years. |
career | Si podría cambiar mi carrera ahora, sería neurólogo. | If I could change my career now, I'd be a neurologist. |
career | Aparentemente, quiere estropear tu carrera. | Apparently, this guy's out to wreck your career. |
race | Podríamos tener una oportunidad de ganar esta carrera. | We might just have a shot at winning this race. |
race | Estaba demasiado ocupado concentrado en la próxima carrera. | He was too busy looking ahead to the next race. |
race | En esta carrera no tenemos novios para distraernos. | We do not have boyfriends in this race to distract. |
race | Hubieras ganado la última carrera aquí. | That's good enough to take the pole in the last race here. |
race | Ahora, esto es una carrera. | Now it's a race. PILOT: We've got three more. |
race | Hay otros tres hombres en carrera. | There are three other men in the race. |
race | El lugar para la carrera será anunciado próximamente. | The venue for the big race will be announced shortly. |
race | Ya estamos listos para comenzar la gran carrera. | We are already ready stops to begin the great race. |
race | Se está organizando una carrera contra el cáncer este fin de semana. | They're organising a race against cancer for the weekend. |
degree | Juan ha terminado la carrera de Derecho. | John has finished a degree in Law. |
career | Le ha dedicado mucho a su carrera y poco a su familia. | He has put his career before his family. |
hurriedly, in a rush | Como hice mi maleta a la carrera, olvidé traer ropa interior. | Because I packed in a rush, I forgot to bring underwear. |
arms race | Los países trabajan para mejorar su carrera armamentista. | The countries are working on improving the arms race. |
royal battle, open war | Hace meses llevan adelante una carrera armamentista despiadada. | They have been running a ruthless royal battle for months. |
art studies | La carrera artística de danza es de 6 años. | It takes six years for a dance art studies program. |
artistic career | La cantante tiene una carrera artística intachable. | The singer has an impeccable artistic career. |
relay race | Jamaica ganó este año en la carrera de relevos. | Jamaica won this year's relay race. |
literature studies | La carrera literaria en esa universidad es de 5 años. | Literature studies at that university takes 5 years. |
literary career | La carrera literaria del autor incluye 12 novelas y 4 libros de cuentos. | The author's literary career includes 12 novels and 4 books of short stories. |
professional career | Los jóvenes reciben orientación en la secundaria para elegir una carrera profesional. | Youth receive guidance in high school to choose a professional career. |
career, professional life | Este médico ha visto casos muy extraños en su carrera profesional. | This doctor has seen some very rare cases in the course of his career. |
pursue a degree, major in | Luis cursó una carrera en la universidad del centro. | Luis pursued a degree at the university in the city center. |
program director, academic director | La directora de carrera propuso grandes cambios al plan de estudios. | The academic director proposed significant changes to the curriculum. |
pursue a career | El cantante hizo carrera como solista. | The singer pursued a career as a solo artist. |
have a career, pursue a career | Estudiaré para hacer carrera en medicina. | I'm studying in order to have a career in medicine. |
graduation trip | Los estudiantes de ingeniería quieren ir a París en su viaje de fin de carrera. | The engineering students want to go to Paris for their graduation trip. |