cause | Una pauta de violaciones ilícitas sería causa de grave preocupación. | A pattern of unlawful violations would be a cause for greater concern. |
cause | Seguiremos trabajando en esta causa común para derrotar esas enfermedades devastadoras. | We will continue to work in common cause to defeat these devastating diseases. |
cause | También causa inflamación en otras áreas del organismo. | It may also cause inflammation in other areas of the body. |
cause | Estamos investigando la causa del incendio. | We're investigating the cause of the fire. |
cause | Consideremos cuánto beneficiaría el incidente a la causa activista. | One has to imagine how this incident could benefit to activists cause. |
cause | Una pelea también explicaría la causa del accidente. | A struggle would also explain the cause of the accident. |
cause | Cualquier intento de socavar nuestra causa sería inútil. | Any further attempt to undermine our cause would be futile. |
cause | Dediqué mi vida a nuestra causa. | I've dedicated my life to our cause. |
cause | Ellos nunca averiguarán cuál es la causa. | They will never find out what is the cause. |
cause | Recuérdele que es una causa perdida. | Remind him that it's a lost cause... |
cause | Sentir vergüenza sin causa es un desperdicio. | To feel shame for no cause is a waste. |
cause | Esa causa no era menos desesperada. | At the time, that cause was no less desperate. |
cause | Empeñé mis ganancias para tal causa. | I pledged my winnings to such a cause. |
cause | Quiero saber la causa de tu intranquilidad. | I want to know the cause of your restlessness. |
cause | Es la principal causa de muerte. | It's the leading cause of death in the world. |
cause | Estaré bien si no me causa problemas. | I'll be fine if you don't cause me trouble. |
cause | Significa luchar juntos por una causa común con beneficios comunes. | I means fighting together... for a common cause with mutual advantages. |
case | En esta causa represento al demandante. | In this case, I appear for the plaintiff. |
case | Si armamos una causa contra Rowan... | If we can build a case against Rowan... |
reason | Todos los empleados retirados por esta causa... | All employees who have been retired for that reason... |
cause | La causa del accidente ha sido el exceso de velocidad. | Do you have any idea what the cause of the accident was? |
reason, motive | No había causa alguna para reaccionar como lo has hecho. | There was absolutely no reason for you to react like that. |
because of | Varias empresas han hecho recortes de personal a causa de la crisis económica. | Several companies have made staffing cuts because of the economic crisis. |
therefore | Ayer hubo un accidente en la fábrica, a causa de lo cual esta permanecerá cerrada mientras se llevan a cabo las investigaciones. | There was an accident at the factory yesterday, therefore, it will remain closed until inquiries have been carried out. |
in favor of the cause | Todos los países están de acuerdo en terminar la guerra y actuarán a favor de la causa. | All countries are in agreement to put an end to the war and will act in favor of the cause. |
artificial cause, human cause | La extinción esa especie se debió a una causa artificial. | In light of the present emergency, we should analyse human causes of global climate change. |
grounds for divorce | El abandono del hogar conyugal es una causa de divorcio. | Spousal abandonment is grounds for divorce. |
cause of death | La tuberculosis fue la principal causa de muerte en aquella época. | Tuberculosis was the principal cause of death in that era. |
reason for rejection, cause for rejection | La aprobación de la ley fue causa de rechazo entre el pueblo. | The passing of the law was a cause for rejection among the public. |
just cause | La organización luchaba por una causa justa. | The organization fought for a just cause. |
legitimate cause, legitimate reason | Estar enfermo es una causa justa para no ir a una fiesta. | Being sick is a legitimate cause for not going to a party. |
lost cause | Muchos creen que la paz mundial es una causa perdida. | Many believe that world peace is a lost cause. |
honorary | Le darán un reconocimiento honoris causa. | He will be given an honorary recognition. |
fight for a cause | Las mujeres de los 60 luchaban por la causa feminista. | The women of the 60s fought for the feminist cause. |
for a good cause | El caudillo murió por una buena causa. | The leader died for a good cause. |
join the cause | Los trabajadores se unieron a la causa de sus compañeros. | The workers joined the cause of their colleagues. |