greater | Todo ello contribuirá a mayor transparencia, mayor confianza y mayor credibilidad. | All of this will contribute to greater transparency, greater confidence and greater credibility. |
greater | Mientras mayor la deuda, mayor el crédito. | The greater the debt, the greater the credit. |
greater | Aumenta la presencia de la clorofila provocando mayor fotosíntesis, mayor producción y mayor absorción. | Increases the presence of chlorophyll provoking greater photosynthesis, increased production and increased absorption. |
greater | Aunque claramente no tenía mayor importancia ni mayor significado artístico a los ojos del jurado... | But it clearly had no greater importance nor a higher artistic meaning in the eyes of the judges... |
greater | Esto da como resultado una mayor confianza interpretativa y una mayor precisión. | This results in higher interpretive confidence and greater accuracy. |
greater | Las estrellas más densas con mayor gravedad superficial exhiben mayor ampliación de la presión de líneas espectrales. | Denser stars with higher surface gravity exhibit greater pressure broadening of spectral lines. |
greater | Para lograr una mayor igualdad en esta esfera es necesario que las mujeres tengan mayor independencia económica. | Increased economic independence for women was important in achieving greater equality in that area. |
greater | Esto exige un mayor multilateralismo, más responsabilidad colectiva y una mayor cooperación. | This calls for increased multilateralism, more collective responsibility and greater cooperation. |
greater | Esta mayor inestabilidad es una manifestación de la mayor vulnerabilidad de estos países. | This greater volatility is a manifestation of these countries' greater vulnerability. |
greater | Se consideraba que una mayor sinergia entre las organizaciones produciría mayor eficacia. | It was believed that greater synergy among the organizations would bring greater effectiveness. |
greater | Son medios de lograr una mayor eficiencia, un mayor crecimiento y más bienestar. | They are means to greater efficiency, higher growth and increased welfare. |
greater | Aún no está claro qué modelo se apoyará: mayor centralización o mayor descentralización. | It is still unclear, which of the models will be supported - greater centralisation or greater decentralisation. |
greater | Los desastres naturales golpean con mayor furia y en número mayor que nunca. | Natural disasters strike with greater fury, and in greater numbers, than ever before. |
greater | Entonces tendrá mayor validez y mayor peso. | Then it would have greater validity and greater weight. |
higher | Normalmente, un mayor rendimiento esperado implica una mayor volatilidad. | Normally, higher expected return implies higher volatility and drawdown. |
higher | Han adquirido mayor energía cinética de acuerdo con su mayor temperatura. | They have acquired higher kinetic energy with their higher temperature. |
higher | Aunque claramente no tenía mayor importancia ni mayor significado artístico a los ojos del jurado... | But it clearly had no greater importance nor a higher artistic meaning in the eyes of the judges... |
higher | Esto da como resultado una mayor confianza interpretativa y una mayor precisión. | This results in higher interpretive confidence and greater accuracy. |
higher | Las estrellas más densas con mayor gravedad superficial exhiben mayor ampliación de la presión de líneas espectrales. | Denser stars with higher surface gravity exhibit greater pressure broadening of spectral lines. |
higher | Son medios de lograr una mayor eficiencia, un mayor crecimiento y más bienestar. | They are means to greater efficiency, higher growth and increased welfare. |
higher | A mayor calificación, mayor salario. | The higher the qualifications, the higher the wage. |
increased | La mayor responsabilidad exige un mayor compromiso político y mayores recursos. | Increased responsibility calls for increased political commitment and resources. |
increased | Aumenta la presencia de la clorofila provocando mayor fotosíntesis, mayor producción y mayor absorción. | Increases the presence of chlorophyll provoking greater photosynthesis, increased production and increased absorption. |
increased | Esto exige un mayor multilateralismo, más responsabilidad colectiva y una mayor cooperación. | This calls for increased multilateralism, more collective responsibility and greater cooperation. |
increased | Los usuarios obtienen como beneficios una mayor conveniencia, mayor fiabilidad y una mayor especificidad. | Users benefit from more convenience, better reliability, and increased specificity. |
older | Su hermana mayor es mayor que mi hermano mayor. | His older sister is older than my oldest brother. |
better | Los usuarios obtienen como beneficios una mayor conveniencia, mayor fiabilidad y una mayor especificidad. | Users benefit from more convenience, better reliability, and increased specificity. |
oldest | Su hermana mayor es mayor que mi hermano mayor. | His older sister is older than my oldest brother. |
largest, biggest, greatest | Mi mayor problema es que he perdido mi cartera con mi dinero e identificación. | My biggest problem is that I lost my wallet with my money and my identification. |
greater, higher | El ingeniero recomendó usar un metal de mayor resistencia para el puente. ¿Crees que tu dolor es mayor que el mío? | The engineer recommended using a higher strength metal for the bridge. Do you think your pain is greater than mine? |
highest | El mayor salario se lo pagan a la directora de la empresa. | The director earns the highest salary. |
higher, larger | Si haces un buen trabajo, te pagaré una suma mayor. Bogotá tiene una población mayor que la de Quito. | Bogota has a larger population than Quito. |
oldest, eldest | Siempre voy a la iglesia con mi nieto mayor. El hijo mayor de Pedro se llama Andrés. | Pedro's eldest son is called Andrés. |
older | Mi abuelo es viejo, pero el padre de Tomás es mayor. Ana es mayor que Juan. | Anna is older than John. |
largest, biggest | El mayor volcán del país se encuentra en esta zona. | The largest volcano in the country is in this area. |
larger, bigger | Este palacio es grande, pero el de mi familia es aún mayor. Papá compró unos viñedos mayores que los del abuelo. | This palace is big, but my family's is even bigger. |
elderly | Había un hombre mayor sentado en el parque. | There was an elderly man sitting in the park. |
elders | Hay que respetar a los mayores. | We must respect our elders. |
grow up | Cuando sea mayor, quiero ser bombero y astronauta. | When I grow up, I want to be a firefighter and an astronaut. |
grown-up | ¡Ya no quiero que los mayores me digan lo que tengo que hacer! | I don't want grown-ups telling me what to do anymore! |
no | Reparar el auto no fue mayor problema para el mecánico. | Repairing the car was no problem for the mechanic. |
main | La calle mayor del pueblo se llena de gente los domingos. | The town's main street is full of people on Sundays. |
head | El cocinero mayor aprendió su oficio en Francia. | The head chef learned his trade in France. |
as soon as possible | Le remitiremos la información solicitada a la brevedad. | We will give you the information as soon as possible. |
senior citizen | Tu abuela es un adulto mayor y hay cosas que ya no puede hacer. | Your grandmother is a senior citizen and there are certain things that she cannot do any more. |
wholesale | Fui a comprar una persiana pero esta tienda sólo vende al por mayor. | I went to buy blinds but this shop only sells wholesale. |
assign a higher value | Debemos asignar mayor valor a los subsidios. | We should assign a higher value to the subsidies. |
greater and greater | La preocupación por el aumento del paro es cada vez mayor. | The concern for increased unemployment is greater and greater. |
big game hunt | El restaurante trabaja con cortes de caza mayor. | The restaurant works with cuts from big game hunt. |
residence hall | El colegio mayor queda a solo cinco minutos del campus. | The residence hall is just five minutes from the campus. |
wholesale trade | En esta calle hay mucho comercio al por mayor. | There is a lot of wholesale trade on this street. |
all the more reason | Si existe una amenaza de epidemia, con mayor razón habría que implementar medidas preventivas. | A threat of an epidemic exists, all the more reason to implement preventative measures. |
the bigger, the better | Cuanto mayor sea el candidato, mejor. | The bigger the candidate, the better. |
act of God | No pudo ir al trabajo por una causa de fuerza mayor. | He could not go to work because of an act of God. |
in descending order | Los niños formaron fila de mayor a menor. | The children lined up in descending order. |
in ascending order | Juan ordenó los bloques de menor a mayor. | Juan arranged the blocks in ascending order. |
to a greater or lesser extent | Todos, en mayor o menor medida, nos esforzamos para asistir a las víctimas. | All of us, to a greater or lesser extent, strove to help the victims. |
General Staff | El Estado Mayor dará su opinión en cuanto a la estrategia que debe seguir el Ejército. | The General Staff will issue its opinion about the strategy to be followed by the Army. |
force majeure | Juan no ha ido al trabajo por causas de fuerza mayor; se ha muerto su madre. | Juan didn't go to work because of force majeure; his mother died. |
get old | Hay más dolencias físicas al hacerse mayor. | As you get old you feel more aches and pains. |
grow up | Se está haciendo mayor la niña. | The girl is growing up. |
president | El hermano mayor dio inicio a la reunión. | The president started the meeting. |
firstborn | La hermana mayor siempre recibe toda la atención. | The firstborn always gets all of the attention. |
older brother | Mi hermano mayor es abogado. | My older brother is an attorney. |
oldest son | Mañana se casa mi hijo mayor. | My oldest son is getting married tomorrow. |
Chief of Staff | Carlos fue ascendido a Jefe de Estado Mayor. | Carlos was promoted to Chief of Staff. |
adult | La policía detuvo a dos personas mayores de edad por tráfico de drogas. | The police arrested two adults for drug trafficking. |
adult | Todos los mayores de edad tienen la obligación de votar. | All adults are required to vote. |
greater than | Un cuarto es mayor que un octavo. | A quarter is greater than an eighth. |
Great Bear, Big Dipper | La Osa Mayor es visible todo el año en el hemisferio norte. | The Great Bear is visible all year in the Northern Hemisphere. |
on top of that | El autor es un desconocido y, para más inri, es compatriota nuestro. | The author is unknown and, on top of that, he is our compatriot. |
to cap it all, to make matters worse | A Joaquín le hicieron una broma pesada en la oficina y, para más inri, grabaron un vídeo y lo publicaron en internet. | They played a practical joke on Joaquín in the office and, to make matters worse, they recorded a video of it and posted it on the internet. |
top brass | El director invitó a cenar a toda la plana mayor de la empresa. | The director invited all of the company's top brass to dinner. |
staff | La plana mayor del Ejército se reunió para discutir las maniobras. | The army staff got together to discuss new strategies. |
staff officer | Los generales y oficiales de la plana mayor de Marina fueron condecorados. | The Marine staff officer received the medal of honor. |
main square | La plaza mayor de este pueblo aún conserva su encanto. | The town's main square still preserves its charm. |
in brief | Tales son por mayor las atribuciones de la dirección general de estudios. | Those, in brief, are the responsibilities of the Director General for Research. |
general | La directora nos pidió un resumen por mayor de la situación actual. | The director asked us for a general summary of the current situation. |
wholesale price | Soy mayorista y en este almacén me hacen precio al por mayor. | I'm a wholesaler and in this store they give me the wholesale price. |
wholesaler | Cerca del puerto hay muchos establecimientos de vendedores al por mayor. | Many wholesalers have establishments near the port. |
wholesale | La venta al por mayor está restringida a los minoristas. | Wholesale is restricted to retailers. |