character | Hay un personaje fuera que parece terriblemente nervioso. | There's a character out here who seems to be terribly excited. |
character | Es mi personaje y trae esta voz. | I was trying to find my character and I came up with this voice. |
character | Y ese espectador no tiene acceso al personaje. | And that viewer doesn't have access to the character. |
character | Realmente buscaba arriesgarme con un personaje dinámico. | I was already thinking of taking a risk on a dynamic character piece. |
character | Qué personaje, solo él los llamaría así. | What a character, only Nathan would give them names like that. |
character | Mi personaje no hubiera actuado así. | A little overdramatic, my character would never react in such a way. |
character | Y tocó ese personaje, pensé, simplemente brillante. | And he played that character, I thought, just brilliantly. |
character | Me encanta como ha reinterpretado al personaje. | I love how this reinvented the character for today. |
character | Encaro mi personaje como tributo a Gambini. | I endow my character with a tribute to Gambini. |
character | Armé una historia para mi personaje. | I came up with a backstory for my character. |
character | No, estoy dibujando el personaje. | No, I'm coloring the character in for you. |
character | Ver a ese personaje durante años... | To see that character over the, now, years... |
character | La oportunidad de continuar explorando este increíble personaje que habéis creado. | The opportunity to continue to explore This amazing character that you've created. |
character | Un anuncio, un personaje del subconsciente. | An advertisement or a character in a novel, subconsciously remembered. |
character | Bob prefirió mostrar que su personaje había madurado. | That was a choice of Bob's to show his character had grown. |
character | Tenía una visión fascinante del personaje. | He had a fascinating insight into the character. |
character | Lucifer, preparaste mucho tu personaje. | Lucifer, you did so much prep on your character. |
character | Quizás conozcan a este personaje dramático. | You may be familiar with this dramatic character. |
character | Es mi personaje favorito de Marvel... | Who's, like, my favorite Marvel character ever... |
role | Digo, debía hacer este personaje. | I mean, I was meant to play this role. |
celebrity | El empresario es todo un personaje en su ambiente. En la velada había personajes del mundo de los negocios. | The businessman is a celebrity in his environment. |
character | Mi personaje en la función de esta noche me encanta. | I love my character in tonight's show. |