case | Probablemente deberíamos concentrarnos en el caso. | We should probably focus our attention on the case for now. |
case | La policía abandonó el caso remitiéndose explícitamente al caso Sjolie. | The police dropped the case with explicit reference to the Sjolie case. |
case | Y todos estamos intentando entender qué significa pero es caso por caso. | Now we're all still just kind of winding along and figuring out exactly what that means, but it is case by case. |
case | El Canadá estudiará las solicitudes del Relator Especial caso por caso. | Canada will consider requests by Special Rapporteurs on a case by case basis. |
case | Jamás he oído un caso semejante. | I've never heard of a case like this. |
fact | El caso es que no tenemos llave y no podemos entrar a la casa. | The fact is we don't have the key so we can't get in the house. |
case background | Estudien los antecedentes del caso antes de emitir un juicio. | Study the case background before issuing a judgement. |
close a case, shelve a case | Los abogados archivaron el caso por falta de pruebas. | The lawyers closed the case due to lack of evidence. |
concrete case | Podemos ver el ejemplo en el caso concreto del señor López. | We can look at the example in Mr. Lopez's concrete case. |
successful case | Estudiaron el proceso de inversión con un caso de éxito. | They studied the investment process using a successful case. |
case of mistreatment, case of abuse | La abogada lo presentó como un caso de maltrato laboral. | The lawyer presented it as a case of mistreatment in the workplace. |
case, chance | En el caso fortuito de incendio, rompa el vidrio. | In case of fire, break glass. |
lost cause | Intentar recuperar el móvil es un caso perdido. | Trying to get back your cell phone is a lost cause. |
lost cause | Juan es un caso perdido; no hay modo de que haga nada bien. | Juan is a lost cause. There's no way he'll ever do anything well. |
that being the case, in that case | Todo parece indicar que la compañía va a cerrar el trato. De ser ese el caso, las cosas van a mejorar. | All indications are that the company will clinch the deal. In that case, things are going to get better. |
otherwise | Espero que Richard venga, en caso contrario quedaré muy molesta. | I hope Richard comes; otherwise I'll be upset. |
in case of [sth] | El extintor no es un juguete; solo debe usarse en caso de incendio. | The fire extinguisher is not a toy, and should only be used in case of fire. |
if | Llame a recepción en caso de necesitar más toallas. | Call reception if you need more towels. |
should, if | Sigan el plan de emergencia en caso de que ocurra una catástrofe. | Follow the emergency plan should a disaster occur. |
in which case | La única excepción se daría si Analía se enfermara gravemente, en cuyo caso necesitaría un acompañante permanente. | The only exception would be if Analia becomes gravely ill, in which case, she would need a permanent carer. |
in the event of | En el caso de perder un vuelo, consulte las políticas de reembolso. | In the event of missing a flight, refer to the refund policy. |
in the event that | En el caso de que un alumno no sepa sumar, será prioridad del profesor de matemáticas enseñarle. | In the event that a student doesn't know how to add up, it will be the maths teacher's priority to teach them. |
in this case | En este caso, vamos a tener que conformarnos con lo que se acordó en la reunión. | In this case, we will have to settle for what was agreed upon in the meeting. |
under no circumstances | Por peor que esté, en ningún caso estaría dispuesto a robar. | No matter how bad off he is, under no circumstances would he be willing to steal. |
in this case | El banco le notificará, en su caso, si su crédito ha sido aprobado. | The bank will notify you, in this case, if your credit has been approved. |
in any case | Lleva un regalo o una bebida a la fiesta; en todo caso, no llegues con las manos vacías. | Bring a gift or a drink to the party; in any case, don't arrive empty-handed. |
case study | Este estudio de caso nos permitió determinar los gustos musicales de la población juvenil. | This case study will enable us to determine the musical tastes of young people. |
pay attention, take notice | Por más que el profesor alce la voz, los alumnos no hacen caso. | No matter how much the teacher raises his voice, the students don't pay any attention. |
pay attention to [sth] | Mi hijo nunca hace caso de lo que le digo. | My son never pays attention to what I tell him. |
pay attention to [sb] | Los niños deben hacer caso a sus madres. | Children should pay attention to their mothers. |
ignore | Mi abuelo me dio sabios consejos, pero hice caso omiso y ahora estoy en esta situación. | My grandfather gave me some pearls of wisdom but I ignored him and now I'm in this situation. |
ignore [sth], disregard [sth] | Es mejor hacer caso omiso de las críticas malintencionadas. | It's best to ignore malicious criticism. |
listen to | Hazme caso, lo que te digo es importante. | Listen to me. What I'm telling you is important. |
listen to [sb] | Hazle caso a tu mamá, que ella quiere lo mejor para ti. | Listen to your mom; she wants the best for you. |
when it comes to that | Llegado el caso evaluaremos nuestras opciones. | We will review our options when it comes to that. |
there's no point | ¿Para qué molestarme en presentar el examen si no estudié? No tiene caso. | Why should I bother sitting the exam if I haven't studied? There's no point. |
depending on the case, depending on the situation | Veremos qué hacer según sea el caso. | We'll see what we can do depending on the case (or: depending on the situation). |
be a lost cause | Los médicos creen que José es un caso perdido: sigue bebiendo a pesar de tener el hígado enfermo. | The doctors believe that he's a lost cause; he keeps on drinking even with a diseased liver. |
if that should happen | Una guerra internacional es poco probable, pero, si se diera el caso, nuestro país está preparado. | An international war is highly unlikely, but, if that should happen, our country is ready. |
be relevant | El jurado tiene que analizar todos los testimonios que vienen al caso antes de tomar una decisión. | The jury has to analyze all the testimonies that are relevant before making a decision. |